
  • 网络Employee Retention
  1. 然后在此基础上,进行变量定义和测量,利用企业战略人力资源管理问卷调查所获得的数据,对SHRM与核心员工保留关系模型的有关研究假设进行检验,并对实证结果做出解释。

    Then the paper discusses the relation between SHRM and key employee retention from quantity view based on the research model and the survey data from SHRM questionnaires . Furthermore , this chapter explains the result of the empirical research .

  2. 员工保留和升职的标准及信息&信息收集的办法(例如,表现评估)和对规定执行或其他行为规范执行的情况。

    Adequacy of employee retention and promotion criteria and information – gathers techniques ( e.g. , performance evaluations ) and relation to the code of conduct or other behavioral guidelines .

  3. 目前国内关于超市一线员工保留这一课题的研究尚且不多。

    The study of first-line associates retain in domestic supermarket is not enough now .

  4. 改进动机并增加员工保留。

    Improved motivation and increased staff retention .

  5. 薪酬福利是如今企业实现员工保留的至关重要的因素之一。

    C & B is one of the most essential factors for talent retention nowadays .

  6. 但微软的员工保留率很高,员工对高级管理层的评价也很高;

    But the company has high staff retention rates and employees rate senior management highly ;

  7. 第三,人与组织匹配对组织嵌入与核心员工保留之间的关系起中介作用。

    Person-organization fit only has a mediating effect on the relation of organization embed and core staff retention .

  8. 瑞银没有要求员工保留与使用该服务客户之间往来文件的清单。

    UBS did not require employees to keep a checklist of the documents received for clients using that service .

  9. 最终得到的主要结论有:第一,人与组织匹配对核心员工保留有正向的影响。

    The main conclusions are as follows : 1 . The person-organization fit has a positive influence on the core employees ' retention .

  10. 然而,员工保留也逐渐成为了企业发展过程中所遇到的一个难题。

    At the same time , the associate retain is gradually comes to a big problem to the process of the enterprise development .

  11. 多数公司都允许员工保留常旅客里程或者在商务旅行中累积的奖励,而员工也非常看重这项出差带来的福利。

    Most businesses let employees keep frequent-flier miles or rewards accrued on business trips , a perk of being away from home that travelers care passionately about .

  12. 研究表明,组织嵌入的三个维度是可以测量出来的,并且具有一致性,三个维度的水平都比较高,则可以预测到公司的结构比较稳定,核心员工保留的水平比较高。

    If the levels of the three dimensions are all high , it can be predicted that the company structure is stable and the core staff retention degree is high . 3 .

  13. 本文接着通过对北京沃尔玛2010年的敬业度报告结果进行分析,试图营造有利于员工保留与发展的软、硬件环境。

    After that , this paper attempt to improve the soft and hard environment , which is propitious to the associate retains , through analyze the result of engagement report of Beijing Wal-mart at 2010 .

  14. 阿塔迪斯美国公司宣布,公司现有的84名员工仍然保留。

    The84 current Altadis USA employees are being retained , the company said in its announcement .

  15. 在轮训或发展任务期间,该员工将保留他们的职级和薪金。

    Employees on rotational or developmental assignments will retain their grade classification and pay during the period of such assignments .

  16. 以上三个研究构成了心理契约理论。说到底,心理契约理论是与激励员工、保留人才战略主题密切相关的。

    Psychological contract theory was composed these three sub-studies , which were relevant to motivating employees and retaining potentials strategy issue .

  17. 而薪酬体系是人力资源管理体系的核心,事关员工的保留与激励,建立一个公平、经济、有竞争力的薪酬体系,无疑是建筑企业面临的十分紧要的问题。

    The salary system is the core of human resource management system , which involves the stay and the incentive of employees .

  18. 作为一种激励手段,股票期权激励计划具有激励员工、保留员工、提高企业凝聚力等多种功能。

    As an incentive means , Stock option incentive plan has many functions such as encouraging and retaining employees , raising company cohesion , etc.

  19. 为了在人才竞争中立于不败之地,企业必须特别关注核心员工的保留管理。

    To get the better place in the competition of human resources , the companies must pay more attention to the retention management of core employees .

  20. 但酷派对解聘人员的规模进行了淡化,称签约应届毕业生人数只有260人左右,而那些符合海外职位要求的员工将被保留。

    But the company downplayed the scale , saying it only signed contracts with about 260 while some of those qualified for working abroad will retain their jobs .

  21. 浅论企业人事劳资管理&如何留住企业的核心员工工会会员资格保留条款

    On personnel , labor and capital management in enterprise & how to reserve their kernel employee ; maintenance of membership

  22. 员工尤其是核心员工的保留是任何企业都高度关注的人力资源问题。

    How to keep core employees is becoming a critical human resource issue problem for all firms .

  23. 在员工能力和员工量能,包括人员配备水平、员工保留和合适的技能方面的关键测量项目或指标上,组织当前的水平和趋势如何?

    What are your current LEVELS and TRENDS in KEY MEASURES or INDICATORS of your WORKFORCE climate , including workplace health , safety , and security and WORKFORCE services and benefits , as appropriate ?

  24. 在员工招聘和社会化阶段实施现实工作预览是其中行之有效的员工保留措施。

    Realistic job preview was proved to be an effective retention strategy for employee recruitment and socialization .

  25. 这些积极的影响包罗万象,从员工幸福感、创造力到增加生产效率;减少矿工;提高员工保留率;改善利润以及提高吸引最佳员工的能力。

    The positive effects touch on everything from worker happiness and creativity to increased productivity , decreased absenteeism , better staff retention , improved profits , and the improved ability to attract the best workers .

  26. 既然知识型员工的能力和绩效是企业核心竞争优势的来源,那么对知识型员工的获取、保留、发展已经成为企业发展的关键因素。

    Since the capacity and performance of knowledge workers is a core source of competitive advantage , knowledge workers " access , retention , and development " has become the key factor in the development of enterprises .

  27. 员工敬业度近年来成为企业越来越关注的热点,研究表明它对组织的利润率、生产率、员工保留、顾客忠诚等结果变量均有影响,是衡量企业管理效度高低的重要指标。

    In recent years the Employee Engagement has become the hot point , and researches show that it affects the result variables such as the profit margin , productivity , loyalty , employees retention and customers loyalty .