
  • 网络Graph;Graph structure
  1. 采用体素拼合法的基本原理与图形结构菜单相结合的思想,根据CAD/CAPP集成的要求,成功地实现了圆柱齿轮类零件的建模工作;

    Combining volume-primitive-combination-method with graph menu , a model of CAD / CAPP integrated system for cylindrical gears is set up .

  2. 方法将语义文档和领域本体表示为图形结构并通过计算图形结构之间的相似度来判断文档的主题相关度。

    The method presents domain ontology and document as structure of graph and measure similarity between them .

  3. 基于XML的图形结构数据表示的解决方案及其比较

    XML-based Representation Methods for Graphic-structured Data and Their Comparision

  4. GIS中图形结构的关系型数据模型研究

    Study on related-type digital modal of topological structure in GIS

  5. 针对具有纳米图形结构的LED数值仿真是非常有效的。

    The method is very effective for the numerical simulation of LED with nano-patterned structure .

  6. 微接触印刷法在平面、曲面上制备PbS微图形结构

    PbS Micropatterns on Planar and Curved Surface Fabricated by Microcontact Printing

  7. Flex的特长是丰富复杂的图形结构,而Ajax主要用于基于文本的内容。

    Flex excels at targeting rich and complicated graphical structures , while Ajax is used primarily for text-based content .

  8. 采用金属Ti-SOS结构的纳米器件,Ti膜的厚度和成膜质量成为影响基于AFM针尖诱导氧化加工Ti纳米氧化线/电路图形结构质量的重要因素。

    For the metal Ti SOS structure nano device , the thickness and characteristics of Ti film become very important factors in quality control of fabricating the Ti oxide line / circuit figures by AFM tip induced oxidation .

  9. 微接触印刷法诱导沉积NH4Cl微图形结构

    Micropatterns of NH_4Cl Induced Deposition by Microcontact Printing

  10. 此外,还提出了面向图形结构的非彩色OVD实现方案,并给出了实验结果。

    Graphics oriented design ( GOD ) is also proposed to realize achromatic OVD and the fabricated examples are also given .

  11. 对于在无屏蔽环境下普遍采用的高温超导dc-SQUID一阶平面式磁场梯度计进行了图形结构的优化设计。

    The optimization for the configuration of first-order planar high-Tc dc-SQUID gradiometer which is widely used in unshielded environment is also involved in this thesis .

  12. 本文研究了聚二甲基硅氧烷(PDMS)的性能,提出了基于PDMS的自组装和转移印刷制备微结构的方法,为实现微纳图形结构的制备提供了一种经济可靠的手段。

    In this thesis , polydimethylsiloxane ( PDMS ) was investigated in quality . And the techniques based on self assembly and transfer printing were developed to fabricate microstructures based on PDMS , which provided a reliable and economical route to pattern in micro - and nanoscale .

  13. 经纬仪交会测量系统的图形结构评价

    A Measure for Geometrical Figure of Twi-theodolites Based Space Intersection System

  14. 园林建筑图形结构分析及作图方法

    Analysis on graphic structure and graphing method for garden architecture

  15. 错觉图形结构成分的实验研究

    An experimental study of structural components of illusional figures

  16. 图形结构是在作品中并透过作品而实现的。

    The graphic construction is and penetrates the work in the work to realize .

  17. 基于图形结构的三维射线追踪方法

    3-D ray tracing method based on graphic structure

  18. 同谱异构图是指图的邻接矩阵的特征多项式相同但图形结构不同的图形。

    Isopectral molecules refers to the different graphs those have the same characteristic polynomials .

  19. 地图图形结构分析与概括研究

    Identification and Generalization of Spatial Structures on Map

  20. 图形结构的知觉显著性与弱视眼的拥挤效应

    Perceptual salience of global structures and the crowd in g - effect in amblyopia

  21. 基于图形结构的列车/调车进路连锁表的自动生成算法研究

    Research on Automatic Generation of Interlock Forms for Train Route and Shunting Route Based on Graphic Structure

  22. 论文中以嵌入式浏览器作为应用,设计并实现了一个图形结构模型。

    A graphic framework is designed and implemented , taken the embedded browser as our target application .

  23. 此外,还它可以大批量重复地在大面积上制备纳米图形结构。

    In addition , it can replicate nanoscale patterns repeatedly in a large area with fairly uniformity .

  24. 软印刷技术是基于弹性体印章/模具来转移图形结构的微纳加工技术。

    Soft lithography is a micro / nano-fabrication technology , which transfers patterns based on elastomeric stamps or molds .

  25. 强调画面的图形结构和形式,主观的幻想和装饰意味,而不是再现客观对象的客观面貌。

    Emphasize screen graphic structure and form , subjective illusions and decoration , and is not to represent the objective of the objective .

  26. 本文在分析了图纸矢量化过程和若干典型算法的不足之后,提出了一种改进的新算法,即启发函数引导的骨架跟踪算法.所用的启发函数能根据人对图形结构的理解。

    Based on the analysis of typical skeleton followers an improved skeleton follower . named heuristic function guided skeleton follower , is presented .

  27. 另外,为加快算法的收敛速度,提出了一个获得高迭代效率策略剖面的方法:基于博弈的图形结构进行多策略更新。

    To make the iter-ations more effective , we provide a new method to get iterative strategy profiles based on the structure of Graphical Game .

  28. 图形结构识别就是以仪器监测到的过去发生的地震建立该地震图形曲线模型,然后再研究新监测到异常图形与其拟合度。

    Graph structure recognition is to apparatus for monitoring to the past earthquake the seismic pattern curve model , and then study the new monitoring abnormal pattern and its fitting .

  29. 本文对各种阈值的起因做了定性的分析,分析结果表明相变材料非常适合用于图形结构的制造领域,以期应用于未来特殊领域。

    The analysis indicates that the AIST material is very effective in the fabrication of pattern structures and can offer relevant guidance for application of the material in the future .

  30. 考虑到实际的图形结构制作工艺,严格的锥结构很难获得,研究了截断的锥或锥孔阵列顶半径对光提取效率的影响。

    Considering the fabrication processes of actual cone arrays , the effects of the top radius were studied on light extraction efficiency of the truncated cone or cone well arrays .