
yǎo yī kǒu
  • take a bite
  1. 她会咬一口鸡翅。

    She Will Take A Bite Of The Chicken .

  2. 面条,面条,咬一口!

    Noodles , noodles , take a bite !

  3. 要是被逼急了,甚至最弱小的动物也会回咬一口。

    Even the weakest animal will bite back when it is cornered .

  4. WWF警告道:熊猫的牙齿虽然主要用来咬碎竹子,但是被熊猫咬一口,后果是非常严重的。

    It cautions : Although used mainly for crushing bamboo , a panda bite can be very nasty .

  5. WWF警告道:“熊猫的牙齿虽然主要用来咬碎竹子,但是被熊猫咬一口,后果是非常严重的。”

    It cautions : " Although used mainly for crushing bamboo , a panda bite can be very nasty . "

  6. 然而,在禁令期间,我发现自己吃东西——如来自摩尔曼斯克(Murmansk)的扇贝和来自马加丹(Magadan)的螃蟹——时,每咬一口都要吮吸自己的手指。

    Yet during the ban I 've found myself eating things such as scallops from Murmansk and crab from Magadan - and licking my fingers after every bite .

  7. 我以为他要我咬一口呢所以我…

    I thought he wanted me to bite it so I. ..

  8. 我问他,我应该直接在叶子上咬一口吗?

    Do I just bite into the leaf ? I ask .

  9. 把饼卷起来,咬一口尝尝吧,埃米。

    Just roll it up and have a bite , Amy .

  10. 朋友间随便咬一口没什么的

    What is the simple bite on the buttocks among friends ?

  11. 我是能咬一口那该多好!

    If only I could get a bite of it .

  12. 据说那个没幽默的承包商拒绝咬一口。

    The unamused contractor , it is said , refused to bite .

  13. 再咬一口我们就得走了。

    One more bite and we 're out of here .

  14. 我要一个巨大的,多汁的,咬一口,血腥

    I 'll take a huge , juicy , bloody bite out of

  15. 他没有说饿了你就咬一口。

    He didn 't say take a nibble when you 're hungry .

  16. 吸血鬼被狼人咬一口立马死翘翘

    A bite from a werewolf can kill a vampire .

  17. 你会想咬一口巧克力的,小家伙?

    You want a little bit of chocolate , baby-boo-boo ?

  18. 所以,每咬一口苹果,你就等于咬掉了一点热量。

    By making this one swap you 'll save calories every day .

  19. 要是我咬一口,你会给我块牛排吗?

    If I take one bite will you get me a steak ?

  20. 只要咬一口,就不必再费大力气。

    Just a bite and no more effort needed .

  21. 咬一口他就完蛋了。

    One bite , and he 's shrimp toast .

  22. 当我咬一口我的苹果时,听起来很脆。

    When I bite my apple it sounds crisp .

  23. 他做的五香乳鸽很棒,咬一口,满嘴生香。

    His five-spice squab was outstanding , with flavours bursting through every bite .

  24. 如果我犯瘾就咬一口。

    I have a bite of this and I 'm an addict again .

  25. 随意搭配的时令水果,是不是看到就要咬一口啊。

    Random with seasonal fruit , is not that we should bite ah .

  26. 我咬一口夹饼。

    I took a bite of my sandwich .

  27. 答案:一次咬一口。

    Answer : One bite at a time .

  28. 我可以咬一口吗?

    Could I have a bite of that ?

  29. 我可不希望被它咬一口。

    I dont want to be bitten .

  30. 我用手指在水里划着,心想即使被鱼咬一口也值得。

    I dangled my fingers in the water , figuring it would be worth it .