
  1. 1969年人类就登上了月球,可当时我们仍在使用园艺剪,至于电动吹叶机则听都没听过。

    Man landed on the moon in 1969 but we were still using garden clippers to trim the edges of the formal gardens and leaf blowers with engines were unheard of .

  2. 结果表明:采用附面层吹吸技术后叶栅的气动性能明显改善,气流转折能力增强,扩散因子增大,总压损失系数减小。

    All above shows that the aerodynamic performance of cascade meliorated obviously with the use of boundary layer blowing-sucking technique . The turning ability of airflow increased , the diffusion factor enhanced , and the total press loss-coefficient decreased .