
huí chē jiàn
  • return/enter key
  1. 按回车键录入信息。

    Press the return key to enter the information .

  2. 输入密码,结束休息按回车键(Enter)

    Input password the rest over , press enter key .

  3. 输入HainanIsland,并按回车键。

    Type in Hainan Island and press the enter button .

  4. 这样,当用户按下回车键或者空格键时,我可以让readyesno()函数接受不同的默认值。

    Thus , I can make the read_yes_no () function accept different default values when the user presses Enter or Space .

  5. 为下一个记录添加一行,按下回车键,或者右键单击最后一个记录并且选择AddRecord。

    To add a line for the next record , press Enter or right-click on the last record and select Add Record .

  6. 你也可以敲回车键-,但是会让你的代码看起来乱七八糟,反斜杠n就是换行符。

    You can certainly hit Enter but as we saw & seen that very quickly makes a mess of your code and such and so backslash N is new line .

  7. 然后调用Ln方法(该方法与回车键等效)启用一个新行。

    It then calls the Ln method , which is the equivalent of a carriage return to start a new line .

  8. 介观单回路有源RLC电路的态函数按下回车键进入路由器提示符状态。

    The State Function of Mesoscopic Sole-loop Active RLC Circuit ; Press to get to the router prompt .

  9. 从操作系统命令行窗口,输入clpplus,然后按回车键。

    From an operating system command window , enter clpplus , and press Enter .

  10. 例如,输入connect后按回车键,您将看到用于连接MongoDB数据库的源代码。

    For example , type connect and hit the return key , and you will see the source code used to connect to a MongoDB database .

  11. 如果打算尝试在文本区域中键入一些有意义的内容并按回车键,就像UI告诉您做的一样,您同样会发现什么都不会发生。

    If you were to try to " Type something insightful !" in the text area and press Enter , like the UI tells you to , you would again find out that nothing happens .

  12. 当键入if语句和终止的冒号,并按键盘上的回车键时,Python解释器就知道您输入了一个复合语句。

    When you type in the if statement and the terminating colon , then press Return ( or Enter ) on your keyboard , the Python interpreter realizes you have entered a compound statement .

  13. 不管是单击Submit按钮,还是在TextBox拥有焦点时按下回车键,都会导致相关的句柄调用私有的validateAndSubmit()方法。

    Either clicking on the Submit button or pressing the Enter key when the TextBox has focus causes the associated handler to call the private validateAndSubmit () method .

  14. ssh-keygen的一个有趣特性是,您可以在提示输入密码短语时直接按回车键。

    An interesting feature of ssh-keygen is that it will allow you to simply press enter when prompted for a passphrase .

  15. 我们也可以使用-s选项将fileone的内容在一行中输出,后面加上一个回车键,然后再显示filetwo的内容。

    You can also use the-s option to output all of fileone on a line , followed by a carriage return and then filetwo .

  16. Chrome拥有而Firefox中暂时没有的一个很使用的功能就是直接粘贴连接并转到,而不需要再敲回车键。

    Another handy feature in Chrome , and that one that isn 't duplicated in Firefox ( not out of the box , anyway ) is the ability to paste a link and go directly to it without ever hitting the Enter key .

  17. 您可以如下所示输入DefaultCoreGroup,或者按回车键接受默认值(因为它不是必需的)。

    You can enter DefaultCoreGroup , as shown below , or , since it is not required , press Enter to accept the default value .

  18. 当窗口大小符合要求时,按回车键。

    Press enter when the window is the size you want .

  19. (只需在提示符上按下回车键。)

    ( Just press the Enter key at the prompt . )

  20. 敲回车键后,对鼠标的测试开始,屏幕上显示。

    Please try using your mouse when the next screen appears .

  21. 按下回车键进入路由器提示符状态。

    Press < enter > to get to the router prompt .

  22. 如必要,按回车键绕过标题画面。

    Press enter to bypass the title screen , if necessary .

  23. 发送信息,点击回车键即可。

    To send the message , hit the Enter key .

  24. 回车键用来选择当前高亮显示的项目。

    The Return key selects the currently highlighted item .

  25. 每当提示需要输入时,按回车键接受默认值。

    Whenever prompted for input , hit enter to accept the default value .

  26. 按两下回车键,留出一条空行。

    Press return twice to leave a blank line .

  27. 按回车键添加一个新行,但是要保持在表单内。

    Press enter to add a new line but stay within the form .

  28. 一按回车键整个账户即被清空

    You hit " Enter , " and that bank account zeroes out .

  29. 按回车键,然后按屏幕上的指示操作。

    Press enter and follow the on-screen instructions .

  30. 子列表和主软件包清单都是通过按回车键离开。

    Both the sublists and the main package list are left by pressing return .