
míng rén
  • celebrity;name;great;famous person;celeb;notable;eminent person;personage;famous personage;big bug (name);guiding (leading) light;silvertail
名人 [míng rén]
  • [celebrity;bigbug (name);famous personage;guiding (leading) light;notable] 知名人士;杰出的或引人注目的人物;显要人物

  • 参与其事的有从王子到出版家等名人

名人[míng rén]
  1. 今天,老师问我现在哪个名人最受我们欢迎。

    Today , my teacher asked me to tell her what famous person we like ( s ) most .

  2. 对于那些把工作看得比睡眠更重要的人来说,他们应该听听一位名人曾经说过的话。

    For those who value work more than sleep , they should listen to what a famous person once said .

  3. 她不喜欢成为电视名人后随之失去个人隐私。

    She dislikes the loss of privacy that attends TV celebrity .

  4. 见到这么多名人出席,似乎令她惊叹不已。

    She seemed awed by the presence of so many famous people .

  5. 我忍不住要一睹名人的风采。

    I couldn 't resist the opportunity to meet a real live celebrity .

  6. 我几乎每天都见到名人。

    I meet famous people practically every day .

  7. 她是一位千古流芳的好莱坞名人。

    She is one of the Hollywood immortals .

  8. 名人和名人的私生活是通俗报纸惯有的内容。

    Famous people and their private lives are the stock-in-trade of the popular newspapers .

  9. 大家一致认为他是衣着最差的名人。

    He was voted the worst dressed celebrity .

  10. 这位比尔∙克林顿和那位著名的同名人不同,对政治没什么兴趣。

    Unlike his more famous namesake , this Bill Clinton has little interest in politics .

  11. 与会代表名单读起来像个商界名人录。

    The list of delegates attending read like a who 's who of the business world .

  12. 那里有很多名人:只提两个名字吧,有汤姆∙汉克斯和朱莉娅∙罗伯茨。

    There were a lot of famous people there : Tom Hanks and Julia Roberts , to name but two .

  13. 如果你是名人,你就是头条新闻。

    If you are a celebrity , you are headline news .

  14. 公众对名人有着难以满足的好奇心。

    The public has an insatiable appetite for stories about the famous

  15. 据说是他发明了观赏名人这项活动。

    He is said to have invented the sport of celebrity-watching .

  16. 尼科尔斯在1949年正式入选名人堂。

    Nichols was recognized by the Hall of Fame in 1949 .

  17. 他们的生活与18世纪晚期的名人联系在一起。

    Their lives interconnect with those of celebrated figures of the late eighteenth-century

  18. 杰克逊不想损害自己政界名人的声誉。

    Jackson doesn 't want to damage his reputation as a political personality

  19. 作为首席执行官,他手下云集了一批优雅的名人名士。

    As chief executive , he assembled a polished stable of celebrities .

  20. 顶级歌手、舞蹈演员和名人们给他们带来娱乐。

    They were entertained by top singers , dancers and celebrities

  21. 瓦伦蒂诺喜欢看名人在重大场合展示他设计的服装。

    Valentino is keen to see celebrities parading his clothes at big occasions .

  22. 有些出人意料的名人也在支持这个想法。

    Some surprising names have lined up behind the idea

  23. 候选人是一位知名的游记作家,也是电视名人,基本上无可挑剔。

    The candidate was quite unexceptionable , a well-known travel writer and TV personality

  24. 大牌珠宝商竞相邀约名人佩戴其名贵首饰。

    Big-name jewellers are battling it out to get celebrities to wear their bling .

  25. 耗资75万美元、有雪儿等艺人出镜的新的名人电视促销节目近来播出了。

    New $ 750,000 infomercials , featuring artists like Cher , have recently hit the screens

  26. 他注意到外面聚集了乌压压一大群人——一定是有某位大名人在那里。

    He noticed a huge crowd gathered outside — someone really famous must be staying there

  27. 这就是劳埃德·格罗斯曼拜访名人家庭的那档节目。

    This is the show in which Loyd Grossman visits the houses of the famous .

  28. 有两名人质可望在几天后获释。

    It is hopeful that two hostages will be freed in the next few days .

  29. 他来到华盛顿时,不是以寻常的外来政客的身份,而是作为一位名人。

    He had come to Washington , not as a common carpetbagger , but a man well known .

  30. 历史学家寄希望于艺术家对这位名人的描绘,以完整呈现他从前的模样。

    Historians looked to artists ' representations of the lion to piece together a picture of how the lion once looked .