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  • 网络Dream
  1. 《周公解梦》

    The Book Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams

  2. 《周公解梦》这本留传百年的巨著仍有很多未解之谜等待我们去探索。

    Handed down over thousands of years , the profound book still has many mysteries waiting for us to explore .

  3. 古人常常参照《周公解梦》一书来解读梦境。

    The book Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams was usually used as a reference for ancient people to interpret their dreams .

  4. 作为古人智慧与经验的结晶,人们愈发意识到《周公解梦》不是迷信之谈。

    As ancient Chinese peoples ' wisdom and experiences crystallized , Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams became less regarded as a superstition .

  5. 基于传统的经验和实践,一位匿名作者写了一本释梦和预测吉凶的书,它就叫作《周公解梦》。

    Based on the experiences and practices , an anonymous author wrote a book for interpreting dreams and predicting the auspiciousness and inauspiciousness , which was named Duke of Zhou Interprets Dreams .

  6. 根据中国传说,周公可以解梦。

    According to Chinese legends , zhougong can interpret dreams .