
  • Guotai;【地名】【越南】Quoc Thai
  1. 国泰航空公司每天都有从希思罗机场直飞香港的航班。

    Cathay Pacific flies daily non-stop to Hong Kong from Heathrow

  2. 马克•琼斯从香港乘坐国泰航空公司(CathayPacific)的航班飞抵奥克兰。

    The writer flew from Hong Kong to Auckland on Cathay Pacific

  3. 金融分项指数上涨6.9%,国泰金融(cathayfinancial)大涨7%,至39.60元新台币。

    The financial sub-index rose 6.9 per cent , with Cathay Financial up 7 per cent to T $ 39.60 .

  4. 该公司将与目前运营该航线的其它四家航空公司展开竞争,其中包括国泰航空(CathayPacific)。

    It will compete with four airlines , including Cathay Pacific , currently serving that route .

  5. 总部位于香港的国泰航空(CathayPacific)发现其货运业务有所放缓。

    Cathay Pacific , the Hong Kong-based carrier , has seen a slowdown in its cargo business .

  6. 自他加盟国泰航空以来的30年里,这家总部位于香港的航空公司已成为亚洲利润排名第二的航空公司,仅次于新加坡航空公司(SingaporeAirlines)。

    In the 30 years since he joined Cathay , the Hong-Kong based carrier has become the second-most profitable airline in Asia after Singapore Airlines .

  7. 国泰莒南证券的高级分析师WantWei说,由于煤价相应的提升,之前上调上网电价并没有对电力短缺造成明显的作用。

    The previous on-grid price hike had no significant impact on the power shortages because of a concomitant coal prices rise , said Want Wei , a senior analyst Guotai Junan Securities .

  8. 航空业正处于危机之中,国泰航空主席白纪图(ChristopherPratt)表示。

    The aviation industry is in crisis , said Christopher Pratt , Cathay 's chairman .

  9. 香港华民航空(airhongkong)是国泰控股的一家货运公司,它和国泰与港龙一起执飞香港至台北、香港至东京的线路。

    Air Hong Kong , a freight airline majority owned by Cathay , flies alongside Cathay and Dragonair on routes to Taipei and Tokyo , both routes that are limited to three Hong Kong carriers .

  10. 香港国泰航空(cathaypacific)与其合作伙伴中国国航(airchina)经过近4年的谈判,达成了投资内地一家航空货运公司的协议。

    Cathay Pacific , the Hong Kong airline , has reached an agreement to invest in a Chinese air cargo operation after almost four years of negotiations with its partner , Air China .

  11. 上个月,在一架从香港飞往新加坡的国泰航空(CathayPacific)航班上,一位满头大汗的中国内地乘客一路不停地打喷嚏、喘粗气。

    On a Cathay Pacific flight from Hong Kong to Singapore last month , a perspiring passenger from mainland China sneezed and wheezed nonstop .

  12. 该股盘中一度上涨8%,因市场不断有传言称,竞争对手国泰航空(CathayPacific)将入股这家总部位于上海的航空公司。

    The shares rose as much as 8 per cent on persistent rumours that rival Cathay Pacific would take a stake in the Shanghai-based carrier .

  13. 国泰航空的股价不算高正如花旗集团(citigroup)所指出的,其股价为账面价值的1.2倍,略低于12年平均水平。

    The Hong Kong-based airline is trading inexpensively 1.2 times book value is just shy of its 12-year average , as Citigroup notes .

  14. 李丰华说,他的目标是将东方航空的利润提高到优秀航空公司的水平,并举出中国国航、国泰航空和法国航空公司(AirFrance)等为基准。

    The goal is to boost China Eastern 's profit to the level of'a good performer , 'he said , naming Air China , Cathay Pacific and Air France , part of Air France-KLM SA , as benchmarks .

  15. 他说,国泰航空(CathayPacific)的姊妹航空公司港龙航空(Dragonair),也推出了香港和岘港之间的非包机航班。

    He said Dragonair , a sister airline of Cathay Pacific , had also opened non-charter flights between Hong Kong and Da Nang .

  16. 他们表示,患者为一位24岁的香港居民,5月11日搭乘国泰航空有限公司(CathayPacificAirways)CX879航班从旧金山抵达香港,患者目前已经入院治疗,症状轻微。

    A24-year-old resident of the territory was hospitalized with mild symptoms of the disease after arriving from San Francisco on a Cathay Pacific flight on May11 , they said .

  17. 公司品牌是国泰,所生产的产品已经通过ISO9001、ISO14000国际质量体系认证。

    Cathay Pacific are the company 's brand , the products have passed ISO9001 , ISO14000 international quality system certification .

