
  • 网络periodic quantity;harmonic quantity
  1. 同时,针对控制参考信号为周期量这一特征,采用递推积分PI控制算法可以实现对周期信号的无差跟踪。

    On the other hand , because control reference signal was a periodic parameter , it could eliminate system steady error well with recursive integral PI control algorithm .

  2. 在并联混合型有源电力滤波器控制中,由于传统PI控制只能对直流给定信号进行无差调节,对周期量谐波滤波效果不够理想。

    Due to the traditional PI controller can only deal with given direct current signal , and can not control cycle harmonic signal well , the performance of shunt hybrid active power filter used traditional PI controller is not satisfied .

  3. 利用周期矩量法计算了其带隙特性,利用FDTD法计算了其反射相位。

    The bandgap structure is calculated using periodic method of moment , and the plane wave reflection phase is calculated using FDTD .

  4. 频率选择表面(FSS);分形单元;周期矩量法;多频带;

    Frequency Selective Surface ( FSS ); fractal element ; Periodic Method of Moment ( PMoM ); multiband ;

  5. 基于周期矩量法快速评估FSS的频率响应。

    Based on the planar FSS analysis theory , periodic moment method is used to evaluate the frequency response of the FSS , optimum parameters of the FSS is obtained .

  6. 优化结果为:生产时间60d,注汽干度70%,周期注入量2210t,注汽压力4.0MPa,焖井时间3d,注汽速度220t/d。

    The optimization parameters are production time 60d , steam dryness fraction 70 % , cyclic steam injection volume 2 210 t , and steam injection pressure 4.0 MPa , stew time 3d , and steam injection velocity 220 t / d.

  7. 幼树阶段对全周期生长量的影响;

    The effect of juvenile phase on the whole cycle biomass ;

  8. 采用加载技术对普通频率选择表面进行了改进,同时使用周期矩量法对它的特性进行了分析。

    A new loaded frequency selective surface ( FSS ) was introduced and analyzed by period method of moment .

  9. 基于线性系统理论的热网平衡方法&用周期供热量调节热网平衡

    Study on the Method to Balance Heating System Based on Linear Systematic Theory & Regulating Heating System with " Periodic Transmited Energy "

  10. 利用周期矩量法设计了几种频率选择表面,仿真和实验结果基本相吻合。

    Several FSSs have been designed by the periodic Method Of Moments ( MOM ), and simulation and measurement are basically in agreement .

  11. 通过对杭州制水二公司平流式沉淀池污泥沉降曲线的测定、沉泥的量化,找到了一种较为直观、简单的以周期控制量为参照的排泥控制法。

    We quantified the sedimentation by determination of sludge sedimentation curve and found out a simplified and perceived method to control the sludge discharge cycle .

  12. 在平静天气条件下,一个潮周期沉积量,在崇明东滩南、北端大,中部沉积量较少。

    Under calm weather period , the quantity of sediments deposited during a complete spring-neap tide cycle is higher at the northern , southern parts than the central parts of the tidal flat in the study area .

  13. 基于对磨损行为的风险率的分析,提出了磨损统计模型,结合试验数据讨论了周期磨损量概率分布的某些特殊性质。

    A statistical wear model was suggested , based on analysis of the hazard-rate of the wear behavior , and some characteristics of the probability distribution in magnitude of periodic wear were discussed in combination with the test data .

  14. 通过观察结果评价清经胶囊的临床疗效,以及观察治疗前后中医血分虚热证证候的变化及月经周期、量、色、质的变化,比较研究其疗效。

    The clinical effect of QC was evaluated through observation results , and observe the change of the clinical syndromes and signs , the menstrual cycle , color , quantity , texture before and after the treatment , compared with the treatment effect of its observation .

