
guó fù
  • the Father of a nation;pater patriae
国父[guó fù]
  1. 现在,他仍被尊为国父。

    Today he 's still revered as the father of the nation .

  2. 乔治·华盛顿被誉为国父。

    George Washington is called the father of his country .

  3. 在我准备这份讲稿时,我的同僚做了点考证。他们发现(以色列国父、首任总理)大卫·本古里安(DavidBen-Gurion)也读了这本小说并得出同样的结论。

    When I wrote this up , my people did a bit of research and they discovered that David Ben-Gurion had read the same novel and came to the same conclusion .

  4. 韩国分析人士猜测,金正日之所以选择第三个儿子作为继承人,是因为他壮硕的体格和堂堂的相貌有些像朝鲜国父金日成(Kimil-sung)。

    South Korean analysts speculate Kim Jong-il favoured his third son as successor as he shares some of the imposing physique and physiognomy of Kim Il-sung founder of the nation .

  5. 这周,她的第二本诗集《母国父国祖国恋》(MotherlandFatherlandHomelandsexuals)由企鹅出版社出版。在今年4月,她还宣布将自己的回忆录版权卖给河源出版社。

    This week , her second collection of poems , " Motherland Fatherland Homelandsexuals , " comes out from Penguin , and in April , Lockwood announced the sale of her memoir to Riverhead .

  6. 在1965年领导新加坡这个亚洲小国实现独立的半个世纪后,现代新加坡国父、20世纪最有影响力的世界领袖之一李光耀(LeeKuanYew)于23日凌晨3时18分点去世,终年91岁。

    Lee Kuan Yew , founding father of modern Singapore and one of the most influential global leaders of the 20th century , has died aged 91 , half a century after he led the tiny Asian city-state to independence in 1965 .

  7. 你的伟大老师MahatmaGhandi(译注:指印度国父圣雄甘地)告诉过你,当你的心放下武装并与那些恐惧与控制合一时,你也解除了他们心中的武装。

    As your great teacher , Mahatma Ghandi told you , when you disarm your own heart in unity with those that are fearful and controlling , you disarm their hearts as well .

  8. 国父们从来没有考虑过没有国籍的敌人。

    The founders could have never conceived of a stateless enemy .

  9. 现在汉密尔顿恐怕要成为最帅气、最耀眼的国父了。

    Now Hamilton threatens to become the chic and glamorous founder .

  10. 我们的国父给予我们最伟大的馈赠:

    A great gift that our Founders gave to us :

  11. 我们的国父说过,民主并不强求一致。

    Understand , democracy does not require uniformity . Our founders argued .

  12. 美国的国父是乔治华盛顿。

    The father of the United States is George washington .

  13. 国父的故事我午餐再告诉你们。

    I 'm saving the founding fathers till lunch .

  14. 曼德拉可以说变成了国父。

    Mandela became , as it were , the father of the nation .

  15. 受够了先父来国父去,我们该来了解那些革命的女人们!

    Enough about our forefathers , let 's learn about some revolutionary women !

  16. 华盛顿被尊为“国父”。

    President Washington has been called the " Father of his Country . "

  17. 美国国父们担心的就是蛊惑人心和煽动民众的政客。

    America 's founding fathers feared the demagogue .

  18. 这正是当初国父们追求的东西。

    Those founding fathers were really onto something .

  19. 新加坡向国父告别

    Singapore Says Goodbye to Founding Father

  20. 在几代美国小学生心中,华盛顿一直被尊为“国父”。

    Washington has been considered the " father of his country " by school children for generations .

  21. 我首先要承认,我是国父们的忠实粉丝

    I have to first admit to you that I 'm a huge fan of the Founding Fathers .

  22. 那并不是建国国父们写入宪法的唯一条件。

    AZUZ : That 's not the only requirement that the founding fathers put in the U.S. Constitution .

  23. 敦请各地来的华语及美藉神父主礼弥撒。我痛苦地死,但我并不怕死。美国国父华盛顿

    I die hard but am not afraid to go . & George Washington , father of the United States

  24. 实际上,美国国父乔治•华盛顿并没有历史书中描述的那么坚定和理性。

    George Washington was not always the soul of steadiness and reason that history books make him out to be .

  25. 我们热爱的领袖,我们称他“父亲”,我们的国父,不在了。

    Our beloved leader , BAPU as we called him , the father of the nation , is no more .

  26. 林-马努艾尔和我都认为,汉密尔顿是最被忽视和误解的一位国父,这种看法驱使着我们。

    Both Lin-Manuel and I were motivated by a sense that Hamilton was the most overlooked and misunderstood founding father .

  27. 在我的正前方是一位不朽人物的纪念碑,他就是我们的国父乔治华盛顿。

    Directly in front of me , the monument to a monumental man : George Washington , Father of our country .

  28. 鉴于当时的种种情况,华盛顿得以“国父”见称是不足为奇的。

    It is not surprising that Washington became known as the " father of his country " in view of the circumstances .

  29. 被称为国父的美国第一任总统乔治·华盛顿,屈居第四位。

    George Washington , the first US president who is considered the father of the nation , comes in at fourth place .

  30. 菲比.弗朗西斯是个年轻黑种女郎,一七七六年救了美国国父乔治.华盛顿将军。

    Phoebe Fraunces was a young black woman who saved General George Washington , the father of the United States , in1776 .