
hòu chuī
  • after-blow
后吹[hòu chuī]
  1. 武汉汉南长江大堤堤后吹填效果分析

    Analysis on effect of jetting-filling inside the Yangtze dyke

  2. 南来的好风在船后吹送;

    And a good south wind sprung up behind ;

  3. 冥想就像你开窗后吹进来的微风;

    Meditation is like the breeze that comes in when you leave the window open ;

  4. 介绍改进后吹灰缸工作原理和主要结构的设计特点。

    Introduces the working principle of the dust - blowing cylinder , and its structure characteristic .

  5. 由微观结构照片可以看出,水泥处理后吹填土主要为团&絮状结构,而石灰处理后吹填土主要为团聚状结构。

    Microstructure photo indicates that the samples treated by cement were crumb-flocculent structure while the samples treated by calcined lime were aggregate structure .

  6. 其还提供很多软件功能的参数设定,如:后吹扫的时间等可由操作人员就地设定。

    The parameters of many software functions , such as e.g.a final ventilation period , can be set by the operating personnel on site .

  7. 航行训练后船长吹哨子解散了水手们。

    The captain piped the man down after boat drill .

  8. 高真空击密法加固后饱和吹填砂性土室内试验

    Laboratory tests on saturated hydraulic fill sandy soil by high vacuum densification method

  9. 油炸完毕后风吹沥油冷却后进入自动拌料机。

    Fried after the completion of the wind cooling drain oil after entering automatic mixing materials machine .

  10. 有两件事你可以做:第一,洗头后不要吹头发太久,让它自然干。

    Well , there are two things you can do . First , don 't blow-dry your hair for so long after you shower .

  11. 总结阐述了改造后复吹转炉终点碳氧积、脱磷、脱碳、造渣和吹炼等各项工艺的研究。

    The research of the process in final carbon reduction efficiency , dephosphorization , decarburization , slag formation and blowing of top-bottom blowing converter are summarized and explained .

  12. 陷阱九化好妆后再用热风吹头发。

    Sirocco of the9 reoccupy after making up boasts catch hair .

  13. 植物叶片样品经甲醇浸提后,用吹扫捕集/色谱-质谱法对其单萜烯含量进行了测定。

    A purge and trap / GC-MSD approach was presented for the direct determination of monoterpenes in plant leafs extracted with methanol .

  14. 让引擎怠速跑大约30秒让它慢慢地温俥后才慢慢吹油加速。

    Let the engine run for about 30 seconds on idle to allow it to warm up and then advance the throttle slowly .

  15. 他在距离比赛结束5分52秒时替补上场,五秒钟后裁判便吹了森林狼的犯规,而在比赛剩余时间里森林狼统共制造了15次犯规。

    He checked in with 5:52 remaining and the Timberwolves committed a whopping 15 fouls over the remainder of the game , beginning five seconds after Jordan took the floor .

  16. 爸爸晚上回来后,我又吹了若干回蜡烛

    After Dad got home , I keep blowing the candle

  17. 混合后的纤维被吹送到紧压罗拉并形成纱层。

    The blend of fibers is blown onto a collecting cylinder to form a layer .

  18. 门关上后,罗恩轻轻吹了一声长长的口哨。

    When the door had closed behind her , Ron let out a long , low whistle .

  19. 通过对连续重整催化剂再生工艺过程的探讨,分析了催化剂高温干燥后直接用氮气吹扫、置换对催化剂活性的负面影响;

    Through the study of catalyst regeneration of CCR process , the negative impact of nitrogen purging of catalyst after high-temperature drying on catalyst activity is analyzed .

  20. 没人死亡,但有一些房屋严重受损,许多是因为树木被连根拔起后又被风吹向房屋所造成。

    No one was killed , but a number of homes were severely damaged , many by trees that had been uprooted and tossed into the houses .

  21. 建立了同时测定含脂羊毛中20种有机氯和有机磷类杀虫剂残留的气相色谱-柱后分流-反吹检测方法。

    A new method was developed for the simultaneous determination of20 organophosphorus and organochlorine pesticides in greasy wool by GC / MS system using a three-way splitter and backflush .

  22. 冷却后从空调里吹出的空气也会比正常的空气更潮湿,在对湿度敏感的环境,比如博物馆和画廊里就会出问题。

    Cooled air out of an air conditioning unit is also more humid than normal , which can cause problems in moisture-sensitive environments , like museums and art galleries .

  23. 雨中止后,风继续吹,搅动海洋像牛奶一样翻腾,直到出现黄油一样的陆地。

    After the cessation of the rains , the wind continued to blow over the ocean , churning it like milk , until lands , like butter , came into existence .