- 网络NEPA;National Environmental Policy Act

At least some environmentally unjustifiable projects surely have either been abandoned or never begun because of NEPA .
Segmentation of a project is one means of evading NEPA .
We will then consider the special procedures imposed on federal agencies by the National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) .
American formulated National Environmental Policy Act in 1969 , after 30 years of practice , Regulatory Impact Assessment system of American has formed a comparatively mature theoretical analysis framework and have been used in a wide range .
This seems to substantially undermine the purposes of NEPA .
The EIS provision in NEPA makes no reference to judicial enforcement .
Implementation Effectiveness and Historic Limitations of National Environmental Policy Act of United States
It never once has upheld a NEPA claim .
NEPA litigation does cause substantial delays in a significant number of projects .
This would defeat the purpose of NEPA .
Very few federal projects have actually been halted by permanent injunctions based on NEPA .
Since NEPA was passed , the Court has decided twelve NEPA cases on the merits .
The Supreme Court 's attitude toward that statute can hardly have increased NEPA 's effectiveness .
NEPA frequently serves as the legal base for challenges to proposals for leasing and development of federally owned lands .
NEPA requires consideration of the direct effects of present physical actions and of the possible effects should future risks materialize .
Before turning to the EIS requirement , however , it is worth reviewing some of the other provisions of NEPA .
In addition , all federal agencies are restricted by a statute known as the national environmental policy act or nepa .
Much litigation under NEPA relates to whether factors such as these have been given adequate consideration in environmental impact statements .
One important result of NEPA is to ensure that every agency has the authority to consider the environmental consequences of its actions .
National Environmental Policy Act ( 1970 ) established the Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) to enforce federal laws that involve the environment .
Prior to Metropolitan Edison , the Supreme Court had been confronted with issues relating to NEPA 's threshold requirements on only two occasions .
Today a rampart of federal legislation , such as the National Environmental Policy Act and the Endangered Species Act , would block the way .
The National Environmental Policy Act ( NEPA ) prescribed that the Environmental Impact Assessment ( EIA ) must consider the alternatives to the proposed action .
Although the regulation was later rescinded by ceq , some lower courts held that the " worst case " discussion was still required by nepa .
The majority view was apparently that NEPA does impose substantive limits on agencies and that agency action is subject to judicial review if it transgresses these limits .
Generally speaking , however , the court believed that in nepa " congress was talking about the physical Environment-The world around us , so to speak " .
After the Supreme court 's standing decision , the case was remanded to the district court which held that the ICC had failed to comply with nepa .
Prior to the passage of NEPA , some agencies contended that they lacked the statutory authority to consider environmental issues even if they wanted to do so .
It may be useful at this point to summarize briefly the discussion of NEPA . This brings us to the most important set of issues relating to NEPA .
As we have seen , NEPA requires an EIS when an agency has made a report on a proposal for a major federal action with a substantial environmental impact .