  15. 不同光照条件下噬藻体PP感染野生藻的吸附率、裂解周期及释放量研究

    The Influence of Different Kinds of Sunlight Conditions on the Adsorption Rate , Latent Period and Burst Size of Cyanophage PP Infecting Its Wild Host

  16. 模拟酸雨对噬藻体PP失活率、野生藻的吸附率、裂解周期及释放量的影响

    Effects of simulated acid rain on the inactivity rate , adsorption rate , lysing cycle and burst size of cyanophage PP infecting the wild filamentous cyanobacteria

  17. 本文采用周期Anderson哈密顿量研究了稀土和锕系化合物中的重费密子行为。

    In this paper , the periodic Anderson Hamiltonian has been used to study the heavy-fermion behavior in the Rare-Earth and Actinide compounds .

  18. 60d刈割周期造成生物量减少、茎/叶比增加;

    Defoliation in long-term recycle ( 60 d ) resulted in a reduction of biomass production , an increase of stem / leaf ratio .

  19. 目的探讨蒸气吸入性损伤犬支气管肺泡灌洗(BAL)后呼吸周期、通气量和血气的变化,以期为临床治疗提供实验依据。

    Objective The changes in respiration cycle , ventilation volume and blood analysis after bronchoalveolar lavage ( BAL ) in dogs with steam induced inhalation injury were investigated to explore ways of treating inhalation injury .

  20. 黄瓜&番茄轮作周期中施肥量的研究

    Study on the Fertilizer Rate in the Rotation of Cucumber / Tomato

  21. 枪械射击寿命试验中擦拭与冷却周期射弹量的确定

    The Establishment on Projectile Amounts of Cleaning and Cooling Cycle in Firearm Shooting Lifetime Tests

  22. 刈割周期、施肥量对坚尼草产草量和质量的影响

    A Study on Effect of Cutting Period and Fertilizing to Yield and Quality of Panicum maximum

  23. 在确定性的非线性动态系统中,混沌理论是针对不稳定的非周期行为的量性研究。

    Chaos Theory is the qualitative study of unstable aperiodic behaviour in deterministic non-linear dynamical systems .

  24. 提出一种随氧化铝加料量变化即时调整铝电解槽能量平衡的方法,这种方法是在等待效应周期、欠量加料周期和人为停止加料时期降低槽电压;

    A method for immediate adjusting energy balance of aluminum cell with change of alumina feeding quantity was presented .

  25. 蒸气吸入伤犬支气管肺泡灌洗后呼吸周期、通气量和血气的变化

    The changes in respiratory cycle , ventilation volume and blood analysis after bronchoalveolar lavage in dogs with steam inhalation injury

  26. 区分不同周期下贡献量最大的潜在震源区,对于确定期望地震或设定地震以及计算场地地震动持续时间等参数是重要的。

    To distinguish the most dominant PSS at different periods is significant in determining scenario earthquake or designed earthquake to calculate duration time of ground motion .

  27. 敏感性分析表明,蒸汽参数对开发效果影响的顺序从大到小依次为生产时间、注汽干度、周期注汽量、注汽压力、焖井时间和注汽速度;

    The sensitivity analysis indicates that the parameters impacting the production results from high to low are production time , steam dryness , cyclic steam injection volume , steam injection pressure .

  28. 模拟研究表明,在吞吐后期宜采取先注氮气、后注蒸汽的注入方式,并且存在一个优化的周期注氮量。

    The results from reservoir simulation indicated that it is reasonable to inject nitrogen first and then steam at late steam soaking , and there exists an optimum nitrogen volume in a injection cycle .

  29. 全身反应(随时记录)。(2)疗效性观测:月经的变化(周期,经量,经色及经质)。

    The whole body reaction ( at any time record ) . ( 2 ) the curative effect of observation : menstrual changes ( cycle , the quantity , the color and the quality ) .

  30. 优化调度是一个典型的多阶段决策过程,其目的是以梯级电站在调度周期内发电量最大为目标,在保证大坝安全的前提下确定水库的最优放水决策。

    Optimal dispatching is a typical multi stage policy making process with the aim of achieving maximum generating capacity during dispatching period by the cascade hydropower stations and determining the optimal water discharge while guaranteeing the security of the dam .