
míng lì
  • fame and wealth;fame and gain;fame and money
名利 [míng lì]
  • [fame and wealth] 指名位和利益

  • 不求名利

  • 清除名利思想

名利[míng lì]
  1. 追求个人名利是错误的。

    It 's wrong to strive for personal fame and gain .

  2. 他对名利很淡薄。

    He cares very little for fame and gain .

  3. 她为追逐名利去了好莱坞。

    She went to Hollywood in search of fame and fortune .

  4. 弗兰克·德福特是杂志《名利场》的特约编辑。

    Frank Deford is a contributing editor for Vanity Fair magazine .

  5. 他热衷于服务他人,而不是追求更高的名利。

    He was interested in service , not self-aggrandisement .

  6. 但是,两年半之后,事情并未如愿发展,斯坦利追求名利的梦想完全破灭了。

    But , two-and-a-half years later , things haven 't quite gone to plan and Stanley 's dreams of fame and fortune lie tattered and torn .

  7. 我不追求名利。

    I don 't go after fame or money .

  8. 很多人一生追逐名利,但是总不能成功。

    Many people hunt after fame in their lives but never find it .

  9. 盛大的午餐在游泳池边进行,还有民族舞蹈助兴(名利场)。

    Lunch blowout beside the pool , accompanied by folkloric dancing ( Vanity Fair ) .

  10. 各方还讨论了国际刑事法院(internationalcriminalcourt)能否撤销针对这名利比亚领导人的各项控罪。

    The parties have also discussed whether international criminal court charges against the Libyan leader could be dropped .

  11. 你可以穿着它出席奥斯卡的名利场(VanityFair)派对吧?

    You could wear it to the Vanity Fair party at the Oscars ?

  12. runin顺便访问;处于失败的边缘三年前第一次采访她时,她还只是个骨瘦的小东西在名利的边缘蓄势待发。

    Three years ago for our first interview with her , she was a bony little thing perched on the precipice of fame .

  13. 称谓的语用含义及翻译&谈《名利场》人物对话称谓sir的汉译

    Pragmatic Implication and Translation of English Titles & About Chinese Translation of the Title Sir in Fictional Conversations in Vanity Fair

  14. 今年2月份,美国商业杂志《FastCompany》刊登了奥巴马2012年接受《名利场》采访的一段话。你们会看到我将只穿灰色或蓝色的西装。

    Back in February , Business magazine Fast Company highlighted a 2012 Vanity Fair interview with Obama : Youll see I wear only gray or blue suits , he ( Obama ) said .

  15. 这是上周末两篇获得社交媒体广泛转发文章的核心内容,其中一篇出自《纽约时报》(NewYorkTimes),另外一篇出自《名利场》杂志(VanityFair)。

    That 's the take-home message from a pair of stories being widely re-tweeted this weekend , one from the New York Times , the other from Vanity Fair .

  16. 芒克是《名利场》(VanityFair)杂志的特约编辑,以前还曾经是《财富》的专栏作家,她将一个6个月的杂志报道任务扩展为这个长达6年的书籍项目。

    Munk , a contributing editor at vanity fair and former fortune writer , stretched a six-month magazine assignment into this six-year book project .

  17. 在被问到导演丈夫参演影片的过程时,朱莉•皮特告诉《名利场》(VanityFair),有几位朋友问我们是不是疯了。

    Asked about the process of directing her husband , Ms Jolie Pitt told Vanity Fair , A few friends asked if we were crazy .

  18. 一年后,赛琳娜·戈麦斯(SelenaGomez)身穿一件灰色无袖长裙在《名利场》(VanityFair)上亮相。

    A year later , Selena Gomez showed up to the Vanity Fair in a gray sleeveless dress .

  19. 2011年接受《名利场》(VanityFair)采访时,多尔西曾将自己被赶下台的经历形容为肚子上被狠狠打了一拳,但他承认自己作为一个管理者存在一些不足之处。

    In a 2011 Vanity Fair interview Mr Dorsey described the experience of being ousted as like being punched in the stomach but admitted his deficiencies as a manager .

  20. 为夏洛特举办的这个午餐会、明天黛安·冯芙丝汀宝(DianevonFurstenberg)的野餐会和香奈儿(Chanel)的晚宴,以及周日的《名利场》派对。

    This lunch for Charlotte , the Diane von Furstenberg picnic tomorrow , the Chanel dinner tomorrow and Vanity Fair on Sunday .

  21. 在《名利场》11月刊的访谈中,斯嘉丽·约翰逊开口谈及了FBI调查的不雅照事件。

    In an interview for Vanity Fair 's November issue , Scarlett Johansson opened up about the nude photos that were the subject of an FBI investigation .

  22. 《名利场》(VanityFair)和Vogue杂志的出版方、AdvancePublications旗下纽约出版公司CondeNast的首席技术长西蒙(JoeSimon)是Windows8的粉丝。

    One fan of Windows 8 is Joe Simon , chief technical officer of Advance Publications Inc. 's Cond é Nast , the New York publisher of Vanity Fair and Vogue magazines . '

  23. 嘉能可(glencore,全球顶级大宗商品和矿业贸易商)和来宝集团这两大贸易公司的农业部门,也因此而名利俱损。

    The agricultural divisions of two big trading firms , Glencore and noble group , were caught with their trousers down and lost money .

  24. 《名利场》(VanityFair)杂志称梅耶尔女士为“雅虎的极客女神”,她并不是雅虎为图革新而引入的第一位著名经理人,但她的到来显然是动静最大的。

    Ms. Mayer - " Yahoo 's Geek Goddess , " as Vanity Fair has called her - is not the first well-known executive brought in to reinvent Yahoo , but she certainly arrived with the most fanfare .

  25. 在新一期的《名利场》中,饰演格蕾老公的PatrickDempsey证实了第八季将是他的最后演出。

    In the new issue of the Italian Vanity Fair , Patrick Dempsey confirms that the shows upcoming eighth season will be his swan song .

  26. 媒体上的频繁露面以及与维多利亚•亚当斯(VictoriaAdams,也即流行明星辣妹)的婚姻让他成为了批评的焦点,人们认为他对名利的兴趣超过了对体育的兴趣。

    The exposure and his marriage to Victoria Adams , also known as the pop star Posh Spice , turned him into a lightning rod for criticism of whether he was more interested in fame than sport .

  27. 第二天晚上,在《名利场》的奥斯卡余兴派对上,没人比华伦天奴(Valentino)的公关总监卡洛斯·索萨(CarlosSouza)更忙碌。

    One night later , at the Vanity Fair Oscars after-party , no one was working the room harder than the Valentino public relations chief , Carlos Souza .

  28. 这些通往名利财富路上的笨拙的起步吸引了作家塞斯·菲格曼(SethFiegerman),她收集了关于成功事业起点的众多案例,并编写了博客OpeningLines.org(起步线)。

    It 's these first clumsy steps on the road to fame and fortune that fascinate writer Seth Fiegerman , who edits the blog OpeningLines.org , a collection of case studies on the origins of famous careers .

  29. 现在,年轻员工刻意不要太尽心工作,即使放弃一些名利也在所不惜,arai博士说道。

    Now , young employees are cautious about giving too much of themselves & even if it means less money or prestige , Dr. Arai says .

  30. 在《名利场》的派对上,吴季刚想和另一位嘉宾合影,他转身让一英尺外的设计师扎克·波森(ZacPosen)帮忙拍照。

    At the Vanity Fair party , when Jason Wu wanted his picture taken with another guest , he turned and asked the designer Zac Posen , who was just a foot away , to do it .