
  1. 篮球运动社会性技术的哲学探索

    The thinking of philosophy on socio - technical of Basketball

  2. 真理是一切科学和一切哲学探索的终极目的。

    The True is the goal of all scientific and philosophical inquiry .

  3. 《白孔雀》&劳伦斯哲学探索的起点

    The White Peacock : The Outset of D. H. Lawrence 's Philosophical Exploration

  4. 物信论&多层次物质信息系统及其哲学探索

    Matter Information Theory : Matter Information System of Various Layers and Their Philosophical Explorations

  5. 重演律的哲学探索

    Exploring Law of Recapitulation from a Philosophical Perspective

  6. 由此可见,哲学探索需要勇气或许没有苏格拉底所表现的那样多但总归是勇气吧。

    Thus , philosophical inquiry takes courage - perhaps not as much as Socrates showed & but courage nevertheless .

  7. 《大师和玛格丽特》错综复杂的人物情节和时空结构体现出作者的宗教哲学探索精神;

    The anfractuous characters , plots and space-time structure of " Master and Magaritte " reflect the author 's thinking on religious philosophy .

  8. 伴随两次转向,我们可以看到自我在西方哲学探索中萌芽、发展、确立这样一个过程。

    Along with these two turns , we can see the self that developed at every step from sprout , development to establishment in western philosophy investigation .

  9. 其对话方式表达了哲学探索与哲学教育的内在统一性,对哲学教学具有鲜活的启示意义。

    Such kind of method implies the internal consistency between Socratic philosophical quest and his philosophical education , and it also provides the inspiration for our philosophical education nowadays .

  10. 科学技术哲学探索科学与技术的假设、基础、方法和内涵,以及其社会影响。

    The Philosophy of Science and Technology is concerned with the assumptions , foundations , methods , and implications of science & technology , together with their social effects .

  11. 甚至在他的哲学探索中,他也无法无视这些陈规;他的真理谬误观仍将同他特有的传统风俗有关。

    Even in his philosophical probing he cannot go behind these stereotypes ; his very concepts of the true and the false will still have reference to his particular traditional customs .

  12. 在某种程度上,维特根斯坦和奥斯汀的哲学探索就是语言分析或概念考察。

    To some extend , philosophical investigation practised by Wittgenstein and Austin is the analysis of language or the investigation of concepts . They both identify philosophy with the critique of language .

  13. 并从教育途径、教育方法上分析了西方教育哲学探索现代教育寻求意义的策略,指出了其内在的不足和缺陷。

    By means of educational route and method , this dissertation analyses the tactics of educational significance in view of west education philosophy and points to thedefects in education 's inner parts .

  14. 通过对早期儒学和犹太教关于智慧的伦理问题的比较研究,对智慧的社会性与道德性之间的关系做了一些哲学探索。

    This paper is a comparative study of Early Confucian and Jewish moral theories of wisdom and a philosophical analysis of the relations between the social function and moral features of wisdom .

  15. 同时他又是一位富有哲学探索精神和有强烈社会责任感的思想家,在人类科学史和思想史上产生了极其深远的影响。

    At the same time as a great thinker esteemed for his enthusiasm for philosophical exploration and sense of social responsibility , he exerted far reaching influence on the history of science and ideology .

  16. 在这点上,爱因斯坦不仅是一个伟大的科学家,一个富有哲学探索精神的杰出的思想家,同时又是一个有高度社会责任感的正直的人。

    At this point , Einstein is not only a great scientist , a rich philosophy and the spirit of discovery distinguished thinkers , but it is also a high degree of social responsibility and upright people .

  17. 尤其是做为道家创始人的老子,其道法自然的哲学探索,无为而治的政治理想,反者道之动辩证思维等等,对后人产生了巨大的影响。

    Especially the founder of it & Lao zi , has had a huge impact on later generations by virtue of the philosophy exploration of " law of nature ", the political ideal of " non-interference ", the dialectical thought and so on .

  18. 一个优秀的统帅不仅不需要天才和那些特殊的人类品质,而且相反,他要剔去那些人类最崇高、最完善的品质&仁爱,诗人气质,温情,从哲学探索问题的怀疑精神。

    A good general has no need of genius , nor of any great qualities ; on the contrary , he is the better for the absence of the finest and highest of human qualities & love , poetry , tenderness , philosophic and inquiring doubt .

  19. 论诺曼·梅勒在创作中对嬉皮哲学的探索与追求

    Mailer 's Exploration and Pursuit of Hip Philosophy in His Literary Creation

  20. 从哲学角度探索篮球运动及其发展的规律

    Exploration of Basketball-playing and its Regulations of Development from the View of Philosophy

  21. 试论劳伦斯小说对生命哲学的探索

    On the Life Philosophical Exploration of Lawrence 's Novels

  22. 从复杂性研究到科学实践哲学的探索&吴彤教授访谈录

    From Studying Complexity to Exploring the philosophy of Science Practice & An Interview with Professor Wutong

  23. 可以这样认为,劳伦斯的整个文学创作过程就是作者对生命哲学的探索过程。

    It can be considered that his entire literary career is also a process of exploring his life philosophy .

  24. 疑问话语间接意向的推断&语言哲学系列探索(11)

    The Inferences of the Indirect Intention of Interrogative Discourses & The serial research of philosophy of language ( 11 )

  25. 事实上,这部作品多少像是哲学的探索过程,双双仿效荷马,但也为其它的人性探索过程,预做了准备,作品可参见塞万提斯及乔依斯的著作。

    In fact , the work is a kind of philosophical odyssey that both imitates Homer , but also anticipates other great odysseys of the human mind , works by those like Cervantes or Joyce .

  26. 甚至在哲学领域的探索中,人们也无法超越这此定型的框框。

    Even in his philosophical probings he cannot go behind these stereotypes ;

  27. 当代中国法哲学的哲理探索

    Philosophic Exploration of Philosophy of Law in Contemporary China

  28. 对学校教育实践问题的哲学思考&探索学校办学的有关实践问题

    The Philosophical Thinking on Education Practice of Schools

  29. 高校哲学教学方法探索

    On teaching methods of philosophy course of college

  30. 构建计算(机)哲学体系的探索研究

    On Constructing Computation Philosophy System