首页 / 词典 / good

  • wool;woollen cloth;heavy woollen cloth;wool coating or suiting
  • 一种毛织物:~子。~绒。毛~。

  • 助词,用在句末(a.表示疑问,如“你干什么~?”b.表示确定的语气,如“他没来~”。c.表示动作正在进行,如“我正吃饭~”。d.使句子略停顿一下,如“今年~,比去年收成好”)。


(用在疑问句的末尾, 表示疑问的语气):

  • 你们都去, 我呢?

    You are all going. What about me?

  • 我错在哪儿呢?

    What have I done wrong?

  • 有人这么说, 可谁见过呢?

    So they say, but who has ever seen it?

  • 怎么办呢?

    What should we do?


(用在陈述句的末尾, 表示确认事实):

  • 到车站还有好几公里呢。

    There are still several kilometres off from the railway station.

  • 麦子长得才好呢。

    The wheat is coming along fine.


(用在陈述句的末尾, 表示动作或情况正在继续):

  • 老吴,有人找你呢。

    Lao Wu, somebody is looking for you.

  • 天下着雨呢。

    It's raining now.



  • 如今呢, 可比以往任何时候都要强。

    As for the present, things are far better than at any time in the past.

  • 我呢, 骑自行车去, 你们呢, 坐汽车去。

    I'm going by bike, and you may go by bus.


(一种较厚的毛织品, 呢子) (cloth made of) wool; woollen cloth (for heavy clothing); heavy woollen cloth; wool coating or suiting:

  • 大衣呢

    heavy woollen cloth for overcoat;

  • 格子呢

    woollen check;

  • 海军呢

    navy cloth;

  • 制服呢

    uniform coating

  1. 她把我的黑呢上衣镶上了水獭领。

    She collared my black wool coat with otter pelts .

  2. 活性染料刮涂冷堆染色法在工业用呢上的应用

    The Application of Cold Pad-Batch Reactive Dyeing to Industrial Wool Fabric

  3. 要是你们彼此相爱,干吗不结婚呢?

    If you love each other , why not get married ?

  4. 安娜觉得我懒——你说呢?

    Anna thinks I 'm lazy ─ what do you say ?

  5. 你为什么没来呢?其他所有的人都来了。

    Why didn 't you come ? Everybody else was there .

  6. 你怎么听任他那么骂你呢?

    Why did you let him swear at you like that ?

  7. 十年以后公司的情况将如何呢?

    How will the company be doing ten years further on ?

  8. 天才和疯狂之间如何划界呢?

    Where do you draw the line between genius and madness ?

  9. 怎样才能使你的婚姻再次充满绵绵爱意呢?

    How can you put the romance back into your marriage ?

  10. 我不能停下来——我忙着呢。

    I can 't stop ─ I 'm in a rush .

  11. 别担心——有我呢。

    Don 't worry ─ I 'll stick up for you .

  12. 如果他帮不上忙,总还有约翰呢。

    If he can 't help , there 's always John .

  13. 科学家要找到一个治疗方法,还远着呢。

    Scientists are still a long way off finding a cure .

  14. 这台机器该怎么关呢?

    What 's the correct way to shut the machine down ?

  15. 我正设法召集一帮人过周六呢。

    I 'm trying to get a team together for Saturday .

  16. 人们到底为什么总敞着门呢?

    Why oh why do people keep leaving the door open ?

  17. 你为什么非要老提我离婚的事呢?

    Why do you have to keep dragging up my divorce ?

  18. 我们如何把这些数据以实用形式展示出来呢?

    How can we display this data in a usable form ?

  19. 你怎么能忽视医生意见的绝对重要性呢?

    How can you ignore the sheer weight of medical opinion ?

  20. 她新开的商店结果还真有点赚钱呢。

    Her new business has turned out a nice little earner .

  21. 你怎么老不明白我的观点呢?

    Why can 't you ever see my point of view ?

  22. 我们离成功还远着呢。

    We haven 't won yet , not by any means .

  23. 何必因为一次成绩不好就想不开呢?

    Why get upset just because you got one bad grade ?

  24. 你为何不在机场扩音喇叭上呼叫他呢?

    Why don 't you have him paged at the airport ?

  25. 等着加入高尔夫球俱乐部的有一长队人呢。

    There 's a waiting list to join the golf club .

  26. 什么人会干那样的事呢?

    What sort of person would do a thing like that ?

  27. 究竟什么人能做出这样可怕的事呢?

    What manner of man could do such a terrible thing ?

  28. 这种游戏为什么具有经久不衰的吸引力呢?

    What is the reason for the game 's enduring appeal ?

  29. 这给年轻人传达的是什么样的信息呢?

    What sort of message is that sending to young people ?

  30. “那么我要是说不呢?”她试探说。

    ' And if I say no ? ' she ventured .
