
  • 网络commercial civilization
  1. 淘宝丌放平台(TOP)是淘宝电子商务基础服务的重要开放途径,它推动各行各业定制、创新、进化,并最终促成新商业文明生态圈。

    Taobao Open Platform ( TOP ) is an important open channels of the Taobao e-commerce infrastructure services , and promote all walks of customization , innovation , evolution , and ultimately contributed to the ecosystem of the new commercial civilization .

  2. 新商业文明对每一位企业家都提出了全新的要求。

    The new commercial civilization has put forward a new demand for every entrepreneur .

  3. 英语专有名词普通化后的商业文明

    On the Business Civilization following the Generalization of English Proper Nouns

  4. 现代商业文明的中国基因

    Chinese Gene of Modern Commercial Civilization

  5. 商业文明的发展与晚明士林风气的嬗变

    On the Development of Commercial Civilization and the Transmutation of Intelligentsia in the Late Ming Dynasty

  6. 中国古代商业文明的发展在宋、明之时达到前所未有的高度。

    Ancient China 's commercial civilization was at its unprecedented height during the Song and Ming Dy-nasties .

  7. 商业文明的世纪提升&企业社会责任纵横

    The Elevating of Business Culture in the New Century : An Issue of Social Responsibilities Shouldered by Businesses

  8. 以商业文明推动社会文明,为创建和谐社会添砖加瓦。

    Promoting social civilization with business civility ; doing what one can do to help establishing the harmonious society .

  9. 虽然儒家思想并不孕育现代商业文明,但是它对当代政治与文化的影响,不如对经济的影响积极。

    Though they do not foster business civilization , the Confucian thoughts have more positive influence on economy than on current politics .

  10. 提出本文的创新点,指出契约精神是现代法治文明及现代商业文明的基石。

    The innovation proposed by this paper that the spirit of modern contract law and civilization , the cornerstone of modern commercial civilization .

  11. 公司相互持股现象是公司企业的商业文明在20世纪飞速发展的产物。

    Companies holding other companies ' stock is a creation of enterprises and the product of rapid development of companies in the 20th century .

  12. 从上帝与摩西立约起,这个民族无论在农耕社会还是发展为商业文明便一直守望着。

    From an agreement with God and Moses , this nationality , regardless of agriculture society or the commercial civilization , then continuously is keeping watch .

  13. 中国现代唯美文学试图用纯化的艺术形式抵制物化的商业文明,又深深根植于现代商业文明中。

    Chinese modern esthetic literature attempts with the pure artistic form to resist the material commercial civilization , also deep deeply takes root in the modern commercial civilization .

  14. 广告作为一种商业文明,以它独有的逻辑同社会文化系统发生作用,形成自己独特的文化体系。

    As a kind of business civilization , advertising interact with the social culture system in an unique way , and it has formed its own culture system .

  15. 它们的背后记录着商业文明的痕迹,本文从词源学和词义变化的角度,结合世界商业发展的历史,探讨了商业贸易的发展对专有名词普通化的影响和意义。

    From the perspective of etymology and word change , this article aims at making a probe into the influence of business development on the generalization of proper nouns .

  16. 店名在我国有着悠久的历史,蕴含着丰富的社会文化,有着丰富的审美意蕴,传承着历代的商业文明。

    Shop name has a long history in China , contains a wealth of social and cultural , has a rich aesthetic implication , passing the ancient commercial civilization .

  17. 主持人:马总请留步,刚刚马总给我们举了一个新商业文明的梦想,我想这个梦想是靠所有阿里人来实现的。

    Moderator : Ma please stay , just the horse always gave us a new business culture dream , I think this dream is realized by the person in all .

  18. 而西方信用是在古代商业文明的基础上产生的,信用观念逐步成为符合市场经济要求的现代价值观念。

    But the West credit came into being from the basis of commercial culture , the credit principle is becoming a modern value concept which conforms to the request of market economy .

