
guó huì
  • Congress;parliament;national assembly;the Diet
国会 [guó huì]
  • [Congress;national assembly] 全国性的议会

  • 第七十一届国会

国会[guó huì]
  1. 国会投票同意拨出更多资金来维持美国军队的开支。

    The Parliament voted more funds to help maintain American forces .

  2. 国会决议认为他的免职是非法的。

    Parliament had decided that his removal from power was illegal .

  3. 国会议员希望推翻英国退出该条约的决定。

    MPs hoped to reverse Britain 's opt-out from the treaty .

  4. 民主党昨天在国会山召开了竞选誓师大会。

    The Democrats held a pep rally on Capitol Hill yesterday .

  5. 国会正观望总统方面的反应。

    Congress is waiting to see how the Oval Office will react .

  6. 经过长时间辩论,国会通过了这项提议。

    After a long debate , Congress approved the proposal .

  7. 民主党很可能失去对国会的控制。

    The Democrats will probably lose control of Congress .

  8. 国会可能会迫使这家银行接受苛刻的条件。

    Congress can impose strict conditions on the bank .

  9. 削减开支一事在国会强行通过。

    The spending cuts had been rammed through Congress .

  10. 农民将游说国会提高对农业的补贴。

    Farmers will lobby Congress for higher subsidies .

  11. 国会明天将对提案进行投票表决。

    Congress will vote on the proposals tomorrow .

  12. 国会授予总统全权可继续这场战争。

    The President was given a blank check by Congress to continue the war .

  13. 他们使此议案在国会获得通过。

    They got the bill through Congress .

  14. 国会因意见分歧而陷入僵局。

    Congress is in gridlock .

  15. 他将要求国会进行干预,防止发生罢工。

    He would ask Congress to intervene and head off a strike

  16. 作为一个公共机构,国会在公众民意调查中得分很低。

    Congress as an institution scores low in public opinion polls .

  17. 该政策在美国国会屡遭强烈批评。

    This policy had repeatedly come under strong criticism on Capitol Hill

  18. 我们既想与政府合作,也想与国会合作。

    We want to cooperate with both the administration and Congress .

  19. 艾森豪威尔用他的影响力说服国会修改了该项法律。

    Eisenhower used his muscle to persuade Congress to change the law

  20. 国会周围的一些大楼今天还在冒烟。

    A number of buildings around the Parliament were still smouldering today

  21. 这能说服国会掏钱吗?

    Will this be enough to persuade Congress to cough up ?

  22. 从9月到12月,国会一直都在开会。

    From September until December , Congress remained in session .

  23. 国会正在修订国家银行法规。

    Congress is in the midst of rewriting the nation 's banking laws

  24. 国会对政府打击犯罪的新措施提出了批评。

    Congress has criticised new government measures to combat crime .

  25. 国会不配代表全国人民的意志。

    The parliament didn 't deserve to represent the nation 's will .

  26. 他重新召集国会当然是件非常重大的事了。

    It was certainly serious enough for him to reconvene Parliament

  27. 她的国会同僚是否同意,现在还无从知晓。

    It remains to be seen whether her parliamentary colleagues will agree .

  28. 在争论的过程中,国会内部一片混乱。

    There were rowdy scenes inside parliament during the debate .

  29. 国会投票否决了改变工会结构的动议。

    The Congress voted down a motion to change the union 's structure

  30. 国会通过了《国家安全法》,中央情报局由此而诞生。

    Congress passed the National Security Act , and the CIA was born