
  • 网络shotcrete-bolt support;combined bolting and shotcrete;anchorage and shotcrete support;shot-anchoring protection
  1. 浅谈喷锚支护施工技术在边坡加固中的应用

    On application of shotcrete-bolt support construction technology in side slope intensification

  2. 地下矿山大型机械化高效喷锚支护技术应用研究锚杆喷射混凝土支护技术规范

    Research on the Application of Large Efficient Mechanized Shotcrete-Bolt Support Technology in Underground Mine

  3. 小浪底工程地下厂房设计时,在对围岩进行分类的基础上,采用直接对比法、间接类比法、Q系统分类等方法进行综合分析,确定各洞室的间距及其喷锚支护参数。

    On the basis of classification of wall rock , the spaces between holes and coefficients of rock support were determined by integral analysis such as direct analogism , indirect analogism and Q-system classification method in the design of underground workshop of Xiaolangdi project .

  4. 喷锚支护的时间效应与空间效应

    Effects of Time and Space on Lock Bolt Support with Shotcrete

  5. 圆形隧洞喷锚支护参数的最优选择

    Optimized Selection of Parameters for Shotcrete - anchor Support in Circular Tunnel

  6. 第三系岩层隧洞喷锚支护技术分析

    Technical analysis on anchorage and gunite support of tunnel in Tertiary strata

  7. 喷锚支护中双筋条技术的应用

    Application of double-steel-bars in the anchor - shotcrete support ing

  8. 喷锚支护作为地下室外墙的应用研究

    A study into application combining pintimbering with concrete spray for basement wall

  9. 深基坑施工中的喷锚支护设计

    A Design Of Ejected-anchor Bracing Used in the Pithing Deep Foundation Construction

  10. 隧道工程喷锚支护的自动化设计方法

    An automatic design approach for tunnel anchor bolt-shotcrete support

  11. 喷锚支护中的承压拱理论及实验研究

    Theory for Pressure Bearing Arch in Lock Bolt Support and Its Experiment Study

  12. 喷锚支护在城市渠道整治工程中的应用

    Application of Lock Bolt Support with Shotcrete in Realignment Project of Urban Channels

  13. 介绍了锚杆的支护效应,详细阐述了格栅钢架挂网喷锚支护施工过程。

    The bolting support is introduced in this paper .

  14. 深基坑喷锚支护与工程灾害防治

    The Anchor-Gunited Supporting Structures in Deep Foundation Pits and Treatment of Disasters in Engineering

  15. 揭示了该地下厂房洞室群围岩的整体稳定特性,目前的系统喷锚支护参

    In the whole , the surrounding rock of the underground powerhouse is stable with

  16. 喷锚支护在公路隧道复合式衬砌施工中的应用

    Application of shotcrete and rock bolt support in composite lining construction of road tunnel

  17. 一种深基坑喷锚支护方法的应用及分析

    The Application and Analysis of a Method for Anchor-plate Retaining of Deep Foundation Pit

  18. 喷锚支护在金川不良岩层中的应用

    Application of shotcrete - and - bolt supporting in the complex rock masses in Jinchuan

  19. 隧道施工中喷锚支护有关参数的选择及计算

    Selecting and calculations of shotcrete and bolt support parameters in the process of tunnel projects

  20. 喷锚支护位移监控理论分析与工程实例

    Theoretical analysis of displacement monitoring and control about combined bolting and shotcrete and engineering examples

  21. 砂土深基坑喷锚支护的探讨

    Investigation of spray anchor support and protection for grit and soil in deep base pit

  22. 喷锚支护工程中几个值得探讨的问题

    Several Discussible Problems in Anchor-plate Retaining Engineering

  23. 优化后喷锚支护成本可降低30%。

    Post Modernization The cost of combined bolting and shotcreting can be reduced by 30 % .

  24. 论陆良烟草宾馆基坑边坡喷锚支护技术的应用

    Application of Shotcrete Rock Bolt Support in the Slope of Foundation Pit for Luliang Tobacco Hotel

  25. 土钉墙喷锚支护在成都市某大厦工程中的应用

    The Application of the Pressure of Soil and Foundation Stabilization in One of Chengdu Major Building

  26. 周边建(构)筑物与深基坑喷锚支护的相互影响

    The Interaction Between the Surrounding Buildings and the Anchor gunited Supporting Structures in Deep Foundation Pits

  27. 认为采用喷锚支护是防止其初始冒落的有效措施。

    It is concluded that the shotcreting-bolting support is a effective measure guarding against initial caving .

  28. 深层搅拌桩止水幕墙加喷锚支护技术的应用

    The application of shotcrete and rock bolt support technology in deep mixing pile water-stop curtain wall

  29. 曲靖市南城门地下商场基坑喷锚支护的设计与施工

    Qujing the city south underground market base hollow of city gate spray the construction Abstract and design

  30. 阐述土钉墙喷锚支护技术的特点和施工工艺。

    Through the project example , the characteristic of the soil nailing & shotcreting technologies was introduced .