
  • 网络brand worship;Cult Branding;The Culting of Brands
  1. 人们的热情,不是出自口腹快感,也不是出自品牌崇拜,而是出自对Tsingtao背后的地方文化认同和情感归属。

    The enthusiasm of the people attending this event did not come from their good-tasting pleasure , nor from the brand worship , but from the local cultural identity and emotional affiliation to the " Tsingtao " background .

  2. 她是典型的下一代施坦威用家。她在对施坦威这个品牌的崇拜中长大,将其等同于像阿图尔•鲁宾斯坦(ArthurRubinstein)那样的伟大钢琴家。

    She grew up revering the Steinway name , associating it with great pianists like Arthur Rubinstein .