
ɡuó jì dà shī
  • International Master
  1. 在今天的比赛中,中国国际大师徐俊迎战队友、国际特级大师叶荣光。

    In today 's tournament , Chinese international master Jun Xu challenged teammate and international grandmaster Rongguang Ye .

  2. 他是鲁宾斯坦国际大师比赛的艺术顾问以及评委会主席。

    He is the Artistic Advisor and Chairman of the Jury of the Arthur Rubinstein International Master Competition .

  3. 他是一位国际大师,这意味着我能在这场比赛中向最优秀的人学习。

    He was an international grandmaster , which meant I would be learning from one of the game 's best .

  4. 王家卫与评论家、作家及电台主持游清源在国际大师班的台上进行了对谈,两人还参与了观众提问环节。整个采访、互动过程主要用粤语进行,伴有英语同声传译。

    Mr. Wong joined critic , writer and radio host Yau Ching-yuen for an onstage conversation and audience question-and-answer session , which was conducted primarily in Cantonese with simultaneous English translation .

  5. 国际大师班的主持人游清源说,这部电影给人这样一种感觉&宫二爱上了已婚的叶问,因为在影片中,他们通过书信来往多年。

    Mr. Yau , the master class 's moderator , suggested that the film gives the sense that ' Gong Er had fallen for the married Ip Man ' as they exchanged letters over the years .

  6. 这是王家卫在国际大师班上给大家上的最重要的一课,3月21日晚,数百名电影界专业人士、学生和影迷齐聚香港,聆听了这位著名电影人的心得。

    That was the key lesson from Wong Kar-wai as hundreds of film-industry professionals , students and movie fans turned out in Hong Kong Thursday night for a ' master class ' from the celebrated filmmaker .

  7. 本文通过比较中国传统徽派建筑与国际大师柯布西耶的惊世之作&朗香教堂,从中发现许多相似的设计手法:建筑对于自然光的再利用、对于雨水的处理以及在建筑形式上的把握。

    By comparing traditional Hui style architecture with Notre Dame Du haul , the masterpiece of Le corbusier , we can find many similar design skills such as the reusing of the natural light , dealing with rainwater , realizing of architectural forms .

  8. 国际象棋大师们以性格怪异和好与人争辩而闻名。

    Great chess players have a reputation for being both eccentric and argumentative

  9. 像IBM的深蓝计算机那样可以击败国际象棋大师的电脑不是专家。

    A computer such as IBM 's Deep Blue that can beat a world grandmaster is not an expert .

  10. 作为一名13岁就获得国际象棋大师称号并参加了智力奥运会(MindSportsOlympiad)的选手,他因在赛场间奔跑、同时与不同选手对弈而被人铭记。

    A chess master by age 13 and a competitor at the Mind Sports Olympiad , he is remembered for dashing between matches to battle various competitors at once .

  11. 1997年,沃森电脑的前辈、IBM公司的深蓝电脑在一场著名的人机大赛中击败了当时的国际象棋大师加里·卡斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov)。

    In 1997 , Watson 's precursor , IBM 's Deep Blue , beat the reigning chess grand master Garry Kasparov in a famous man-versus-machine match .

  12. 哈萨比斯说,尽管IBM的“深蓝”(DeepBlue)在1997年击败了国际象棋大师加里愠斯帕罗夫(GarryKasparov),但围棋的复杂程度要远远超过国际象棋。哈萨比斯是一名非常热衷于围棋和国际象棋的选手。

    Although IBM 's Deep Blue computer famously beat Garry Kasparov at chess in 1997 , Go has a complexity far exceeding that of chess , said Mr Hassabis who is a keen player of both games .

  13. 对第一届中美国际钢琴大师班(CAIPI)活动进行了介绍,对各位钢琴专家、大师的授课辅导要点、教学方法等进行了梳理。

    This paper summed up the first CAIPI ( China-US International Piano Instructors ) program from the points of teaching and tutorship b masters of piano .

  14. 他是真正的和公认的国际艺术大师!

    He is a real artist being known by the world .

  15. 见过伟大的国际象棋大师尝试击败电脑?

    Ever seen the great chess masters try to beat the computer ?

  16. 国际象棋大师和从街上闲逛进来的普通老百姓对弈。

    Grand masters play against average joes who wander in off thestreet .

  17. 但是,盖茨仅用了1分20秒就输给了这位23岁的国际象棋大师。

    He lost to the 23-year-old in around 1 minute 20 seconds .

  18. 1985年出生。拥有女子国际特级大师称号和男子国际特级大师称号。

    Zhao Xue was born in1985.She has earned the titles of WGM and GM.

  19. 第二届(李斯特)国际钢琴大师班侧记

    Two Articles on the Second International Liszt Master Classes

  20. 国际象棋大师以模板(图式)的方式对领域知识进行组织。

    International masters use templates ( schemas ) to organize the domain-specific knowledge .

  21. 数十年来,心理学家对国际象棋大师在与较弱选手对弈时如何获得优势进行了探索。

    Over several decades , psychologists have explored how chess grandmasters obtain their advantage over lesser players .

  22. 您如果诚意邀请国际建筑大师合作,请联系我们!

    If you want to invite international architects and have cooperation with them , please contact us !

  23. 这位国际象棋大师是在上周六从12层的公寓阳台上坠落的,救护车没到就已经身亡。

    The chess grandmaster fell from the 12th floor of the apartment last Saturday and died before an ambulance arrived .

  24. 现在的国际象棋大师(译者注:国际象棋界的一种等级)人数是深蓝战胜卡斯帕罗夫那时候的两倍多。

    There are more than twice as many grand masters now as there were when Deep Blue first beat Kasparov .

  25. 黄景桢是一个国际风筝大师,但他的内心将永远是一个对风筝怀抱热情的十岁小男孩。

    Buteo Huang is an international kite master , but in his heart he will always be a ten-year-old boy with a passion for kites .

  26. 他的伙伴、国际象棋大师丹尼尔·杜波夫在社交媒体上表示,当耶利塞耶夫滑落时,他一直试图从窗口爬到附近的阳台。

    Fellow grandmaster Daniil Dubov said on social media that Yeliseyev had been trying to climb from a window to a nearby balcony when he slipped .

  27. 许多国际服装大师在诠释中国文化时比我们本土设计师更到位,设计出来的东西更巧妙。

    Many international clothing masters in the interpretation of Chinese culture was more than we put in place for local designers , they designed more cleverly things .

  28. 布莱切利的平均下棋水平并不怎么样,当国际象棋大师到来时,经常出现悬殊的实力对比。

    The Prof 's chess had always been something of a joke at Bletchley , being all the more exposed to invidious comparison when the chess masters arrived .

  29. 去年十一月,亨利?基辛格把奥巴马比作一位国际象棋大师,因为这位总统同时开始了六场比赛,却没有完成其中任何一场。

    LAST November Henry Kissinger compared Barack Obama to a chess grandmaster who had played his opening in six simultaneous matches , but hadn 't completed a single game .

  30. 卡尔森从13岁起就成了国际象棋大师,他在去年国际象棋世界冠军赛中挑战维斯瓦纳坦-阿南德并获胜,成为国际象棋棋王。

    Carlsen , a grandmaster since he was 13 , received non-stop television coverage in Norway when he beat defending champion Viswanathan Anand of India last November to take his first world title .