
  • 网络destiny view;Fortuna
  1. 这包含美国例外论、天定命运观以及美国乐善好施的思想。

    This include U.S.A. exceptional theory , it make destiny view and thought that U.S.A. is given to doing charitable work .

  2. 评先秦哲学中的命运观

    Appraising the Outlook on Destiny of Philosophy before the Qin Dynasty

  3. 由等待到奋斗的女性跨越&浅析《喜福会》中四对母女的命运观

    Feminist Stride from Waiting to Striving & On Mother-Daughter Fatalism in The Joy Luck Club

  4. 自然与个体的撞击:哈代小说命运观解读

    Collision of Nature and Destiny : A Kind of Reading of the Destiny of Hardy 's Novels

  5. 元杂剧的陈词滥套现象与中国古典戏曲的命运观

    The Phenomena of Clich é s in Miscellaneous Drama of Yuan Dynasty and The View of Fate in Chinese Classic Drama

  6. 总之,唐五代时民间命运观变化较大.这主要与佛教的传入和兴盛有关,这就从一个方面说明佛教的流传对中国本土文化的影响很大。

    In a word , we can draw a conclusion : the spread of Buddhism in china greatly influence Chinese traditional culture .

  7. 从神话命运观的角度来探讨方本《雷峰塔》传奇的悲剧根源。

    This paper explores the roots of the tragedy in the legend " Leifeng Tower " from the perspective of mythical fate .

  8. 换句话说,我们的命运观是行为与奖赏的代名词,而不是原因与结果的同义语。

    In other words , our conception of Fate is the equivalence of action and award rather than that of cause and effect .

  9. 而历久流传下来的命运观,罗素曾说,它是真正与宗教相关的。

    According to Russell , it is the view of fate which runs through the long history that is really concerned with religion .

  10. 需要层次理论、目标管理理论、企业命运观、人性管理则是绩效管理的激励理论基础;

    The object management theory , arranging demand theory , the fate of a corporation and so on are the incentive theories that performance management basis .

  11. 并着力探讨了其背后的文化根源之一&命运观,分别论述了中西悲剧是如何在不同命运观影响下在基本精神上呈现差异的。

    And furthermore traces it back to its cultural roots and explores how the idea of fate produces an impact on tragic spirit , bringing about such diversity .

  12. 命运观,不仅是理解古希腊精神世界的关键,更是理解古希腊悲剧的关键。

    " Fate " was not only used as the key word to understand the Greek spirit-world , but also used to touch the core of Greek tragedy .

  13. 从《哈姆雷特》和《窦娥冤》看中西悲剧精神之差异及两种文化背景下的命运观

    Comparison between Tragic Spirit of Chinese Tragedy and That of Western Tragedy and the Cultural Origin of the Diversity between Them & Viewed from Dou E 's Earthshaking Wrong and Hamlet

  14. 基于维系村庄共同体的需要,熟人社会中存在着“忍让”意识形态、伦理秩序、面子机制、命运观等对“气”的有力平衡机制。

    In traditional village community where everybody knows everybody , there were balancing and pacifying mechanisms such as tolerance , ethical order , the fear of losing face , religious faith , etc.

  15. 试析世界神话中人神关系和生死命运观命题无机物的世界是没有生命的;没有生命的东西;没有生命的石头。

    Analysis of the Notion about the Relation between the Human Being and God as well as Living and Death Destiny the inorganic world is inanimate ; inanimate objects ; dead stones .

  16. 命运观成就中西悲剧精神差异&《哈姆雷特》和《窦娥冤》之比较论《哈姆莱特》与《窦娥冤》中的复仇鬼魂

    Discrepancy in Tragic Spirit of Chinese and Western Tragedies Accomplished by the View of Fortune-Comparison between Hamlet and Douwo ′ s Wrong A Commentary On Ghost Revenge In Hamlet And Dower 's Grudge

  17. 若以《俄狄浦斯王》为样本,既可讨论命运观及其相关思想对于古希腊戏剧的美学贡献,又能揭示古典艺术精神之于现代人生观的启迪。

    King Oedipus taken as the example , the aesthetic contribution of fate and associated ideas to classical Greek dramas can be viewed , and enlightenment from the spirit of classical art can be revealed .

  18. 在强烈的命运观主题下,哈代小说全知全能的叙述方式不仅代替人物发表言论,而且直接对人物行动发表评论,呈现出独白性质。

    In the strong view of fate theme , Hardy novels '" the all-effective " narrative style not only replace the characters ' speech , but also directly comment , this presenting a " soliloquy " nature .

  19. 作家命运与文学观&试论三言二拍与西鹤的好色物比较研究

    Writers ' Fate and the View of Literature

  20. 第一部分简要介绍了古希腊命运悲剧的发展及三大悲剧家的命运观。

    Part 1 serves as a brief introduction to the development of Greek fate tragedy and three tragic dramatists ' outlook on fate .

  21. 如何对待命运问题实际上是一个人生智慧问题,命运观是中国传统人生哲学中的重要思想。

    The problem of how to treat destiny is actually a problem of wisdom of life and the outlook on destiny is an important thought of the traditional philosophy of life in China .

  22. 托玛斯哈代继承并革新了希腊悲剧和莎士比亚悲剧中的命运观念,结合19世纪英国的社会现实,形成了别具一格的命运观。

    Thomas Hardy inherits and renews the concept of destiny of the Greek tragedies and Shakespeare 's tragedies . Combining the social changes in the 19th century in England , he obtains his own unique philosophy of destiny .