
  • 网络Tangshan Port;PORT OF TONGXHAN
  1. 主要港口包括秦皇岛港、黄骅港和唐山港。

    Major coastal ports include Qinhuangdao , Huanghua and Tangshan .

  2. 唐山港港口物流发展趋势&基于主成分分析方法的研究

    Study on the Development Trend of Tangshan Port 's Logistics & Based on Principal Component Analysis

  3. 本论文研究基于港口装卸机械的作业流程系统,并应用于唐山港件杂库场作业系统中。

    The paper deals with the seaport equipment operation process system based on bar code which is used in the operation system in Tangshan seaport .

  4. 阐述在唐山港码头施工中应用剪式恒力仪测定拉杆初拉力时对标定试件材料的要求、拉杆施力的过程和须注意的具体问题以及施工效果。

    The construction conditions of diaphragm wall wharf , Jingtang Harbour District are introduced and analysis on the proposal for the covered type of deep water sheet pile wharf are made in the paper .

  5. 文中实验是在河北省唐山市唐港高速公路唐山收费站入口车道完成,车辆行驶速度在60Km/h以下,车辆行驶相对缓慢。

    The experiments were carried out at entrance of toll lane at TangShan toll-gate in TangShan city in HeBei province . Vehicles run at speed of below 60 Km / h.