
  • 网络desulfuration
  1. DCL型燃煤固硫剂固硫技术在广州石化热电站的应用

    The Application of Desulfuration Technology of DCL Sulfur Adsorbent at the Heat Power Station in Guanzhou Petrochemical Comples

  2. 固硫剂对石油焦的燃烧具有催化助燃作用。

    The desulfuration agent could catalytically facilitate combustion of petroleum coke .

  3. MS粘结剂是理想的固硫型煤粘结剂。

    MS binder is suitable for capturing sulfur briquette .

  4. 流化床炉渣综合利用研究及其在CO2减排上的意义固硫灰渣特性及其作水泥掺合料研究

    Study on Properties and Utilization in Additive of Cement of Ashes from Fluidized Bed Combustion

  5. 煤灰中CaO在加热过程中固硫过程的研究

    Study on the Desulphurization Behavior of CaO in Coal Ashes During Heating

  6. 加压氧化气氛下CaO固硫反应和动力学研究

    Reaction and kinetics of sulfation of Cao in oxidative atmosphere under pressure

  7. 催化剂对CaO固硫反应动力学的影响

    Effects of Catalysts on the Kinetics of CaO Desulfurization

  8. 机械搅拌法和超声搅拌法加入的Ca(OH)2由于高分散性,表现出比机械混合更好的固硫效果,其中超声的作用尤其明显。

    The impregnation with stirring and ultrasonic treatment had much better sulfur retention effect than mechanical mixing for the high dispersion .

  9. 碱金属碳酸盐对CaO高温固硫促进作用的研究

    Effects of alkali carbonates on the Cao desulfurization

  10. 添加剂影响CaO固硫反应活性的动力学分析

    Kinetic Analysis of Additive Effect on Desulfurization Activity

  11. 结果表明,Al2O3的加入通过固相反应来影响钙基固硫效率,Al2O3对固硫效率的影响并非呈单一性;

    The experimen - tal results show that Al_2O_3 has dual effects on Ca-based desulfurization efficiency through solid state reaction ;

  12. CaO固硫反应机理研究的新进展

    Development of mechanism of Cao sulfation reaction

  13. MgO使反应控制阶段固硫反应的有效接触面积下降。

    MgO could decrease the effective contact area of desulphurization at the stage of domination .

  14. 通过对燃烧烟气中SO2含量的测定,确定其固硫效率。

    The desulfurization efficiencies are measured by determining the SO2 content of the flue gase .

  15. 在利用XRD、SEM微观分析手段对固硫灰渣研究的基础上,揭示了固硫灰渣与粉煤灰的活性差异来源;

    The difference between the reactivity of FBC ashes and that of PC fly ashes are investigated by XRD , SEM .

  16. 在较高还原率时,CaO的固硫作用随还原率的提高而增加。

    The effect of sulfur fixation of CaO increases with raising reduction degree in higher reduction rates .

  17. 目的探讨普通煤和固硫煤燃烧后烟气中SO2含量降低的程度。

    Objective To compare the differences of SO_2 emitted from burning coal-biomass briquette and raw coal .

  18. 利用Mg,Zn,Na等作为添加剂,进行了燃煤固硫促进作用的试验研究;

    The elements Mg , Zn , and Na were used as additives during coal combustion in the experimental research of sulfur fixing effect .

  19. 本文描述了各种碱性氧化物固硫效果选择实验结果,论述了煤种,燃烧温度、钙/硫比、Fe2O3对固硫效果的影响。

    The influence on effectiveness of sulfur-fixing from coal . temperature . Fe_2O_3 , andCalcium / Sulfur ( Ca / S ) are discussed .

  20. 采用XRD、SEM及化学分析的方法对高钙固硫粉煤灰的物化性能及其活性进行研究。

    The physical and chemical properties and reactivity of high calcium and solid sulphur flyash have been studied by XRD , SEM and chemical analysis .

  21. 本文对燃煤添加剂CuO、Al2O3和纳米TiO2助燃固硫进行了实验研究。

    Experiment research of combustion desulfurization by additives such as CuO 、 Al2O3 and nano-TiO2 is studied in this work .

  22. 探讨固硫煤与普通煤燃烧造成室内SO2污染及对健康的危害作用。

    To evaluate the harmfulness to health by SO 2 indoors emitted from burning coal biomass briquette and raw coal .

  23. 本文探讨了利用电炉炼钢粉尘进行型煤燃烧固硫和烟道气脱硫的可能性,实验测定和理论计算了典型的电炉粉尘的硫容量约为5.5mmol/g;

    The possibility of utilizing EAF dust as sul-fur sorbent in coal combustion was investigated . The sulfur capacity of the typical EAF dust is about 5 . 5 mmol / g.

  24. 其中,MnO2和Fe2O3在低温下对固硫剂固硫的促进作用比较大,但高温下则有所下降。

    For example , the promoting effect of MnO_2 and Fe_2O_3 were the more prominent at low temperature than at high temperature .

  25. 目的在固硫型煤可降低空气中SO2污染的条件下,研究其对人体生物学指标的影响。

    Objective On the basis of briquette reducing SO2 air pollution , we researched its influence to biological indexes of population .

  26. 在同一Ca/S比下,Ca(OH)2的固硫效果最好,CaO次之,CaCO3的固硫效果最差;

    When the Ca / S is the same , the sulfur retention efficiency of Ca ( OH ) 2 is the best compared of CaO and CaCO 3 ;

  27. 结果固硫煤燃烧后空气中SO2含量比普通煤降低5~7倍。

    Results It was found that the concentration of SO_2 from burning raw coal was 5-7 times than that from burning coal-biomass briquette .

  28. Na2CO3对O2/CO2气氛下CaCO3固硫特性的影响研究

    The Effect of Na_2CO_3 on Direct Sulfuration of CaCO_3 in the Atmosphere of O_2 / CO_2

  29. CaO固硫过程中Ca~(2+)在CaSO4产物层内扩散的研究

    Ca ~ ( 2 + ) Cation Diffusion through CaSO_4 Product Layer during Sulfur Retained Reaction with CaO

  30. CaCO3固硫炼焦及其对生铁含硫量影响的实验室研究

    Laboratory research on sulfur fixation during coke-making with caco_3 and its effect on sulfur content of hot metal