
yǎo shǒu
  • painful with cold or other stimulation;hard to do
咬手 [yǎo shǒu]
  • (1) 〈方〉

  • (2) [painful with cold or other stimulation]∶手因受冻或受油漆、酸类等的刺激而肿痛、发痒

  • 寒冬腊月冷得咬手

  • (3) [can't afford sth. in too high price]∶比喻价钱太大,买不起

  • (4) [hard to do]∶比喻事情难办;棘手

  • 这件事以前没干过,刚接触有点咬手

  1. 她咬手指甲。

    She gnawed at her fingernails .

  2. 我有个坏习惯,爱咬手指甲。

    I have a bad habit , I love biting my nails .

  3. 她有像咬手指甲的习惯。

    She has some cute habits like biting nails .

  4. 嚼口香糖、咬手指甲、甚至打坐,可是都没效。

    Chewing gum , biting my fingernails and even meditation , but nothing works .

  5. 我妹妹紧张时就忍不住会咬手指甲。

    My sister can 't help but bite her fingernails when she gets nervous .

  6. 我知道很多人紧张的时候,就会开始咬手指甲。

    I know a lot of people who start chewing their nails when they are nervous .

  7. 他有咬手指甲的习惯,但是我认为他长大就不会了。

    He has a habit of biting his fingernails , but I think he will grow out of it .