- state system;form of the government;minister

(1) [minister]∶大臣辅佐国君,就像人体有股肱一样,故称大臣为国体
(2) [state system;form of the government]
(3) 国家的典章制度
(4) 国家的形式。大致可分为君主国与共和国。表明国家根本性质的国家体制,是由社会各阶级在国家中的地位来决定的
State system , government form , lasting in the socialist state are all the concrete expansion of this question .
At the same time , the Abolition Movement affected state system of the U.S.A and its expansion to the northwest .
The state systems is determined by the status of various social classes within the state .
In the early twentieth century , in2001 , before our country joined the GATT WTO , our country really as an independent state system into the world market .
A Monte Carlo computer program TCIS simulating the transport of energetic ions and thus caused atomic collision cascade in solids is presented in detail , including principle , physical models , calculation procedure and applicability .
The American constitution has provided a pattern for many republics .
The Study on Somatic Cell Cloned Cattle in China
The physical implication on dynamic change of the γ values of earth tilt tide
The influential officials of Manchu controlled the diplomacy power during the second Opium War .
The state order is the unity both of state 's form and government 's form .
We should integrate the united front into the state system , and identify its constitution status .
With the change of the state system , the school education policies were forced to be terminalised .
This paper analyzes the political system of Saudi Arabia from the perspectives of the state system and the government system .
Research on Restriction Factors and Countermeasures of System Project for " the Combination of Sports and Education " in Our Country
In1798 , the armies of the French Revolution conquered Switzerland and imposed a new unified constitution that abolished the cantons .
The idea of education and state system shows that Abei s scheme has an air of returning to the ancients .
In theory , " one country , two systems " is the creative development to the national theory of Marxism .
Objectively speaking , now that China has not yet become a regional power to lay the basis of the state system .
Japanese rightwing trends of thought originated from the formation of view of Mikado dominating everything and Japaneses nation superiority complex arising therefrom .
This theory is opposite to the " Mikado Sovereignty Thought ", it rose a debate between Minobe Tatsukichi and State system Thought .
That is to say , the form of the government and its regime were not unified , therefore it was often demolished .
In literature imagination related future nation-state regime " new China ", intellectual reposed grand ideal and urgent expectation of promoting China and transforming state system .
The psychological structure of PC among Chinese college students of PE consists of three dimensions : affective commitment , economic commitment , and normative commitment ;
Considered as a function of the public authorities , the foreign policy of the Republic of Bulgaria complies with the constitutional principles of state structure .
The form of government of a nation , a state , a church , or an organization . ( e ) change of organizational structure .
This paper studies the number , structure and researches of the science workers in the Chinese Research Institute of Physical Culture by adopting investigation and comparative study .
Questionnaires were adopted to analyze the coordination of the development of science workers and the requirements of educational development in the Chinese research institutes of physical culture .
Defined the state system , political and class attributes , provides economic , political and some basic forms , then given the basic rights of production and life .
Some scholars from ROK advocate a staged and peaceful settlement of the issue by making DPRK adopt reforms and realize the Korean reunification under the ROK state system .
Firstly , the allocation of state power between people and state organs is an issue of state system in politics and constitutional jurisprudence which establishes the ownership of proprietary .