
  • 网络defense acquisition
  1. 国防采办方式的理论分析,应用委托代理理论对采办行为的博弈过程进行研究,提出了国防采办的主要博弈目标。

    In Part Two , the action of the defense acquisition is analyzed based on the Principal-agent Theory .

  2. 21世纪美国国防采办改革分析

    Analysis on Reforming of US Defense Acquisition System at Beginning of 21 ~( st ) Century

  3. 论国防采办的拍卖方式

    A study of the auctions in the national defense procurement

  4. 电子商务的发展及其在国防采办中的应用

    Development of Electronic Commerce and Its Application in Defense Procurement

  5. 关于国防采办的若干概念辨析

    Discrimination of the conception of national defense procurement

  6. 国外国防采办信息发布制度研究及启示

    A Research on the Information Issue System of Overseas National Defense Purchase and the Enlightenment

  7. 美国国防采办政策的重大改革

    Important readjustments in U.S. defense procurement policies

  8. 2004年3月,他成为工党要员,2005年5月,他成为国防采办大臣。

    Made a labour peer in March 2004 , he became defence procurement minister in May 2005 .

  9. 对规范我国互联网药品信息发布制度的探讨国外国防采办信息发布制度研究及启示

    Discussions of the Regulations of the Medical Information on the Internet A Research on the Information Issue System of Overseas National Defense Purchase and the Enlightenment

  10. 介绍了美军在国防采办中实施电子商务的情况,分析了我军装备采办推行电子商务的机遇;

    The paper introduces the status of the use of the electronic commerce in the present American equipment acquisition , analyses the chances we have met nowadays .

  11. 美国国防采办的改革还考虑了采办成本和现实性等问题,努力建设快捷高效的采办系统,促进科学技术向武器装备转化的同时,尽可能降低采办成本。

    Meantime , the cost of acquisition and the feasibility is also taken into account to have a rapid and effective transition from science and technology to products .

  12. 担任国防采办大臣期间,德雷森勋爵倡导了一种政府与国防行业合作的新方式,设备采购通过政府与企业的合作完成,而非传统的竞争方式。

    As procurement minister , Lord Drayson championed a new way of working between government and industry , one in which the purchasing of equipment was done in partnership with companies rather than through traditional competition .

  13. 在此之后,美国、英国、加拿大等发达国家纷纷依据本国的国防采办流程,开展武器装备采办项目技术成熟度评估,以减少项目开发风险。

    After that , the United States , Britain , Canada and other developed countries carried out Weapons and Military Supplies acquisition project technology maturity assessment based on their defense acquisition process , in order to reduce project development risks .

  14. 指出了美国国防部采办观念由装备采办到采办系统的转变,以及将互协同性作为装备关键性能指标的重要性。

    It is indicated that the importance of USA DoD acquisition idea transition from defense acquisition to acquisition system and interoperability as the key performance parameter .

  15. 从1971年美国国防部颁布第一份采办文件到今天,美国一共对国防采办文件进行了7次重大修改,每一次都体现出对历史实践经验的总结和对未来的规划。

    Seven times amendments have been made after the first document of defense acquisition was issued in 1971 . Each amendment shows the reflection on history and the plan for future .

  16. 武器装备实力的大小是一个国家国防安全保障能力的具体体现,是国防采办要完成的艰巨任务。

    The level of arms strength shows ensuring ability of national defense security , also is arduous task for national defense purchasing to finish .

  17. 在对国防经济实验研究方法深入分析的基础上,本文就国防采办活动中引入拍卖机制,这一竞争性采办方式,进行了相关的理论分析与实验研究。

    In this thesis , based on the research of Defense Economics Experiment , auction mechanism , the competitive means of Defense Acquisition , is analyzed from the theoretical and experimental perspectives .