
ɡuó mín xué xiào
  • National School;primary/elementary school
  1. 傣族男童教育问题并非仅仅是性别范畴的问题,还与该族信教传统极为相关,因此反映了传统民族文化传承与现代国民学校教育普及间的张力。

    The problem of education for Dai boys is not only related with gender but also with the tradition of believing in religion of the Dai people .

  2. 山西近代学校建筑的本土化&山西省立国民师范学校

    On the Localization of Shanxi 's Modern School house & Shanxi Provincial People 's Normal School

  3. 对山西省近代学校建筑的典型实例&山西省立国民师范学校进行了调查,从建筑历史与理论的角度,对其建筑平面、立面和造型特点等进行了分析。

    This paper makes investigation of the typical example of Shanxi 's modern schoolhouse & Shanxi Provincial People 's Normal School , and from the angles of the architectural history and architectural theory , analyzes on the features of its building plane , building elevation , and architectural modeling , etc.

  4. 蒋经国首要目标在于基础教育的建立,在蒋经国推动下,赣南地区国民教育师资以及学校数量获得提升。

    Under Chiang Ching-kuo 's promotion , the quality and the quantity of qualified primary teachers and schools in Southern Jiangxi were elevated .

  5. 事实上,公民意识教育尚未能真正进入我国的国民教育体系,学校公民意识教育的开展还存在重重困难。

    As a matter of fact , citizenship education is not prominent in national educational system currently , and it is still difficult to carry out citizenship education in schools .

  6. 从瑞华中学与地方政权的互动中可以看出,南京国民政府对立案学校的控制大多只表现在精致而细微的文件上,从而为教会学校赢取更多自由的生存空间提供了可能。

    Viewed form the connection between Swedish-Chinese Middle School and the local authority , the control of the Nanjing National Government over Christian schools was mostly manifested in some delicate and subtle files , which provided the possibility for Christian school to win a larger living space .