
  • 网络corresponding image points
  1. 提出了根据同名像点构成三角网(TIN)来进行同名直线的匹配。

    This paper presents an algorithm to find homonymous line from images based on Delaunay triangulation ( TIN ) .

  2. 基于同名像点位置偏差的特征点分类方法

    Feature-point classification based on position changes of correspondences

  3. 本文将数字摄影测量技术引入到云顶高度的计算和云雪区分中,其中的关键技术就是同名像点影像匹配技术。

    This paper brings digital photogrammetry into distinguishing cloud and snow , and the key technology is image matching between conjugate point .

  4. 立体影像自动量测是通过影像匹配方法在立体像对上自动识别同名像点并获得像点坐标。

    Automatic image measuring is to identify and to measure conjugate points in two or more overlapping photographs automatically . In digital photogrammetry , this process is done by image matching .

  5. 摄影测量是目前获取数字地面模型的最主要方法,它基于特征匹配原理,通过寻找立体像对上的同名像点以获取视差信息。

    Photogrammetry is the main method to generate the DTM , which is based on the principle of feature extraction and feature matching . It is aim to find the pairs of matched points and get the parallax information .

  6. 针对特征点三维坐标计算中同名像点所在射线不能交于一点的问题,建立以重投影误差最小为原则的优化模型,设计了该模型的迭代优化求解方法。

    According to problem that the ray with corresponding image point could not intersect at one point , the optimization model is established with the minimum re-projection error , and the iterative optimization method also be designed for this model .