
Jí bù tí
  • Djibouti;the Republic of Djibouti, located in the East Africa
  1. 最后的结果是这艘船不得不掉转方向,驶回吉布提。

    The end result was that the ship had to turn round , and go back to Djibouti

  2. 西起塞内加尔,东至吉布提,南临撒哈拉沙漠。

    It covers from Senegal in the west to Djibouti in the east , on the south of the Sahara Desert .

  3. Buccaneer和船员目前由海军军舰护卫,目前正在前往吉布提途中。

    The Buccaneer and its crew is now being ed by navy vessels and is on its way to Djibouti .

  4. 这场战火引发了人们对于也门和吉布提之间的曼德海峡(Babel-Mandebstrait)脆弱性的担忧,美国能源部认为这里是全球石油市场一个潜在的阻塞点。

    The fighting has raised concerns about the vulnerability of the Bab el-Mandeb strait between Yemen and Djibouti , which has been identified by the US Department of Energy as a potential chokepoint in the global oil market .

  5. 吉布提正在经历连续四年的降雨不足。

    Djibouti is suffering from four consecutive years of failed rainfall .

  6. 这三个成员分别是欧盟、泰国和吉布提。

    The three members are Euro union , Thailand and Djibouti .

  7. 吉布提国家体育场草坪的建植

    Establishment on Sport field Turf at National Stadium of Djibouti

  8. 世行正在吉布提和也门准备两个快速反应业务。

    The Bank is preparing two rapid response operations in Djibouti and Yemen .

  9. .“这次在吉布提的停泊计划将会持续到下个月早些时候。

    The stopover in Djibouti is scheduled to last until early next month .

  10. 排名第二的吉布提只有60.5分。

    Djibouti comes second with a score of 60.5 .

  11. 吉布提协议中要求部署的联合国维和部队还没有组成。

    N.peacekeeping force called for in the Djibouti accord has yet to be formed .

  12. 这也是这艘船七年间第二次到吉布提。

    This is also the ship 's second trip to Djibouti in seven years .

  13. 吉布提眼外伤致伤因素分析

    Analysis of Optical Wound Factors in Djibouti

  14. 非洲之角地区的干旱危机影响到埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、索马里中部和南部和吉布提。

    The drought crisis is affecting Ethiopia , Kenya , central and southern Somalia and Djibouti .

  15. 索马里、肯尼亚、吉布提和埃塞俄比亚的大部分地区面临一场危机。

    Large swaths of areas in Somalia , Kenya , Djibouti and Ethiopia face a crisis .

  16. 吉布提共和国是东非的一个小国,自然条件恶劣。

    Republique de Djibouti is a small nation located in eastern Africa with abominable natural conditions .

  17. 儿童基金会说,索马里和吉布提两个国家儿童营养不良的严重程度都高于世界卫生组织规定的紧急行动标准。

    It says acute rates of malnutrition in both Somalia and Djibouti are beyond the emergency threshold .

  18. 非洲大城市直接督导治疗的分散化管理:吉布提市的经验评价

    Decentralisation of directly observed treatment in a large African city : evaluation of the experience of Djibouti

  19. 约旦正致力于巩固其养老金制度,吉布提和摩洛哥也已实行了公务员养老金改革。

    Jordan is working on consolidating pensions , and Djibouti and Morocco have reformed their civil service pension .

  20. 伊加特所辖区域包括吉布提,厄立特里亚,埃塞俄比亚,索马里,苏丹和乌干达。

    The IGAD region covers Djibouti , Eritrea , Ethiopia , Kenya , Somalia , Sudan , and Uganda .

  21. 埃塞俄比亚人大规模外逃,主要逃往苏丹,也有一部分人逃到索马里和吉布提。

    This led to a mass exodus of Ethiopians mainly to Sudan , but also to Somalia and Djibouti .

  22. 非洲吉布提共和国独户住宅生活污水处理,多采用化粪池或隔油池→生物滤池→渗井工艺。

    Septic tank-biofilter-infiltration process is generally adopted to treat domestic sewage from detached houses in Republic of Djibouti , Africa .

  23. “巴克尼亚号”拖轮以及机组人员目前正在海军舰艇的护卫下向吉布提港行驶。

    The Buccaneer and its crew is now being escorted by navy vessels and is on its way to Djibouti .

  24. 科特迪瓦4场比赛获得10分。由于吉布提放弃参赛资格,科特迪瓦所在的小组仅有3支参赛队伍。

    Ivory Coast finished with ten points from four games , their group reduced to only three teams because Djibouti withdrew .

  25. 在非洲,只有少数国家包括博茨瓦纳、吉布提和斯威士兰拥有用现有方法消灭恶性疟原虫的条件。

    In Africa , only a few countries including Botswana , Djibouti and Swaziland are well placed to eliminate P.falciparum with existing methods .

  26. 在去年十一月,中国表示其将在吉布提设立军事基地,吉布提是非洲好望角极其重要的战略入口。

    In November last year , it announced it would establish anaval facility in Djibouti , the strategically vital entrepot on the Horn ofAfrica .

  27. 在索马里,营养不良及饥荒的威胁最为严重;而肯尼亚、埃塞俄比亚和吉布提同样面临严重的食物短缺现象。

    While malnutrition and the potential for famine are most serious in Somalia , Kenya , Ethiopia and Djibouti are also facing severe food shortages .

  28. 他说,除了吉布提之外,美国在非洲没有军事基地,而且只有人数有限的人员为在埃塞俄比亚的项目工作。

    S.military bases in Africa , except in Djibouti , and that a " limited number of personnel " are working on the Ethiopian program .

  29. 粮食计划署表示,吉布提港口严重堵塞,未来的五六个月之内都不可能有新的补给到达。

    The WFP says the port of Djibouti is seriously congested and there 's little prospect of fresh supplies arriving for the next five or six months .

  30. 这些联合国机构估计,在埃塞俄比亚、肯尼亚、乌干达、索马里和吉布提有1400万以上的人口将需要食品以及其它形式的援助。

    The agencies estimate that over 14 million people in Ethiopia , Kenya , Uganda , Somalia and Djibouti will require food and other forms of assistance .