- 名the Tokyoites

There are no Tokyo dwellers lurking ominously in their gangs .
Skin care is an obsession in Tokyo , and where plastic surgery remains uncommon .
Those in New York slept six hours and35 minutes , the second shortest after Tokyo .
They are very friendly , and enjoy a more relaxed pace of life than people in Tokyo .
Trained as a graphic designer , the Tokyo native arrived in New York 18 years ago and enrolled in an E.S.L. program at Hunter College while working as a bartender .
Many in Tokyo fear that earthquakes may be creeping closer .
What if the gr een mon key hypnotiz es people all over tokyo ?
And it 's actually much more comfortable to live in than I thinkmany people who haven 't visited Tokyo might expect .
Sales of whiskey , the favorite drink among moneyed Tokyoites in the booming80s , have fallen to a fifth of their peak .
I met up with my friend Mayumi , a Tokyo native , and presented her with my annoyingly specific parameters : something good but not that good ;
But for those of you thinking of the move to Tokyo , now 's the time to do it : the survey can help you negotiate a better package when you move to a city that 's certainly not the most expensive in Asia .
She was one of the more unfriendly person I have met in Tokyo .
One idea being mooted by some in Tokyo is to remove the souls of the 14 war criminals to another shrine .
Residents of New York , Beijing and Tokyo are more attached to their jobs , working for 35.5 hours , 37.7 hours and 39.5 hours respectively each week .
I would imagine they probably got a coupleof thousand dollars to paint , but often the graffiti artists do it for free aswell , because they 're gonna get their work up big in front of everyone inTokyo .
Virtually everyone in Tokyo takes the train to work .
In Tokyo trains everybody in a seat seems to be asleep , whether his journey is long or short .
He went to Japan to study in1934 , and joined Chines Dramatists Association in Tokyo , and attended forums on poetry .
Eleven million commuters use Tokyo 's transport network every morning , with suburban and subway trains reliably packed to the brim from first light to late morning .
You know , the guy who runs our Tokyo office got an email the first night after the quake from the guy who heads our commercial bank business in Louisiana .
New York may be known as the city that never sleeps , but Tokyo business people get less time in the sackthan their New York peers -- and also those in Paris , Stockholm and Shanghai.According to a survey of five cities , people in Tokyo on week days sleep just under 6 hours on average ,