
tǔ pō
  • slope
土坡 [tǔ pō]
  • [a slight slope] 比地面高的斜土坡儿

  1. 含水率对厚土坡变形影响的FLAC~(3D)数值模拟研究

    FLAC ~ ( 3D ) Numerical Simulation of Water Content Effect on Thick Soil Slope Distortion

  2. Windows下的土坡稳定性分析研究

    Slope stability analysis and research under Windows

  3. 基于定值分析方法用FORM算法分析土坡稳定的可靠性

    Application of form method to the reliability analysis of clayey soil slope

  4. 基于Monte-Carlo法的土坡抗震可靠度分析

    Reliability Study on Earth Slopes under Earthquake Based on Monte-Carlo Method

  5. 土坡稳定分析简化Bishop法的数值解

    Numerical solution of simplified Bishop method for stability analysis of soil slopes

  6. 随着q的继续增大,塑性区不断扩大,土坡处于弹塑性状态;

    With the increase of q , the plastic zone would extend , and the slope is in the elasto plastic state .

  7. 利用~(137)Cs技术研究黑土坡耕地土壤再分布特征

    Redistribution patterns of black soil in hillslope landform of Northeast China : A ~ ( 137 ) Cs study

  8. 当q等于极限荷载时,土坡达到极限平衡状态,坡内应力可分为三个区。

    If q equals limit load , the slope is in limit equilibrium state . The slope may be divided into three zones .

  9. 土坡可靠度的随机BISHOP法

    Random BISHOP Method of Soil Slope Reliability

  10. 确定了土坡稳定可靠度分析的计算模型及基本变量C、φ的分布类型,介绍了可靠度分析的主要方法。

    The model of reliability analysis on slope stability and the probabilistic style of the essential variations C , Φ have been established . Several main methods of the reliability analysis are introduced .

  11. VB6.0在土坡稳定性分析中的应用

    Application on Soil Slope Stability Analysis with VB6.0

  12. 三峡库区紫色土坡耕地土壤侵蚀的~(137)Cs示踪研究

    Erosion Rate of Purple Soil on a Cultivated Slope in the Three Gorges Reservoir Region Using ~ ( 137 ) Cs Technique

  13. SCS模型在紫色土坡地降雨径流量估算中的运用

    Application of SCS Model to Estimate the Volume of Rainfall Runoff in Sloping Field of Purple Soil

  14. 基于系列Drucker-Prager破坏准则评述土坡的稳定性

    Comments on slope stability based on a series of Drucker-Prager failure criteria

  15. 以有限元强度折减系数理论为基础,应用有限元分析软件ADINA,建立了空间模型,分析了土坡的应力场和变形场。

    The stability analysis used FEM software-ADINA which based on strength reduction to built space model .

  16. WEPP模型在紫色土坡面侵蚀预测中的应用研究

    Study on Application of WEPP Model for Sloping Surface Erosion Prediction in Purple Soil

  17. 4.5H线和36°线检算土坡稳定的误差分析

    Error Analysis of line 4.5H and line 36 ° Calculate Slope Stability

  18. 回填土坡比减小时,边墩和底板位移有减小的趋势,但是变化比较小;土体强度参数粘聚力C和内摩擦角φ与边墩应力位移之间均存在很强的相关关系。

    As the backfill rate decreases , the displacements of side piers and bottom slap both have a trend of the decreasing , but the change is very slight ; there are strong contacts between the cohesive force of soil C and internal friction angle ?

  19. 采用降低c和tanφ值的思路得出土坡稳定的安全储备系数,并与定值方法指标进行比较。

    Meanwhile , lowering the value of c and tan φ, soil stable safe reserve coefficient could be gained , which was compared with the safe coefficient and reliability index that was obtained by the way of deterministic method .

  20. 同时,为了验证有限元法分析土坡安全系数的可靠性,利用传统的Bishop法作了对比分析。

    At the same time , to check the reliability of using the finite element method to analyse the soil slope safety coefficient , the traditional Bishop method is compared .

  21. 本文从极限稳定边坡原理出发,提出等K边坡概念和适用于非均质土坡并考虑各种复杂荷载的实用合理边坡设计方法;

    Based on the principle of critical slope profile , this paper defines the concept of " equal-K slope " and develops the method for the design of practical and reasonable slope which applies to nonuniform earth slope considering all kinds of loads .

  22. 用正态概率分布函数的蒙特卡洛法,计算了土坡破坏概率Pr,给出了土坡安全可靠度设计指标pr,最后以一个实际的深基坑土坡工程为例。

    Using the Monte Carlo method of normally distributed probability function , the failure probability ( Pf ) of earth slope is calculated and the reliability design criterion ( Pr ) of earth slope is given .

  23. 由于简化BISHOP法得到的极限状态方程是隐函数,不能直接进行逆可靠度分析。因此,本文将响应面法应用到其中,建立显式的土坡稳定极限状态方程。

    Response surface method is applied here to establish explicit slope stability limit state equation for that the limit state equation obtained by Bishop method is implicit and cannot be used directly .

  24. 本文采用有限元追踪分析方法,考虑破裂点的应力迁移,对土坡稳定这一传统问题进行了研究。分析表明,其单糖组成为Glc。

    In this paper , the problem of stabilization for soil slopes is studied by tracking analysis with the finite element method , the redistribution of stress around the fracture element is considered .

  25. 对现场土坡形态进行简化,以简化后的土坡作为计算模型,分析了VG模型参数、土层分布、坡比、降雨持续时间和非饱和渗透系数推定模型的选择对数值模拟结果的影响。

    The factors which effect on the infiltration are analysis , including parameters in VG model , soil distribution , angle of slope , rainfall duration and the predicting model for the coefficient of permeability of unsaturated soil .

  26. 以国内广泛使用的传递系数法的平衡方程为基础,运用国际结构安全度联合委员会(JCSS)推荐的验算点法建立土坡稳定性概率分析模型。

    Based balance equation of transfer coefficient method that widely used in domestic , applying checking point method recommended by JCSS , establish probability analysis for stability of slope model .

  27. 在降雨特征参数中,平均雨强是反映紫色土坡地径流系数、泥沙量和径流含沙量的最好特征参数,I30则能最好的反映紫色土坡地径流量的变化;

    Among the rainfall characteristic parameters , average rainfall intensity is a best one to reflect runoff coefficients , silt amount and silt content of runoff , and I_ ( 30 ) is the best one to reflect the change of runoff amount in purple soil sloping farmland ;

  28. 川中丘陵区紫色土坡耕地产流特征试验研究

    Experimental Study on Runoff Characteristics of Slope Land in Sichuan Basin

  29. 渗流作用下土坡稳定分析的积分法

    Integration method for stability analysis of earth slope under seepage flow

  30. 土坡稳定分析最优控制法

    The Optimal Control Method to Analyze the Stability of Soil Slopes