- 名commodity circulation channel

A Model of Profit Maximization in Commodity Circulation Channel and Profit Distribution Tactics Making
The commodity circulation is poor .
An Analysis of Rebuilding Channels for Commodity Circulation
The Structure and Evolution of Distribution Channel in America & A Research Based on American Economic History
It differentiates logistics management , marketing channel management , merchandise circulation channel management and supply chain management .
More commodity circulation channels , less intermediate links , quick information , flexible pricing , and people 's even flourishing lives .
The existence of large numBer of commodity circulation channels is one of the important causes of favoraBle development of a commodity economy .
Based on the analysis of this phenomenon , the article proposes countermeasures from the angles of the enterprise and the seller in order to guarantee the circulation of commodities .
As the last link of commodity distribution chain , facing up with the vast number of consumers directly , retail enterprises ' development in future has become a focus of attention to all the factions .
With the development of electronic commerce and the theories of marketing and management , enterprises pay more attention to the rebuilding channels for commodity Circulation which directly determines the efficiency and benefits of the enterprises .
So , the position of the middlemen which in the commodity circulation became embarrassed , they seem not adapt to the network any more , multi-level agents have become the synonymous with increased cost of doing business .
They are busy clearing out the drains . Unclog ( or dredge ) readjust the circulation channel for commodities
Modern lease considered as the " morning-sun industry " in the developed country , is one of three major financial instruments as well as the main channel of commodities circulation . It has been playing an important role in national economy and market system .
The commodity exchange market is one of Beijing circulation of commodities main channels .