
ɡuó jiā suǒ yǒu quán
  • state ownership;governmental ownership;state property rights
  1. 俄罗斯国家所有权实现方式探微

    Research On The Realization Mode Of State Ownership In Russia

  2. 创造条件着力落实矿产资源国家所有权制度

    Making Every Efforts to Implement State Ownership of Mineral Resources

  3. 海域国家所有权的实质

    The Essence of the National Property Rights of the Sea Area

  4. 国家所有权行使的经济分析

    An Economic Analysis of the Exercising of State Proprietary Rights

  5. 确信与限制&国家所有权主体的法哲学思考

    Credence and Confines : Thoughts about the Subject of State-ownership in Jurisprudence

  6. 关于国家所有权的确切范围存在很大争论。

    The exact reach of state ownership is much disputed .

  7. 国家所有权和集体所有权立法新建议

    A New Suggestion about Legislation of State and Collective Ownership

  8. 论我国水资源国家所有权的实现

    On the Realization of the State Ownership of Water Resources of Our Country

  9. 国家所有权法学透析

    The Legal law Analysis On State Proprietary Rights

  10. 上世纪八、九十年代,国家所有权有利于促进增长。

    In the 1980s and 1990s , these consequences of state ownership were growth-enhancing .

  11. 浅析矿产资源的国家所有权问题

    An Analysis of State Ownership of Mineral Resources

  12. 国家所有权的法律神话

    The Legal Myth of the State Ownership

  13. 国家所有权理论在法律实践上已被证明不符合民法法理,难以自圆其说。

    National ownership has already been proved difficult to justify itself in the legal practice .

  14. 二是国家所有权约束无效;

    The state ownership control is invalid ;

  15. 国家所有权客体分类与主体界定&一种经济分析的思路

    Object Classification and Subject Definition of State Ownership : A Way of Thinking of Economic Analysis

  16. 因此,理论和现实都需对国家所有权的法律调整重新进行制度设置。

    The law must protect the state ownership to avoid any infringement of the state ownership .

  17. 国家所有权抑制了消费需求。

    State ownership depresses consumption demand .

  18. 论国家所有权的法律性质

    Legal Nature of State Ownership

  19. 国家所有权行使论

    On Exertion of State Ownership

  20. 我国矿权的体系,包括矿产资源国家所有权和采矿权。

    Our system of the rights of mineral resources comprises the national ownership and the right of mining .

  21. 海域国家所有权的实质,是国家对海域这一有限资源、稀缺资源的垄断。

    The essence of the national property rights is the country monopolizes the limited and rare ocean resource .

  22. 本文的实证分析表明,不同的国家所有权集中度对中国工业产业绩效有着重要的影响。

    The empirical analysis shows that various state owned ownership has important effects on industrial performance in China .

  23. 非国家所有权进入和带来的市场竞争会明显促进产业经济效率的提高。

    The entry of non state owned ownership and competition it leads to will obviously improve industrial performance .

  24. 这种国家所有权的实现方式给那些有权力而滥用权力之人提供了方便,国家所有权实现方式的变革应该是物权制度改革的核心内容。

    Change in means of realizing state ownership should be the key point to reforming Chinese property right system .

  25. 经济转型时期物权立法的一面镜子&以俄罗斯的国家所有权立法为鉴

    A Mirror of Real Right Law in the Period of Economic Turn : By Reference of Russian State Ownership Legislation

  26. 因而,就控制内部人控制来说,国家所有权约束的强化是更为根本的。

    Thus , reinforcing state owners ' constrains to assets in SHCs is a more radical measure for eliminating insider-control .

  27. 国家所有权制度是物权法中的一项重要制度,由于国家主体所具有的特殊性,国家所有权也体现出不同于物权的特殊之处。

    State ownership is an important regulation in real right law , for different state systems shape different real right features .

  28. 本文认为,所有权的基本类型可以分为两种:一是私人所有权,包括公民所有权和法人所有权,二是公共所有权,包括国家所有权和集体所有权。

    This article declares the basic type of ownership can be divided into two kinds including private ownership and public ownership .

  29. 因此,水资源国家所有权,在国与国事务中才能体现所有权中的诸多权利。

    Therefore , the national ownership of water resources can reflect many of the rights of ownership in the state-to-state affairs .

  30. 因而国家所有权的民法保护对于国家所有权本身以及其他所有权都具有重要的意义。

    Civil law protection of national ownership and therefore the country itself and other proprietary rights of ownership are of great significance .