
yuán qiú
  • a ball;sphere;a globe;pommel
圆球[yuán qiú]
  1. 刺猬蜷成一个圆球。

    The hedgehog scrunched itself up into a ball .

  2. 该团队的领导者,安迪哈伦告诉《每日电讯报》的记者,我们创造出了几近完美的圆球,比之前的任何一种都要圆。

    The group leader , Andy Harland , told the Telegraph newspaper , We have created a ball that is almost perfectly round , and more accurate than ever before .

  3. 橄榄球比赛用的不是圆球。

    Rugby isn 't played with a round ball .

  4. 用两把小匙将奶酪混合物塑成圆球或椭圆球形状。

    Using 2 spoons , mould the cheese mixture into small balls or ovals

  5. 现在从考察一无应力物体中的圆球形单元体开始讨论。

    We begin by considering a spherical element in an unstressed body .

  6. 我看到了一个巨大的纯蓝色圆球——地球家园。

    I saw the huge round pure blue globe home planet .

  7. 在同样情况下,其他种类的千足虫可能会蜷缩成较为松散的螺旋形圆盘,或者形成溜圆的圆球

    Other types of millipedes may curl into a looser , sloppier spiral or form a neat ball .

  8. 尽管和其他所有哺乳动物一样长着圆圆的肛门,但是毛鼻袋熊拉的便便却不是圆球状、螺旋状或乱糟糟的一堆,它们是地球上唯一拉方形便便的生物。

    Despite having round anuses like all other mammals , bare-nosed wombats2 do not produce round pellets , tubular coils or messy piles ; they are the only creature on Earth that poops cubes .

  9. 带有微弱章动的圆球在粗糙水平面上的运动挑战X运动

    Exercise . The Motion of a Sphere with Weak Nutation on a Rough Horizontal Plane

  10. 从每个铜质吊头悬挂一个立体玻璃小圆球,微小的LED光源通过它得以大幅放大。

    Each bronze bud has a solid glass drop hanging from it through which light from a tiny LED is magnified .

  11. TEM照片表明所制得的α-Al2O3纳米粉体颗粒形貌为发育完好的圆球状。

    And TEM showed the morphology of α - Al_2O_3 nano powder prepared above was ball .

  12. 圆球壳Stokes渗透流动的一个准确解

    An Exact Solution of the Stokes Flow around the Sphere Shell with Filtration

  13. SEM分析表明,膜层由大量直径0.1~0.3μm的圆球状颗粒沉积而成。

    The SEM results show that the films are deposited by lots of particles with diameters of 0.1 ~ 0.3 μ m.

  14. 对于有一定几何特征的基本体素BOX、圆球、圆柱、圆锥进行了详细的透视反求,给出了其相应的算法原理,并做了验证。

    The basic unit ( BOX , sphere , column , taper ) in detail is studied , and the correlative arithmetic is presented and validated .

  15. cagA(+)Hp圆球体实验动物模型的建立

    Establishment of laboratory animal model of cagA ( + ) coccoid Helicobacter pylori

  16. 兰花圆球茎基因枪转化后的GUS基因表达

    The Expression of GUS Gene in Orchid Protocorms After Bombardment

  17. TEM分析显示:粒子呈圆球型,平均粒径大约为6.5nm。

    The TEM images indicated that F-TiO2 particles in sol were spherical , and the average particle size was ca. 6.5 nm .

  18. 圆球土样Biot固结的级数解与Mandel&Cryer效应

    The series solution of Biot consolidation of spherical soil-sample and mandel-cryer effect

  19. 球面各向同性圆球土样的Biot固结模型

    Biot consolidation model of a spherically isotropic soil sample

  20. 晶体上和孔隙间均匀地附着大量的圆球形BMP颗粒,大小约为1~5μm。

    BMP , about 1-5 um in size was seen like micro globules distributing evenly in the micropores .

  21. 在含Ca2+或Mg2+的介质中,点蚀则表现为V形、半球形和闭口圆球形3种形貌并存。

    Whereas in the solution containing Ca 2 + or Mg 2 + ions , the V shape together with semi spherical and closed spherical pitting are appeared .

  22. Tc的表达式,并以此作为梯度功能陶瓷圆球的抗热震参数。

    Tc leading to the critical thermal stress at the surface as the thermal shock resistance parameter for FGM ceramic spheres was obtained .

  23. 材料和方法:分别用SE序列和快速STEAM序列对直径20cm的圆球体水模进行扩散成像;

    Materials and Methods : A water-content phantom was measured using both SE and turbo STEAM diffusion sequence for diffusion MR imaging .

  24. N-S方程的分离流计算&圆柱和圆球的粘性绕流明渠中跌坎后突扩分离流数值研究

    A numerical study of the separation flow by Navier-Stokes equation & past a circular cylinder and sphere

  25. 作为算例,本文计算了圆球的Stokes绕流,并给出其近似解的误差分析。

    As an example , the Stokes flow around the sphere is calculated and the error estimate of the approximate solutions is given .

  26. 在花药发育过程中,表皮细胞始终积累大、小不等的圆球状内含物,该内含物经PAS、苏木精分别染色均呈负反应。

    The globular contents in different size , which have PAS and hematoxylin negative reaction respectively , exist in the epidermal cells during the development of the anther .

  27. IPN凝胶呈网状结构,聚合物网络结构的聚集体为圆球状颗粒形式,并可以观察到明显的结晶结构;

    IPN gel shows network structure and the aggregate of the network structures is spherical particle , the crystal structure can also be observed obviously .

  28. 该测试仪可以完成土工布的各种力学性能测试试验,包括条样拉伸、握持拉伸、撕裂、CBR顶破、圆球顶破、刺破及厚度的测量。

    It can measure all kinds of mechanical property test , such as spline tension , holding tension , tearing , CBR upend , ball upend , pierce and thickness measuring .

  29. 随着代用ISO标准砂中圆球状曲面体含量的增多,胶砂用水量减小,流动度增大,和易性变好,但强度却呈下降趋势。

    With the increase in the content of round and curved sand in the substituted ISO standard sand , the water demand decreases and thus the flowability and workability im-proves , while the strength tends to drop down .

  30. 在假设气井中的液滴是圆球形的前提下,1969年Turner导出了气井连续排液最小流速和产量计算公式。

    In 1969 , Turner put forward the formulae of minimum gas velocity and producing rate for continuous removal liquids from gas wells by supposing that the liquid is in spherical shape .