
tóng bù xìng
  • synchronism
同步性[tóng bù xìng]
  1. 结论一定强度的可见光照射可导致培养的RPE细胞发生细胞凋亡的特征性超微结构改变,细胞受损具有非同步性及不可逆趋势。

    Conclusions Visible light with certain strength can induce the characteristic ultrastructure change of apoptosis in cultured RPE cells without synchronism and reversibility .

  2. 举例说明APS可实现及时准确的客户响应,提高了准时交货率和整个生产供应链的同步性。

    The example has been shown that APS can realize the quick and accuracy client response , and improve the on time delivery date and the synchronism of the whole production supply chain .

  3. 基于多个PLC的电机测试系统中同步性问题解决

    The Solution of Synchronization Between Several PLCs Based on Serial Communication

  4. 视觉听觉同时刺激模式下ERP的同步性研究

    Study on synchronization of ERP evoked by simultaneous visual - audio stimuli

  5. 实时P2P流传输中基于同步性评估的成员管理机制的研究

    Research for Synchronization Estimation Based Membership Management on Live Streaming

  6. ECG与心肌酶呈同步性改变。

    Both ECG and myocardial enzyme changed simultaneously .

  7. ICAM-1表达与白细胞浸润及梗死体积的变化呈现同步性。

    Express of ICAM - 1 has obviously correlation with leucocyte infiltration .

  8. 换句话说,用来调用Web服务的编程模型通常确定调用的同步性,而不是网络协议。

    In other words , the programming model that you use to invoke a Web service usually determines the synchrony of the call , and not the network protocol .

  9. 通过计算节点间分解出的ERP成分的同步性,展示了符合神经生理机制的事件相关脑网络连接。

    The event-related network which was consistent with the neural physiological mechanism was shown according to the synchronization analysis between nodes .

  10. 限于青少年期的外部问题行为(theadolescence-limitedexternalizingbehaviors)的出现主要是由生物性成熟与社会性成熟的失同步性引发的.采收成熟度;

    The gap between biological maturity and social maturity engenders the adolescence-limited externalizing problem behaviors .

  11. 耦合的Lorenz方程格点系统解的渐近同步性

    Asymptotic Synchronization in Lattices of Coupled Non-Identical Lorenz Equations

  12. 提出小社区节点播放进度同步性的问题及一种提高播放进度同步性的QoS优化方法。

    Proposed the issues of nodes ' playback progress synchronization which nodes locate in small communities , and proposed an QoS optimization method to improve playback progress synchronization .

  13. 速度向量成像技术评价正常QRS波群心力衰竭患者左心室收缩同步性的初步临床研究

    Assessment of left ventricular systolic synchrony in patients with chronic heart failure and normal QRS duration by velocity vector imaging

  14. 结论PSV时适当调节ETS能够改善COPD患者的人-机呼气同步性,降低呼吸功。

    Conclusion The proper adjustment of ETS during PSV improves patient-ventilator synchrony and decreases work of breathing in COPD patients .

  15. 目的运用多普勒超声技术,探讨高血压左心室局部心肌松弛不同步性对舒张早期血流传播速度(VP)的影响。

    Objective To investigate the effects of regional left ventricular relaxation asynchrony on early diastolic flow propagation velocity ( V_P ) in hypertension .

  16. 对与直播型IPTV密切相关的用户间互动性强的业务,节点播放的同步性即成为必须要解决的关键问题。

    For services close related with live IPTV applications , the playback synchronization of nodes that play a key problem that must be addressed .

  17. 直播型IPTVQoS指的是直播类IPTV业务的非功能属性,如频道启动时间、频道切换时间,不同节点之间播放进度的同步性等等。

    Live IPTV QoS is the non-functional attributes of live IPTV service , e.g. channel start-up time , channel change time , play-out progress synchronization of different terminals .

  18. 并且证明了在Neumann边界条件和周期边界条件下,当耦合系数充分大时,此格点系统的解具有渐近同步性。

    It is proved that asymptotic synchronization occurs when coupling strengths in this system under Neumann and periodic boundary conditions are sufficiently large .

  19. SyncRule含有同步性规则,它将外部性属性名映射到Jazz属性名。

    SyncRule holds a synchronization rule , which maps external property names to Jazz property names .

  20. 结论AMI恢复期PTCA术安全可靠,可明显改善左心整体、局部收缩功能及心室收缩同步性,具有广泛应用性;

    Conclusion PTCA / stenting performed during the recovery phase of AMI may improve global and regional systolic performance of left ventricule as well as systolic synchrony of ventricule .

  21. 之后,对GDP质量综合得分和数量扩张进行一致性分析,总体上可以看出,GDP质量随着GDP数量的增长而增长,部分年份里二者的同步性较差。

    Then , this chapter did a Consistency analysis for GDP Quality Score and Number Expansion . We can see that GDP Quality increase With GDP growth in the number totally and Poor synchronization between the two .

  22. 该方法基于快速傅里叶变换(FFT)算法,从频域分析数据采集系统的失真和噪声,以及多通道间的同步性。

    This method is based on Fast Fourier Transform ( FFT ) algorithm , analyses the distortion and noise of the data acquisition system in the frequency domain and the synchronization between the multiple channels .

  23. 通过假设论证,找到了城市承灾能力与经济发展水平不协调的原因是由于承灾能力形成的滞后性,并利用经典的Daniel趋势函数判断了两者之间的发展趋势同步性。

    After supposing argumentation , the reason of un-coordination between urban disaster carrying capability and development proved is the hysteresis of disaster carrying capability . And the developing trends are also judged by classic Daniel function .

  24. 然而,采用D-S证据组合公式计算融合结果,计算量过于巨大,对处理能力有限的感知结点来说负担过重,此外,计算所造成的延时也将严重影响系统的实时性和同步性。

    However , the huge computational complication of the D-S evidence combination formula which is beyond the processing ability of the sensor nodes impacts the real-time and synchronization requirements of sensor network .

  25. 由于相量测量装置(PMU)对相量测量同步性的要求,其采样频率应保持为常数,当系统频率变化时,相量的计算会出现误差。

    The sampling frequency of PMU is constant because of the synchronization of its phasor measuring . As system frequency changes , the error of measuring phasor is avoidless .

  26. 目的探讨超声定量组织多普勒速度成像技术(QTVI)评价正常人左、右心室间及左心室内各节段心肌同步性运动的价值。

    Objective To assess the inter - and intraventricular synchronicity in systole and diastole using quantitative tissue velocity imaging ( QTVI ) .

  27. 脉冲耦合神经网络(PCNN)具有全局耦合性和脉冲同步性,可以保留更多的图像细节信息。

    With Pulse coupled neural network ( PCNN ) which has global coupling and pulse synchronization , you can retain more image details .

  28. 本文对无人机双发助推的同步性进行了研究。研究对象是CK-1M遥控机。

    The synchronism of the CK-1M pilotless aircraft with boosters is studied in this paper .

  29. 首先分析了分布式系统时钟同步性的原理,然后介绍了一种基于UDP组播通信的分布式系统同步算法,并对该算法进行了实际测试,取得了较好的效果。

    Firstly , this paper analyzes the principle of clock synchronization in distributed system , introduces a synchronous algorithm based on UDP multicast communication in distributed system , and tests it practically , obtains good effect .

  30. NLN中添加适量活性炭对小孢子胚胎发育的同步性有很好的作用;

    Medium NLN added appropriate amount of active charcoal had a good effect on synchronous growth of microspores embryogenesis .