
  1. 四系罐以及双系罐由圆鼓腹发展至弧腹,器身由矮变高。

    Four tank and double tank by a round drum abdomen to arc abdomen , the body taller .

  2. 目的探讨经肝圆韧带进腹法的临床应用价值。

    Objective To discuss the clinical application of modified procedure of laparotomy through ligamentum teres hepatis .

  3. 姊妹俩一路走着,经过一块空地,地上布满了无数很大的圆石头。罐子腹上一个布满密网的大圆圈里,有一个粗放的黑彩勾画的怪人。

    Their road led them across a bare stretch of land strewn with boulders of rock . In the middle of a circle covered with a net pattern painted on the belly of the jar , there was grotesque human figure outlined in black .