- flavour symmetry

However , the ratio A / p approaching to unity in AA collisions comparing to pp collision does not necessarily mean quark flavor symmetry .
In the limit mQ →∞, the Spin-Flavor symmetry of heavy quark plays an important role in heavy flavor quark .
The analyses show that the BS formalism has spin-flavour symmetry in the heavy quark limit , it respects the Luke 's theorem and other relations when the 1 / mQ corrections are taken into account .
Based on SU F ( 3 ) flavor symmetry and using the method of group theory , a simple quark model for the baryon structure is proposed , where in addition to the usual three valence quark components , a possible five quark components is included .
But the color superconductivity can 't be broken .
Flavor Horizontal Symmetry of the Leptons-Quarks
Some scholars drew persistent attention to the symmetry of antonyms and held that two words cannot be considered as antonyms unless they contain symmetry in every aspect .