
  1. 国有资产投资机构的授权选择分析

    The Analysis of Selecting Authorized investment Organization for State-owned Assets

  2. 浅析国有资产投资部门结构模型的优化

    An Optimized Model of Investment in Capital Construction by Sector In China

  3. 之后从国有资产投资的规模和结构两个方面阐述了国有资产投资在国民经济发展中的作用。

    Second part states the function of state-owned assets investment from the aspects of size and structure .

  4. 泉州开发区国有资产投资经营有限公司发展战略研究

    Study on Development Strategy of the State-owned Assets Investment and Management Limited Company of Quanzhou Development Zone

  5. 然后回顾了我国国有资产投资结构的历史变革并找出存在的问题。

    Third part reviews the evolvement of the state-owned assets investment structure first and finds some problems in it .

  6. 创建于1974年,管理着国有资产投资的新加坡淡马锡公司开始改变这样的投资思维。

    Temasek , a Singaporean entity created in 1974 to pool state-owned investments , started to change the mindset .

  7. 从而把国有资产投资结构作为一个体系进行研究,以寻找出更有利于促进经济增长的国有资产投资结构及其实现。

    Accordingly researches the state-owned assets investment structure as an integrate system so that to find some measures to promote economic growth .

  8. 通过构建专职的、脱离行政体系的国有资产投资运营部门来加强所有者监督;

    We can strengthen owner 's supervision through structuring an independent investment system of state-run assets , which break away from administration .

  9. 最后提出了我国国有资产投资结构优化的设想并且阐述了优化国有资产投资结构的一些途径。

    Last part brings forward the conception of optimization for the state-owned assets investment structure and presents some ways to optimize the structure of state-owned assets investment .

  10. 本次征名活动由思明区政府、厦门日报社主办,厦门市开元国有资产投资有限公司承办。

    This time drafts an activity by the amoy area government , Xiamen Newspaper office sponsors , Xiamen founds a nation the state asset investment limited company to undertake .

  11. 本文试图在规范分析的基础上结合实证分析的方法对国有资产投资主体结构及目标结构,部门结构及区域结构的发展沿革进行考察分析,找出他们之间的内在联系。

    This thesis tries to reviewing and analyzing the state-owned assets investment structure on entity , objective , department and region on the basis of normative analysis using positive analysis method and finding the relations between them .

  12. 本文建议成立由国家职能部门领导的合资铁路国有资产投资管理公司以改善原有的资产管理体系,增强铁路行业的竞争力。

    This paper suggests to set up the management company of state-owned venture of the joint-venture railway leading by national function department in order to improving the original venture management system and strengthening the competition ability of railway .

  13. 本规定所指社会法人股是指非国有法人资产投资于上市公司形成的股份。

    The public corporate shares mentioned in these Provisions shall refer to the shares formed with non-State-owned corporate assets being invested in listed companies .

  14. 从市场经济的要求来看,由于长期的计划经济体制形成了行政事业性国有资产在投资、使用、管理环节上存在着诸多方面的问题。

    Viewed from the demands of market economy , the prolonged planning economy caused a lot of problems in the investment , use and management of administrative assets .

  15. 内蒙古国有工业固定资产投资运行的SD模型

    SD Model of Inner Mongolia State owned Industrial Fixed Assets Investment

  16. 在分析我国政府融资结构状况的基础上,利用一元线形回归方程预测国家预算内资金占国有经济固定资产投资的合理比例,为我国政府投资项目融资结构优化提供理论依据。

    Base on the analyses of our government financing structure , this thesis forecast the proper ratio of capital within budget in comparison with state-owned investment through linear equation .

  17. 最后针对国有企业集团固定资产投资行为存在的问题,本文提出一些合理可行的政策性建议,为集团管理层制定合理的固定资产投资决策提供理论与实证支持,以期促进企业价值的提升。

    Based on the problems that exist in the FAI behavior of SOEs , some practical suggestions are given to provide theoretical and empirical evidence for the management layer to make proper policies and enhance firm value .

  18. 本文立足于基础材料分析,明确了国有经济在固定资产投资、城镇从业人员数量和财政收入贡献等基本经济层面上仍处于主体地位。

    This article bases upon the analysis of fundamental material and set in main body of national economy in the fields of capital assets investment , number of practitioner and financial income .

  19. 国有控股公司是国有资产投资管理和价值运营的专业化市场主体。

    The state-owned holding company is the specialized market-body of the state asset investment management and the value operation .