- echo;work in concert with;act in cooperation with each other

(1) [echo;work in concert with]
(2) 彼此声气相通
(3) 文章前后相照应
Many phrases in the last two chapters echo earlier passages
Kenneth Jay Lane to you so that when your heart and your jewelry to resonate and echo , what is more fun than this ?
The points you make are fine , but the whole essay lacks coherence .
A piece of writing should be coherent .
This one was chosen because it echoed the labels of groups , such as " Italian Americans " and " Irish Americans , " that had already been freed of widespread discrimination .
Their bundle of characteristics echoes the ceaseless curiosity and willingness to take risks noted by other experts .
The maker philosophy echoes old ideas advocated by John Dewey , Montessori , and even ancient Greek philosophers , as we pointed out recently .
That feeling echoes the beliefs of the Therapeutic Food Pantry program at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital , which completed its pilot phase and is about to expand on an ongoing basis to five clinic sites throughout the city .
It is the third year in a row that it 's come down and echoes a similar decline in other countries , including France and Australia .
To honor Beijing 's status as the world 's first city to host both the Summer and Winter Olympics , the 2022 torch features a similar design to the 2008 Games ' main cauldron , which resembled a giant scroll of the Olympic spirit in the Chinese capital .
In this way , advanced communication systems also help to develop trade .
Echoing similar moves by other handset makers , Huawei on Wednesday launched the Vision , a smartphone that gives users access to cloud computing services .
A new Google Photos app , with the promise of software that can automatically organise libraries of pictures , also echoed capabilities that are already offered by Apple .
The difference this time is that nine scientists within the agency 's device division are echoing critics'claims of a corrupted review process .
His words go to the heart of Sarah Chayes " argument in Thieves of State : that graft begets insecurity .
Conclusion : Ischemia cascade effect occurred in the endothelial cells in the early stage of acute mechanical cerebral vasospasm .
The other two pavilions , Footprint and Future , are located in two modified industrial buildings in Zone D and Zone E respectively ; they represent a fascinating mix of tradition and modernity .
Nowadays , the network technology is developing rapidly , which established the foundation of Internet and the personal computer significance development . Accordingly , the electronic commerce also reached a hitherto unknown degree in the theatrical and the practical applications .
Regulators and bankers will mull this over today in Brussels , as part of the European Commission 's efforts to garner feedback on forthcoming financial reforms ( initiatives which echo the ongoing debates in Washington ) .
According to the features of urban space information system , this paper establishes a collaborated and cooperated network information service system by combining the C / S multi-level construction with P2P and by using Web Services and the Agent technique .
He insisted the Greek psi deal should be an " exception " , echoing the language of other bankers and politicians .
The harsh , almost geological angularity of the parking garage shears through Lapidus 's easy informality , yet with its open structure and its canted and V-shaped columns there is a faint echo of playful MiMo .
The characteristics of P2P , in certain degree , satisfy the requirement of the innovation of the search engine . Thus , the advent of the P2P-based distributed content search technology is coming up .
China is likely to see the comments as a provocation as they echo remarks by Hillary Clinton , US secretary of state , last year that infuriated Beijing .
This would echo the strategy pursued by North Korea 's founding leader Kim Il Sung , who sought to exploit the Sino-Soviet split to extract assistance from both sides .
Ironically , their arguments find a mirror image among Western politicians and commentators , who view the F.B.I. investigation as a necessary expression of American power .
We will not target our exchange rates for competitive purposes , the G20 finance ministers said in a statement that echoed a similar call last week from the G7 .
Firstly , native supermarkets ' external and internal competition environment has been examined with TOWS analysis that consists with the market-oriented conception .
The disappointing news on UK growth was echoed by the European Central Bank . Mario Draghi , its president , warned of " prevailing uncertainty " over the outlook .
The surge in producer prices mirrored the release of the consumer price index last week , which also increased much faster than expected by economists at the headline and core levels .