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  1. 柔道比赛中,有一名主裁判和两名以上副裁判对比赛进行裁决。

    A main referee and two more judges arbitrate a Judo contest .

  2. 一名主教练往往是一支球队的参照点,但那支球队则是以更加深刻的感觉作为能源的。

    A coach is always the reference point of a group , but that group feeds on even deeper emotions .

  3. 现在这名主教练认为萨哈所拥有的一些特殊品质将能够帮助球队卫冕联赛冠军以及取得欧冠杯冠军。

    And the Old Trafford boss believes Saha boasts unique qualities which are vital as the Red Devils defend their Premier League crown and chase Champions League glory .

  4. 这位社区积极分子表示,他和十几名博主今年1月草拟了一份“骑自行车者权利法案”(CyclistsBillofRights),正提交给该地区的地方委员会进行投票。

    The community organizer says he and about a dozen bloggers drafted a Cyclists Bill of Rights in January that he is presenting for a vote at neighborhood council meetings around the region .

  5. 华盛顿邮报的一名博主EzraKlein建议新闻媒体在网上发布完整的采访记录。

    Ezra Klein , a blogger at the Washington Post , has suggested that news organisations should publish full transcripts of interviews online .

  6. 被外界广泛认为是北美最具进步性的男性体育联盟的NBA,它将目光转向聘用一名女性主教练的可能性之上——此举将巩固其在体育多元化方面的领导地位。

    Widely considered the most progressive men 's sports league in North America , the NBA has its sights on the possibility of hiring a female head coach - a move that would cement its position as a leader in sporting diversity .

  7. 这名说出主的心肠,能感最深痛楚;

    It tells of One whose loving heart Can feel my deepest woe .

  8. 巴菲特的职业生涯始于做一名工厂主,但后来他关闭了工厂并进入保险业。

    Mr Buffett began his career as a mill owner , but closed the mills and went into insurance .

  9. 一名牧场主在加拿大的育空地区在佩利河大农场处理一头母牛和她的小牛犊。

    A rancher attends to a mother cow and her calf at the Pelly River Ranch in Canada 's Yukon Territory .

  10. 这名红魔主教练宣称海因策想在新赛季开始前转会。

    However , the Red Devils manager acknowledged that Heinze is hoping to secure a transfer before the start of the season .

  11. 1969年,当他被任命为奥克兰袭击者队的领军人物时,他开始了作为一名足球主教练的生涯。

    He began his career as a head football coach in nineteen sixty-nine , when he was selected to lead the Oakland Raiders .

  12. 这个报告称:科学家说这个古墓葬下的不是一名土地主阶层的成员就是低级的军队官员。

    The scientists said the tomb could have held the body of either a member of the land-owning class or a low-ranking military officer , the report said .

  13. 去年1月份,重庆的一名博主召集了数百名宠物爱好者以及动物保护者,从一家屠宰场里营救出1100多只狗。

    In January , more than 1100 dogs were saved from the slaughterhouse by a blogger in Chongqing , who attracted the help of hundreds of pet lovers and animal activists .

  14. 官员责怪一名牧场主没有遵守禁止用稻草喂牛的命令。在3月福岛一号核电站发生爆炸后,稻草可能曝露在放射线中。

    Officials blame a single rancher who ignored orders not to feed cattle rice straw which may have been exposed to radiation following explosions at the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant in March .

  15. 这个博客发布平台把撰写博客变成了许多女性可以用来赚钱的一项业务&2009年至2012年期间,这家公司向5000名博主支付了超过2500万美元。

    The publishing platform turned blogging into a lucrative business for many women it paid $ 25 million to 5,000 of its bloggers between 2009 and 2012 and now reaches an audience of 92 million .

  16. 这个博客发布平台把撰写博客变成了许多女性可以用来赚钱的一项业务——2009年至2012年期间,这家公司向5000名博主支付了超过2500万美元。目前,这个平台的用户已经超过9200万人。

    The publishing platform turned blogging into a lucrative business for many women -- it paid $ 25 million to 5000 of its bloggers between 2009 and 2012 -- and now reaches an audience of 92 million .

  17. 联邦调查局正在调查民主党众议员TomPerriello的弟弟佛吉尼亚家中燃料被切断事件。他的地址被一名右翼博主发布到互联网上,称这是这位立法者的地址。

    The Federal Bureau of Investigation is investigating cut fuel lines at the Virginia home of Democratic Representative Tom Perriello 's brother , whose address was posted online by a right-wing blogger who said it was the lawmaker 's address .

  18. 桑迪赛比恩(SandySabean)今年49岁,是纽约州的一名小企业主。她通过自己的注册理财规划师史黛西弗朗西斯(StacyFrancis)找到了房产中介、保险中介和其他专业人员。

    Sandy Sabean , a 49-year-old small-business owner in New York , found a real-estate agent , insurance agent and other professionals through Stacy Francis , her certified financial planner .

  19. 当我们奉耶稣的名服事,主便因此得荣耀。

    When we serve in Jesus'name , He gets the glory .

  20. 而如今,这位30岁的乒乓球明星正式名草有主。

    But now , the 30-year-old table tennis star is officially taken .

  21. 杜嘉班纳起诉两名美国博主诽谤。

    Dolce & Gabbana sued two U.S. bloggers for defamation .

  22. 近年来,每六名小企业主中就有一个是移民。

    In recent years , one in six new small-business owners were immigrants .

  23. 他的父亲是一名男爵和主皇家实验室在格林威治。

    His father was a baronet and Comptroller of the Royal laboratory at Greenwich .

  24. 他的地址被一名右翼博主发布到互联网上,称这是这位立法者的地址。

    Whose address was posted online by a right-wing blogger who said it was the lawmaker 's address .

  25. 侗语形名组合的主项位移功能分析

    The Dong Language of Analysis to The " Adjectives and Nouns " Combined of The Main Part Displacement and Function

  26. “毫无疑问他是一名优秀的主教练,他仍然为利物浦带来成功,”他说道。

    " There is no questioning that he is a good manager who can still bring success for Liverpool ," he said .

  27. 吴永宁是从今年年初成为一名视频博主的,在那之前,他曾在不同的影片中担任群众演员。

    Wu used to work as a background actor for various films before becoming a video blogger at the beginning of this year .

  28. 曾经是一名小企业主的哈维称联邦政府在很多方面帮助女性。

    Harvey , who used to be a small business owner herself , says the federal government is there to help women in a number of ways .

  29. 符合她们要求的男人多半已经名草有主,“情人”于是成了某些女性苦涩而又难以摆脱的身份。

    Those men who are up to their standards are mostly not available . Therefore ," mistress " has become some women 's painful identity which is hard to get rid of .

  30. 现在,我开始同情那些顶着雅虎旧名继续从事主营业务的员工,而不是少数将运营Altaba的员工。

    Now , my sympathies are with the staff who will continue to work at the operating businesses , under the unchanged Yahoo banner , rather than the few who will run Altaba .