
  • 网络Brand Influence
  1. C汽车在近几年针对品牌影响力相对薄弱的地区制定和调整了相应的经销商运营能力评价体系,并产生了一定效果。

    In recent years , C car formulae and adjust the Dealer operational capability evaluation system for the brand influence relatively weak areas and produce a certain effect .

  2. H制药制剂业务在计划经济时代曾有着辉煌的历史,规模、利润及品牌影响力在医药行业处于领先地位。

    In the planned economy era , pharmaceutical dosage business of Company H also had been taking industry leading position in revenue size , profitability and brand awareness .

  3. 然而,尽管大学毕业生和MBA的招聘数量可能减少,但安永等公司正寻找例如校园竞赛这样的创新方式,以在未来的潜在员工心目中树立品牌影响力。

    Yet , while hiring of college graduates and new MBAs may be down , companies such as Ernst Young are coming up with creative ways , such as campus competitions , to build their brand in the minds of potential future employees .

  4. YT橱柜是国内最早从事橱柜制造的企业之一,是行业内第一家获评中国驰名商标的企业,在竞争激烈的市场环境中,企业品牌影响力有所弱化,终端竞争力亟需提升。

    YT cabinet is one of the earliest manufacturing industry in the cabinet and it was rated well-known trademarks in China , in a highly competitive market environment , corporate brand influence has weakened , the terminal competitiveness urgently need to enhance .

  5. 2008奥运背景下的金融品牌影响力营销。

    Financial brand forces marketing under the coming Olympics in2008 .

  6. 广告策略在提升品牌影响力中的应用研究

    The Research on Advertisement Strategy Applied in Enhancing Brand Influence

  7. 品牌影响力也是花钱砸出来的。

    Brand force also is to spend money to be bungled come out .

  8. 在消费者和开发者的意识中占据的品牌影响力份额才是一切。

    Mindshare among consumers and developers is all .

  9. 基于社会责任的科技期刊品牌影响力的提升策略

    On strategies to enhance brand influence of sci-tech journals from perspective of social responsibility

  10. 借着响亮的品牌影响力,这个新产品成功闯进亚洲市场。

    With a high-profile brand , the new product was successfully launched in Asian market .

  11. 基于企业社会责任视角的品牌影响力提升研究

    The Research on the Uplifting of the Brand Influence from the Angle of Enterprise Social Responsibility

  12. 湖南的工程机械在全国的品牌影响力和竞争力迅速提升。

    The brand influence and competitiveness of the construction machinery in Hunan are enhanced largely domestically .

  13. 品牌影响力。

    The fifth is brand influence .

  14. 谈网络环境中的品牌影响力

    On Brand Impact on Network Environment

  15. 如果品牌影响力被限制在“红州”,就会减缓汽车销量,使厂商难以吸引年轻买家。

    Being confined to red states slows sales growth and makes it difficult to attract younger buyers .

  16. 研究结果表明,品牌影响力和行业竞争两个变量有显著的调节作用。

    Empirical test results show that , brand influence and industry competition have a significant moderating role .

  17. 通过整合资源,提升品牌影响力,引领亚太地区的景观设计潮流。

    In order to become the landscape design trend in Asia-Pacific region , we integrate resources and improve brand impact .

  18. 湖南卫视应充分发挥频道的品牌影响力,进行资源整合,创建多元赢利模式,提升整个频道的竞争力。

    Only by constructing a multi-leveled model of profit making , can the competitive capacity of the TV Channel be raised .

  19. 两组消费者,一组主要依据品牌影响力做购买选择,另一组则依据产品价格做购买决定。

    The driving force to make purchase choice for one group is brand recognition and for another group it is price .

  20. 好在随着品牌影响力的不断扩大,公众开始陆续发现和关注它们的发展。

    Fortunately , along with the growing of brand influence , the public begin to keep a watchful eye on them .

  21. 随着啤酒行业竞争的加剧,雪花啤酒虽然具备了较强的资本实力,但品牌影响力比较薄弱。

    With the competition intensifying in beer industry , Snow Beer brand influence is weak though it has a strong capital strength .

  22. 事实证明,企业履行社会责任,对提升品牌影响力和核心竞争力具有极大的促进作用。

    Facts have proved that fulfilling social responsibilities of enterprises plays a great role in enhancing the brand influence and core competitiveness .

  23. 广告无疑就是提高企业的品牌影响力,扩大市场占有率,增加销售额最直接、最有效的手段。

    Advertising is undoubtedly , to enhance their brand influence , expand market share and increase sales , the most direct and effective means .

  24. 在传统营销模式下,受制于网点规模、品牌影响力等因素,金融产品营销能力相对薄弱。

    Under the traditional marketing model , subject to the dot size , brand influence factors , etc , marketing capability is relatively weak financial products .

  25. 本文对中国南方航空动力机械公司(南方公司)摩托车的成本、技术、营销能力、品牌影响力、企业资源能力等竞争力要素进行了综合分析评价。

    A comprehensive analysis and evaluation have been made to the cost , technology , marketing ability , brand prestige , enterprise source and other rival skills .

  26. 并指出通过组织架构的整合,使企业内部流程优化,效率提升,才能对目标消费者产生正面的品牌影响力。

    And points out that the integration of organizational structure , internal business process optimization , efficiency , can have a positive brand influence on the target customers .

  27. 对于在国际上缺乏提花带品牌影响力的中国企业而言,参加展览推动销量更是最有效的的低成本高回报手段之一。

    For lack of international brand Jacquard with influential Chinese businesses to participate in the exhibition to promote sales are the most effective means of low-cost high return .

  28. 神龙汽车有限公司(以下简称神龙公司)面临激烈的行业竞争,如何提高效率和品牌影响力,在竞争中站稳脚跟,实现战略目标。

    Facing furious competition , Dongfeng Peugeot Citroen auto limited company ( DPCA ) has to improve its efficiency and brand influence , and achieve strategic goals steadily .

  29. 合作同盟出师不利,换言之,仅拥有技术和电子产品的品牌影响力,还不足以创造一个新的蓝海市场。

    Collaboration is affined unsuccessful , change character , have the brand force of technology and electronic product only , still can 't create a new blue sea market .

  30. 所有生产基地全部建成投产后将为集团产品的市场占有率和品牌影响力的提升注入强劲的源动力。

    After all production base completes the production , completely will instill the strong source power for the group product 's market share and the brand influence 's promotion .