- 名National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory

In this paper , the fabrication of silicon nitride window for soft X-ray microscopy and its field application in National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory of USTC were briefly discussed .
The parameters of X-ray zone plate , to be used in beam line of Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory of China , and the configuration of an aplanatic system for making high power X-ray zone plate are also presented .
Soft X-ray reflectivity of Mo / Si multilayers were measured .
Survey and alignment design of Shanghai synchrotron radiation facility Study on Alignment and Survey of Q Magnets ' Horizontal Place and Their Adjustment
In this paper , we report the progress on energy band structure studies of wide-band-gap semiconductors in NSRL .
Based on the hard X-ray micro-imaging experiment platform constructed by National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory in Hefei , we have successfully obtained the three-dimensional structure of the solid oxide fuel cell electrode and gradually established a more systematic analysis method .
With the support of the deep lithography technology LIGA in NSRL , Hefei , a number of feasible geometrical figure designs are presented .
The photoelectron diffraction ( PD ) curves of GaAs ( 001 ) surface are obtained by energy scan mode based on the PD technique set up in National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( NSRL ) .
The principle and construction of magnetic pole gap adjusting system of transverse optical klystron dispersive section based on PC is described in this paper .
A summary is given on the characteristics and applications of synchrotron radiation , the parameters of storage ring of National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( NSRL ) .
The National Synchrotron Radiation Lab ( NSRL ) has setup the basic design and test facility for the optical system in the vacuum ultraviolet to soft X-ray range .
A travelling wave resonant-ring was constructed for RF window high power test of NSRL 200 MeV Linac .
In order to satisfying needs of many kinds of the new scientific experiments , the data acquisition and control system of the photoelectron spectroscopy station at NSRL has been reconstructed .
A new timing system was developed in HLS ( Hefei Light Source ) for NSRL ( National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ) Phase ⅱ Project , in which there are 18 output channels totally .
The high brilliance light source ( HBLS ) mode , which reduces the emittance to 27 nm-rad , is one of the items in the National Synchrotron Radiation Lab ( NSRL ) phase II project .
This paper introduces the plannar deformation monitoring net of the storage ring of National Synchronous Radiation Laboratory ( NSRL ) . Applying the surveying adjustment theory and computing methods , the processing for the observational data of the deformation monitoring has been conducted .
A dedicated computer workstation has been successful developed for the purpose of monitoring data of the ultra high vacuum ( UHV ) system of the 800 MeV storage ring . In this paper the hardware employed and the software designed were briefly discussed .
Development of BPM calibrator and its application for phase II in HLS
NSRL storage ring UHV system has been operated for ten years .
Environmental stray radiation field and monitoring system at NSRL
A grating groove spacing measurement system is established and checked by a sample grating .
Upgrade of Hefei Linac Focus Power Supply Control System of the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
The first synchrotron source built in university of science and technology of China is introduced .
Shielding project and protection assessment of a experimental area for nuclear physics in Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory
Thereafter the progress of the LPT of National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( NSRL ) in Hefei is introduced .
A control system for radiation protection at Hefei Nation-al Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory ( HESYRL ) consists of three parts .
A lithography beam line has been constructed at NSRL . Some lithography pictures with 0 . 2 μ m lines have been presented .
The crowding clustering genetic algorithm has been applied to the varied-line-spacing holographic grating design in the National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory , and achieves satisfactory results .
The ferrite dominated kicker magnet whose main function is to produce uniform pulsed magnetic field is one of the crucial elements in injection system improvement task of national synchrotron radiation lab phase ⅱ project .
Multi - slit interference experiments have been carried out in Hefei National Synchrotron Radiation Laboratory at the X-ray water-window wavelength region using a Fresnel zone plate as a dispersion element and an aperture to reduce the linewidth .