
  1. 此外,在不同层级的保育行动间,它业已成为后龙溪流域镶嵌连结式自主环境治理的核心。

    In addition , the MLRCA has been the core of a conservation network , which combines initiatives at various governing levels .

  2. 进入现代社会后,龙逐渐由神物演变为吉祥物。

    In modern society , the dragon has gradually shed its role as an idol , and has become a mascot figure .

  3. 发令枪响后,龙形独木舟伴随着鼓声滑入水中。

    After the starting pistol is fired , the boat races in dragon shaped canoes glide through the water accompanied by the beating of drums .

  4. 当地政府为鼓励投资者,已将王翔投资建设的九江火车站站场和填平后的龙开河部分地带交给王翔治理开发。

    The local government , in order to encourage investors , has handed the Jiujiang railway station yard , and part of the re-landscaped Longkai River region that Xiang Wang invested in the construction of , over to Xiang Wang to administer and development .

  5. 对客户的独特服务:售前、中、后一条龙服务。

    Unique services for our users : we provide pro-sale , on-sale and post-sale integrated services .

  6. 9月发出通知后不久,龙煤就进行了第一轮裁员,不过规模相对较小。

    The first round of layoffs at Longmay , though relatively small , came soon after the September announcement .

  7. 公司汇集了众多技术精英和优秀管理人才,产品质量以及售后服务均受到客户高度评价。对客户的独特服务:售前、中、后一条龙服务。

    The company has collected the multitudinous technical outstanding person and the outstanding managerial talent , the product quality as well as the post-sale service receives the customer to appraise highly .

  8. 只是这里在速率方程的解法不同,在给出边界条件后,利用龙格-库塔法,理论模拟仿真泵浦光和激光在光纤中的分布以及掺杂浓度对输出功率的影响。

    When the boundary conditions are given , the theory simulation about pump and laser in the optical fiber and the influence of the out power and doping concentration are simulated by the way of Runge-Kutta using MATLAB .

  9. 经Tenon囊球后注射曲安西龙治疗玻璃体切除术后与视网膜分支静脉阻塞相关的黄斑水肿

    Trans-Tenon retrobulbar triamcinolone injection for macular edema associated with branch retinal vein occlusion remaining after vitrectomy

  10. 收到苏菲的来信后,因为没有龙,CSIRO的科学家在博客中发帖向全澳大利亚人道歉。

    After receiving Sophie 's letter , CSIRO published a blog post apologising to Australia for the lack of dragons .

  11. 如果你死后可以转生为龙,你选择哪种颜色的龙?

    If after you died , you could be reincarnated as any color dragon , which would you choose ?

  12. 本司主要自产自销礼品包装,提供各行业礼品包装设计、印刷及后工序一条龙服务。

    Ltd is a private company of product development , design and manufacture , sales management , after-sales service , commitment to cutting-edge , fashion packing industry .

  13. 如果我们在后花园里养龙,就很难不让麻瓜注意到我们——而且,你很难把它们驯服,这是很危险的。

    It 's hard to stop Muggles from noticing us if we 're keeping dragons in the back garden anyway , you can 't tame dragons , it 's dangerous .