
  1. 西方国家农民利益集团的功能与作用对我国新农村建设的启示

    Functions of Farmers ' Interest Groups in the West and the Inspiration for Constructing the New Countryside in China

  2. 数亿元的补贴支持着其他地方该农产品的种植,并损害贫困国家农民的利益。

    Multibillion dollar subsidies allow cultivation of these plants elsewhere , which requires more land and hurts farmers in poor countries .

  3. 首先阐述了西方发达国家农民分化的模式及给我们的启示,然后分析了中国农民分化的现状和基本特征,最后对国内关于农民分化的研究进行了分析。

    And then analyzes the current situation in China and basic characteristics ; finally analyses the domestic study concerning the peasantry diversification .

  4. 国家农民向社会农民的转变正是国家权力从农村退出,社会空间在农村逐步扩大的必然结果。

    The national farmers to social farmers from rural state power shift is in rural areas , social space out the inevitable result of gradually expand .

  5. 目前西方发达国家农民合作社已成为其农业文明的重要标志,在政府扶持其发展方面也积累了丰富的经验。

    Farmer cooperatives of Western developed countries has become an important symbol of its agricultural civilization , and also have a great deal of experience through government support .

  6. 分析了西方国家农民利益集团对当前中国社会主义新农村建设的启示,提出建设社会主义新农村重在培育农民合作经济组织。

    By analyzing this phenomenon in the west , the author suggests that the key to construction of the socialist new countryside lies in promoting establishment of cooperative economic groups of the peasants .

  7. 本文从利益表达、利益综合、政策制定和政策执行等几个方面简要介绍了西方国家农民利益集团在政治过程中的功能;

    The paper introduces the functions of farmers ' interest groups in Western countries in political processes from the perspectives of the voice and integration of interests , and policy making and policy implementation as well .

  8. 在与国外发达国家农民的竞争中,我国农民与国外农民的从业素质之差、组织形式较低已成为竞争的主要障碍,成为当前制约农业和农村经济发展的重要因素。

    The differences in peasants ' quality and organizational form have already become the main obstacle for our peasants to compete with those of developed countries and become the important factor of restricting agriculture and rural economy development .

  9. 尼日利亚全国人民开始使用这个方法,也受到美洲其他国家农民的喜欢。

    People throughout Nigeria began using the invention . And it became popular with farmers in other African countries . Mohammed Bah Abba personally financed the first five thousand pot-in-pot systems for his own community and five villages nearby .

  10. 许多国家的农民也在这样适应,要么种植新产品,要么以不同的方式种植同样的东西。

    Farmers in many countries are also adapting like this — either by growing new produce , or by growing the same things differently .

  11. “在我们从事这项工作的所有国家,农民可以获得我们分发的材料,”Taylor说。

    " In all the countries we work in , farmers have access to the material we distribute ," said Taylor .

  12. 从汲取型政权到悬浮型政权&税费改革对国家与农民关系之影响

    Rural Fee Reform and the Changing Relationship between State and Peasant

  13. 这个国家的农民中只有少数人能识字。

    Only a few of the nation 's peasants are literate .

  14. 涵养农业强壮基础&论国家与农民的利益关系

    On the Interests Relations between the State and the Peasantry

  15. 他们说这些保护给发达国家的农民不平等地位。

    They say these give farmers in rich nations an unfair position .

  16. 博弈视野中的国家与农民&以粮食统购为例

    The Country and the Peasants in the Perspective of the Benefit Game

  17. 海菲国际公司向五十个国家的农民提供捐赠的动物,并为农民提供培训。

    Heifer International provides donated animals and training to farmers in fifty countries .

  18. 国家与农民的关系:历史视野下的综合考察

    A Comprehensively Historical Review on the Relationship between the States and the Farmers

  19. 土地征收是发生在国家和农民集体之间的所有权转移。

    Land acquirement is the transfer of ownership between the nation and the collective .

  20. 学术界基于国家与农民的关系,对村干部在村庄治理中扮演的角色进行了研究。

    Much academic research has done with the role of village leaders in village administration .

  21. 在有些国家,农民仍用踩榨的方法取出葡萄汁来做酒。

    In some countries the peasants still trample out the grapes juice for the wine .

  22. 我花了九个月的世界,去拜访那些最多醋栗种植者的国家的农民们。

    I spent nine months visiting all the farmers in countries with the largest currant growers .

  23. 三个国家的农民们都说他们遭遇了地表水不断紧缺的状况。

    Farmers in all three countries said they have suffered from an increasing shortage of surface water .

  24. 近几年,国家对农民教育培训均给予了高度重视。

    In recent years , the country pays a high attention to education and training of farmers .

  25. 国家与农民关系的实质是权力与权利的关系。

    The real relationship between the sate and farmers is in essence the relationship between power and right .

  26. 改善国家同农民的关系,必须规范政府的行为。

    In order to improve the relationship between state and peasants , government 's conduct must be regulated .

  27. 我国是一个以农民为主体的国家,农民人口占总人口的大多数。

    China is a country as farmers being the main body . Farmers account for most of its population .

  28. 他说,美国的粮食救济和农田补助使贫困国家的农民不想自己种植作物。

    Li says American food aid and farm subsidies discourage farmers in poorer countries from raising their own crops .

  29. 它给亚洲许多国家的农民造成极大的困难,而且有在全世界蔓延的危险。

    It has caused immense hardship to farmers in many Asian countries and threatens to spread around the world .

  30. 2009年,世界上共有25个国家的农民种植转基因作物,美国就是其中之一。

    The United States is one of twenty-five countries where farmers planted genetically engineered crops in two thousand nine .