
ɡuó jí fǎ
  • nationality law;law of nationality
  1. 我国坚持单一国籍政策,学术界也大多不主张修改国籍法。

    China hangs on exclusive citizenship policy , and in academic circle , most scholars decline to propose the amendment to law of nationality .

  2. 我国《国籍法》主要内容的解读及相关问题的思考

    To Unscramble and Ponder Main Contents and Related Problems of the Nationality Law

  3. 再加上民权运动的影响,转折点最终随《1965年移民与国籍法》(ImmigrationandNationalityActof1965)的通过而到来。

    Add in the momentum of the civil rights movement , and the turning point finally came with the passage of the Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 .

  4. 英国领事馆发言人告诉法新社记者,目前并没有为拥有英国海外居民(BNO)身份公民取得在英居留权或是放宽英国海外居民(BNO)身份申请权限而修改《英国国籍法》的计划。

    There are currently no plans to amend British Nationality legislation to give holders of BNO status the Right of Abode in the UK , or to extend the right to apply for BNO status , a consulate spokeswoman told AFP .

  5. 关于国籍法冲突的若干问题的公约

    Convention concerning Certain Questions relating to the Conflict of Nationality Laws

  6. 中国的国籍法原则刍议

    My Humble Opinion of the Principles of Chinese Nationality

  7. 我根据《1948澳大利亚国籍法》成为澳洲公民。我是否还是澳洲公民?

    I became a citizen under the Australian Citizenship Act1948.Am I still a citizen ?

  8. 国际社会国籍法变化趋势与我国国籍政策调整设想

    Investigation on Amendment to Chinese Nationality Policy in the New Tendency for the Global Community

  9. 其它国家是心不甘情不愿地接受了国籍法改革。

    Other countries have embraced reform reluctantly .

  10. 国际国籍法的新发展与中国国籍法的渐进改革

    The New Development of Foreign Nationality Laws and the Gradual Reform of Chinese Nationality Laws

  11. 通过收紧其国籍法,荷兰正在逆国际大流而行。

    By seeking to toughen its nationality laws , the Netherlands is bucking a global trend .

  12. 这一事件指出的问题就是评论家所说的美国国籍法中存在的赤裸裸的不公平。

    The incident points out what critics say is a glaring inequity in US citizenship regulations .

  13. 更大的自由化国籍法的一个原因是现实问题:双重国籍现在越来越难控制了。

    One reason for more liberalisation is practicality : dual nationality has become harder to control .

  14. 在国籍法中即关于法国国籍的判定依据法国法。

    For the Nationality Law that the nationality in France applied by Nationality Law of France .

  15. 国籍法的现代发展趋势

    New Tendency in Modern Nationality Law

  16. 晚清国籍法的颁布,是清政府侨务政策的一个重大举措,对我国法制史及外交史均产生了深远的影响。

    Meanwhile , the law had a profound effect on the history of law as well as diplomacy .

  17. 侨民利益、国家利益与国籍法&关于建构国家利益认知的思考和中国的双重国籍问题分析

    Alien Interests , National Interests and Nationality Law : Cognition of National Interests Construction and Double Nationality Issue in China

  18. 第三章主要通过对现行国籍法的不足及在实际操作中产生的问题进行分析,指出矛盾。

    The third chapter points out the contradiction of the present naturalization laws by analyzing the lack and the practical problems .

  19. 当前,我国调整和修改国籍法,有限度或有针对性地实行双重国籍政策是可行的。

    At present , it is feasible for China to amend or alter nationality law for a finite and contrapositive dual-citizenship policy .

  20. 在实体法方面:他建立了《破产法》、《保险法》、《国籍法》等。

    In the substantive law , he established the " Bankruptcy Law ", " Insurance Law ", " Nationality " and so on .

  21. 1965年《移民和国籍法修正案》以及《投票权利法案》实施以来,亚裔美国人开始真正享有平等的政治参与权利。

    Since Immigration and Naturalization Act and Voting Rights Act of1965 have implemented , Asian Americans have equal rights to participate in political activities .

  22. 当年修改的《移民与国籍法》特别强调:“心理变态的外国人……禁止入境。”

    The Immigration and Nationality Act of that year specified that ' Aliens afflicted with psychopathic personality ... shall be excludable from admission into the United States . '

  23. 此外,如果人们公认,民族同化并未完全获得成功,大部分原因要归咎于德国2000年以前实施的限制性的国籍法。

    Moreover , if it is accepted that assimilation has not proved wholly successful , much of the explanation lies in the restrictive citizenship law that Germany applied until 2000 .

  24. 事实证明,新的国籍法更有利于促进社会融合根据新法,在德国出生的土耳其及其他外国儿童获得德国国籍的难度有所降低。

    The new law , making it easier for children born in Germany to Turks and other foreigners to acquire citizenship , has proved a promising motor of social integration .

  25. 不同的国家,甚至同一个国家在不同历史时期在制定其国籍法时所采取的原则和规则不尽相同,这样就导致国籍冲突现象的产生。

    Different states , even an identical state in different historical period adopts the dissimilar principles and the rules when formulates its naturalization laws , which causes the conflicts of nationality .

  26. 第三十一条本法所称的外国人是指依照《中华人民共和国国籍法》不具有中国国籍的人。

    Article 31 For the purposes of this Law the term " alien " means any person not holding Chinese nationality according to the Nationality Law of the People 's Republic of China .

  27. 虽然我国1980年《国籍法》一再强调不承认双重国籍原则,但由于国籍的承认乃各国的国家主权事项,同时,即使在1980年《国籍法》框架下,仍会出现国籍冲突的现象。

    While our Nationality Law of 1980 has repeatedly stressed that the principle of non-recognition of dual nationality , but because nationality is the domestic matters of every sovereign state , there will still be the conflict of nationality .

  28. 而在1965年的《移民与国籍法》放宽了国籍配额后,亚裔移民在六十年代文化动荡对美式习俗和道德观念造成巨大冲击的同时大批地来到美国。在这一背景下,亚裔子女更容易对父辈生出矛盾心理。

    This tension is compounded by the fact that , as a result of the federal Immigration and Nationality Act of 1965 , which eased national - ­ origin quotas , Asians began arriving in the United States in large numbers just as the cultural upheaval of the 1960s was drastically loosening American manners and mores .

  29. 在19世纪起,随着爱国主义思潮及民族国家的兴起,国籍在属人法事项中日益重要。

    In the 19th century , with the rise of patriotism and nation-state , nationality has become increasingly important in matters of lex personalis .

  30. 国籍作为属人法的连结点具有国籍比住所更稳定、国籍比住所更容易确定、更能够体现国家对其国民的属人主权等优点。

    Compared to the domicile , nationality as a connecting factor is more stable ; more easily determined and embodied the states ' personal sovereignty over its national .