- 名rear base

My Reflection on the Rear Base Preparing to Expand Automobile Transportation Capability in Peacetime
In the late Warring States period , Qin was the first state to lauch a fighting to abundant Bashu and made it the rear base .
A Retrospect over the Design Optimization of Maintenance Service Base at Transit Enterprises
There were no safe deposit boxes , either in guerrilla areas or in the rear .
The Sichuan Basin , the chief economic area of Sichuan Province , has always been the base of the strategic rear of our country .
After the Japanese aggressive war to China , Japan further strengthens the status of Korea as its base to support the war , resulting in massive materialistic and spiritual loss on the Korean side .
Late into the Qin Han Wei and Nan-Bei dynasty , Ba-Yu , due to its abundant resources and brave people , became the pillar and rear base for supporting a unifying Chinese dynasty and formed its unique military culture .
Arsenals were moved westward , and KMT government began to establish the rear ordnance base .
The removal of national industries in the coastal area to the inland area and the construction of the industry base in the wings are great pictures in the history of Anti-Japanese war .