
ɡuó jì zū lìn hé tonɡ
  • international leasing contract
  1. 第二章对国际融资租赁合同的法律特点进行了分析。

    Chapter Two analyses the legal nature of the international financial leasing contract .

  2. 租赁合同与供货合同的特殊关系是国际融资租赁合同的一个显著特点,其突破了合同相对性的理论,对于整个交易有重要影响。

    The extraordinary relationship between the leasing contract and the supply contract breaches the theory of relativity of the contract and is important to the whole trade .

  3. 第三章对国际融资租赁合同中与商业交易有关的内容进行了法律分析:关于租赁物的有关规定是合同的重要内容。

    Chapter Three discusses the legal problems relating to the bargaining of international financial leasing trade , including : The leased asset These provisions play an important role in the contract .

  4. 本文对国际融资租赁合同的若干法律问题进行了研究和探讨,以期能对我国国际融资租赁的实践有所裨益。

    This dissertation will discuss several legal problems in order that it might be helpful to the further development of international financing leasing . The dissertation is composed of three parts : foreword .

  5. 由于国际融资租赁合同涉及多方当事人,任何一方违约都会对另外一方或多方的利益造成影响,融资租赁合同中当事人的违约较传统租赁合同更具复杂性。

    As the international financial leasing contract involves multi-party , that any one violates the contract will affect the interests of the other party or parties , so the party breach of financial leasing contract is more complex than the traditional one .

  6. 我国光船租赁法律规定多移植于英美法和国际标准光船租赁合同条款,同时受大陆法传统的影响和制约,因此在理论和实践上存在诸多冲突与不协调之处。

    The legal provisions of Bareboat Charter in China was mainly transplanted from Common Law and the International Standard Bareboat Charter , and after been affected and restricted by Civil Law , a number of conflicts and incoordination exist in the theory and practice .

  7. 引言部分简单介绍了世界融资租赁交易的发展以及我国国际融资租赁业务的现状,指出国际融资租赁合同对于我国融资租赁业务的发展具有重要意义。

    In the foreword part , the author shows the growth and development of the modern leasing industry and introduces the present situation in China , pointing out that international financial leasing contract has an important meaning for the development of the financing lease business of our country .

  8. 第一章阐述了国际融资租赁的概念、历史发展、法律性质,并介绍了有关国家的立法情况,还介绍了国际融资租赁交易合同的特殊性问题;

    Chapter One defines international financial leasing and expounds the definition , its evolution course and legal nature and presents domestic laws of several countries on financial leasing , it also introduces the particularity of the contract of International Financial Leasing .