  18. 国泰航空有限公司(CathayPacificAirwaysLtd.)上个月说,正在考虑是否加快老化飞机的淘汰速度。该公司此前曾警告说,今年上半年的财务业绩可能令人失望。

    Last month , Cathay Pacific Airways Ltd. said it was considering whether to accelerate the retirement of aging aircraft after it warned of ' disappointing ' first-half financial results .

  19. 一个月前,国泰航空(cathaypacific)行政总裁汤彦麟(tonytyler)信誓旦旦地告诉分析师,形势已停止恶化,由此驱散了他们对配股的担忧。

    A month ago Tony Tyler , chief executive of Cathay Pacific , swatted away concerns over a rights issue by telling analysts that things had stopped getting worse .

  20. 身兼太古股份及国泰航空两家公司主席的白纪图(christopherpratt)表示,国泰和国航将继续推进现有的合作关系。

    Christopher Pratt , chairman of both Swire and Cathay , said Cathay and Air China would continue to build on the existing co-operation .

  21. 国泰航空货运部门助理经理WilliamLo表示,来自中国(内地)的激烈竞争,意味着今年其收益可能增长1%至2%,而相比之下,去年的增幅为3%至6%。

    William Lo , assistant manager in Cathay 's cargo division , says intense Chinese competition means yields are likely to rise 1-2 per cent this year , compared with 3-6 per cent last year .

  22. 9月份,国有的中国银行(boc)旗下租赁公司中银航空租赁(bocaviation)从国泰航空购买了6架飞机,随后回租给国泰,减轻了其迫在眉睫的现金压力。

    In September , the leasing arm of state-owned bank of China , BOC aviation , bought half a dozen aircraft from Cathay then leased them back , alleviating a looming cash crunch .

  23. 总部设在香港的国泰航空(CathayPacific)昨日公布了公司63年历史上最大的年度亏损,原因是航空旅行需求急剧下降,同时公司在燃油套期保值上押错了方向。

    Cathay Pacific yesterday reported its biggest annual loss in its 63-year history as the Hong Kong-based carrier felt the impact of a sharp fall in demand for air travel and wrong-way bets on fuel costs .

  24. 国泰的控股股东太古股份(SwirePacific)也同意出资10亿港元,买入国泰航空另外2%的股权,使其持股比例提高至42%。

    Cathay 's controlling shareholder , Swire Pacific , also agreed to pay HK $ 1bn for an additional 2 per cent of the airline , bringing its shareholding to 42 per cent .

  25. 但他称,公司计划保留香港国泰航空(CathayPacific)17.5%的股份,以及对香港两条隧道的投资,因为它们为公司盈利做出了重要贡献。

    But he said the company planned to keep its 17.5 per cent stake in Cathay Pacific , the Hong Kong-based airline , and investments in two tunnels in Hong Kong as they make important profit contributions .

  26. 它被评为最佳的葡萄酒整体窖藏,位列获得银奖的阿联酋航空(Emirates)及共享铜奖的以色列航空(El-Al)与国泰航空(CathayPacific)之上。

    The airline was judged to have the best overall wine cellar , above Emirates , which won silver , and El-Al and Cathay Pacific , which shared bronze .

  27. 国泰航空(CathayPacific)昨日对燃油价格高企对其业务构成的压力不断上升表示担忧。不过,该公司去年净利润大增24%,至40亿港元(合5.12美元)。

    Cathay Pacific expressed concern yesterday about the rising pressure of high fuel costs on its operations despite reporting a 24 per cent increase in net profits last year to HK $ 4bn ( US $ 512m ) .

  28. 此项与中信泰富(CiticPacific)进行的交易完成后,国航在国泰的持股比例将从17.5%提高至29.99%,略低于触发收购要约的门槛。中信泰富是中国最大投资集团的香港子公司。

    The transaction with Citic Pacific , the Hong Kong arm of China 's largest investment group , will boost Air China 's stake in Cathay Pacific from 17.5 per cent to 29.99 percent , just below the takeover threshold .

  29. 香港国泰航空(cathaypacific)主席白纪图(christopherpratt)昨日警告称,面对不断飙升的燃油价格,航空业将无法“以目前的形式生存下来”,此番言论与其他航空业高管近期的看法一致。

    The aviation industry will not be able to " survive in its current form " in the face of surging jet fuel prices , the chairman of Cathay Pacific warned yesterday , echoing recent comments made by other airline executives .

  30. 在香港,目前只有六家大型公司采用GRI指引,包括国泰航空、中华电力、汇丰银行、港铁、太古及中华煤气。

    In Hong Kong , GRI seems to be an initiative for only the larger corporations , including Cathay Pacific , CLP , HSBC , MTR Corporation , Swire Pacific and Towngas .