  19. 为增强陕西企业的竞争理念,必须完成由传统农业文明向现代商业文明、由历史自豪感向现代危机感两个根本性转变。

    In order to strengthen competition outlook , here must achieve some basic change : coverting traditional agricultural civilization into modern business civilization ; changing historical pride sense into modern crisis sense .

  20. 中国的商业文明源远流长,晋商作为明清时期的重要商帮之一,曾在中国历史上显赫一时。

    Chinese commercial civilization goes back to ancient times . As an important merchant group in late Ming and early Qing dynasties , Shanxi merchants are glorious for a time in Chinese history .

  21. 晋商创造的信用文化构成了山西商人辉煌的商业文明中浓墨重彩的一笔,同时其所建立的完善的信用制度对中国近现代商业、银行业的启蒙和发展起到了不可忽视的深刻影响。

    Their credit culture constitutes the important part of the brilliant commercial culture of Jin-merchants . Meanwhile , their comprehensive credit system makes a notable impact on the Chinese modern business and banking .

  22. 在工业文明与商业文明替代农耕文明的现代社会,非物质文化遗产受到社会结构与环境改变的影响日渐加重,逐渐失去了其文化生态环境。

    In the modern society with industrial and commercial cultures instead of farming culture , non-material cultral heritage is increasingly affected by social structure and environmental changes and is gradually losing its ecological culture environment .

  23. 张爱玲身处半殖民地半封建化的上海,金钱和物欲的冲击使她更深切地感受到人性在商业文明的压迫下的委顿、堕落和变异。

    Zhang Ai-ling lived in Shanghai which has been semi-colony and somi-feudal , the shocking of money and desire make her feel deeply the humanistic pessimistic 、 depraved and changed under the oppressing of commercial civilization .

  24. 其实,真正的源头应是克里特岛上的米诺斯文明。但它并非原生文明,而是在埃及农业文明与西亚商业文明的影响下发展起来的次生文明。

    In fact , it originated from Minoscivilization in Crete , however , it is not the primary one , but a secondary one , which derived from the Egyptian farming culture and west Asian commercial civilization .

  25. 而近代西方思想家是在商业文明中探讨交往伦理的,他们的交往伦理思想就多与财产、人性等有关,比如休谟、费尔巴哈。

    But the western thinkers are discussing association ethics in cameral civilization at the modern times , their association ethics thoughts are much connected with property , human nature etc. For instance , David Hume 、 Forereach .

  26. 基于技术理性之上的现代社会生活,以肯定人的物欲为前提和基础,创造了发达的工业和商业文明,因而具有勿容置疑的善和合法性。

    Based on technological reason , modern social life , with a premise and foundation of stressing people 's desire for material happiness , has created advanced industry and commercial civilization , which is undoubtedly of goodness and rightfulness .

  27. 公司交叉持股现象是现代商业文明在20世纪高速发展的产物,但交叉持股现象在我国出现较晚,这与我国改革开放前实行的计划经济体制有关。

    The phenomenon of cross-shareholding enterprise is the result of the rapid development of commercial civilization in the 20th century . And it appeared lately in China which is related with the planned economy system carried out before reforming .

  28. 因此,是否能通过树立科学发展观来改变社会价值观,改变竞争和商业文明的基本理念,就成为能否实现经济增长方式转变的关键。

    Therefore , whether or not China being able to realize the transformation of economic growth method depends on fostering the ideology of science development in order to change of social value , ideologies of competition and business civilization .

  29. 诉讼时效在保障工商业文明社会信用体系中的核心价值&诉讼时效基本理论的反思与我国诉讼时效立法的重新选择(二)

    Limitation of Action 's Key Function in Maintaining Social Trust System in Industry and Business Civilization Society & The review of fundamental theory about limitation of action and our new choice when we revise the law ( part two )

  30. 晚明时期,商业文明的发展促进了传统四民观的转变,唤醒了士人阶层的理性精神,一股新异的思想解放之风在士林中鼓荡。

    In the late Ming Dynasty , the development of commercial civilization brought about the transformation of the traditional concept of the Four Types of citizens and awakened the rationalism in the intellectuals A new atmosphere of emancipation of the mind prevailed .