
ɡuó jì huò bì tǐ xì
  • international monetary system
  1. 20国集团(g20)今年启动了一项雄心勃勃、旨在改革国际货币体系的议程。

    The G20 embarked this year on an ambitious agenda to reform the international monetary system .

  2. 在改革国际货币体系的官方讨论中,不包括任何回归金本位的倡议,而且IMF协议条款也禁止这种做法。

    Official discussions of the reform of the international monetary system do not include any advocates of a return to gold , and the IMF articles of agreement prohibit it .

  3. 通过改革IMF,构建全球性新的金融架构,进行区域性货币安排,则可以相应提升国际货币体系的内在稳定性。

    It can promote correspondingly inherent stability of international monetary system to make up a new global financial framework and make regional currency arrangements after reforming IMF .

  4. 约翰梅纳德凯恩斯(johnmaynardkeynes)曾经提议在国际货币体系的核心位置创建一种全球货币“班科”(bancor)。

    John Maynard Keynes once proposed a global currency , the Bancor , to be placed at the centre of the international monetary system .

  5. 它关系到IMF是否愿意采取认真措施,推动国际货币体系转型。它将对货币间的相互作用和金融市场产生很大影响。

    It is about whether the IMF is willing to take serious steps towards the transformation of the international monetary system . It will matter greatly for the interplay of currencies and for financial markets .

  6. 当前的国际货币体系,是二战后建立的布雷顿森林体系(brettonwoods)的遗赠,即各国货币与美元挂钩,而美元与黄金挂钩。

    The international monetary system is the remnant of the Bretton Woods system agreed after the Second World War , when currencies were pegged to the dollar and the dollar fixed to gold .

  7. 管涛在最新一期《了望》周刊(OutlookWeekly)中撰文称,有必要推动国际货币体系的多元化,避免过度依赖美元。《了望》是官方的新华社出版的杂志。

    In the latest issue of Outlook Weekly , a magazine published by the official Xinhua news agency , Mr Guan said that it was necessary to promote diversification of the international currency system and avoid over-reliance on the dollar .

  8. 为了防范各国选择汇率安排的自由可能给国际货币体系带来的危害,IMF强化了对其成员国的政策的监督职能,并辅之以相应的执行措施。

    For fear that some states should take advantage of their options to do damage to the international monetary system , IMF has enhanced its supervisory function over its members ' policies and concurrently taken some relevant enforcement measures .

  9. 战后初期,当发生美元危机之后,imf成员采纳了特别提款权方案,作为一项战略的中心措施,来建立一个不再依靠单一货币的国际货币体系。

    In the wake of the dollar crises of the early postwar period , the IMF membership adopted SDR as the centrepiece of a strategy to build an international monetary system that would no longer rely on a single currency .

  10. 根据伯南克将于周五早间在欧洲央行(ECB)会议上发表的演讲词显示,伯南克将表示:当前的国际货币体系没有发挥出应有的作用。

    The current international monetary system is not working as well as it should , Mr Bernanke will say , according to the text of a speech to be delivered at a European Central Bank conference on Friday morning .

  11. 20国集团(G20)财长们上周末在巴黎开会时,达成的新协议也许不多,但他们解决国际货币体系缺陷的努力值得密切关注。

    New agreements may be in short supply when finance ministers of the Group of 20 leading economies meet this weekend in Paris . But their efforts to address the weaknesses of the international monetary system deserve close attention .

  12. 国际货币体系演进的新兴古典经济学分析

    An emerging classical economic analysis of the International Monetary system evolution

  13. 美国金融危机与国际货币体系改革分析

    Analysis on American Financial Crisis and Reform of International Monetary System

  14. 从国际货币体系视角看次贷危机的产生

    Causes of subprime crisis from the view of international monetary system

  15. 国际货币体系失衡下的中国汇率政策

    On China Foreign Exchange Reform in the Unbalanced International Monetary System

  16. 当代国际货币体系运行的理论框架、模式和面临的风险

    Theoretical Framework , Operational Modes and Risk of Current International Monetary System

  17. 国际货币体系的重构与国际资本市场发展前景

    Restructuring of the international monetary system and international capital market development outlook

  18. 欧元与国际货币体系的稳定性研究

    Study of Euro and the Stability of International Monetary System

  19. 金融危机下国际货币体系改革的思考

    Thinking about the Reform of International Monetary System under the Finance Crsis

  20. 欧元:国际货币体系的稳定因素。

    The euro : a stabilising factor of the international monetary system .

  21. 论国际货币体系中欧元对美元的挑战

    On Challenges from Euro Dollar to US Dollar in International Currency System

  22. 国际货币体系错配与人民币国际化框架的创构

    Mismatch of International Monetary System & Creating Framework for Internationalization of RMB

  23. 次贷危机对当前国际货币体系的冲击

    The Impact of Sub-prime Crisis to International Monetary System

  24. 现行体系还非常不稳定,正在融入全球化之中的新兴市场经济国家在汇率制度上面临两难选择,国际货币体系需要改革。

    For the emerging market countries , exchange rate arrangement is a dilemma .

  25. 国际货币体系正在发生变化。

    Change is coming to the international monetary system .

  26. 从金融危机看未来国际货币体系改革

    On the Future International Monetary System Reform from the Perspective of Financial Crisis

  27. 国际货币体系与汇率理论发展

    International Currency System and Development of Exchange Rate Theory

  28. 国际货币体系改革与人民币国际化

    Reform of international monetary system and internationalization of RMB

  29. 国际货币体系的变革&配额货币体系的创建

    The Reform for International Monetary System & To Create the Monetary Quota Systems

  30. 欧元在多元化国际货币体系中的地位

    Euro 's Position in the Multicurrency International Monetary System