
  • 网络GEELY;Geely Automobile;Geely Auto
  1. 他表示,俄罗斯是吉利汽车最大的出口市场,去年销量为3万辆左右。乌克兰次之,沙特阿拉伯排在第三。

    Russia Geely 's top export market , with around 30000 vehicle retail sales last year , he said . Ukraine follows , while Saudi Arabia rounds off the trio of the car maker 's most important markets .

  2. 据花旗研究(CitiResearch)近期的一份研究报告称,在俄罗斯和乌克兰的销量占吉利汽车总出口量的42%左右。

    Russia and Ukraine together account for around 42 % of Geely 's export volumes , according to a recent research note from Citi Research .

  3. 但是,这次合作——双方成立了吉利汽车欧洲研发中心(ChinaEuroVehicleTechnology,简称CEVT)——使沃尔沃可以生产更多发动机。

    But the collaboration - enshrined in China Euro Vehicle Technology , a sister company to Volvo and Geely Auto - gives Volvo greater volumes for its engines .

  4. 吉利汽车上周三表示,计划发售可转换债券和认购权证,但并没有透露GoldmanSachsCapitalPartners是投资方。

    Geely said Wednesday that it planned to issue convertible bonds and warrants without naming Goldman Sachs Capital Partners as the buyer .

  5. 经过多年的浮浮沉沉,沃尔沃被新东家中国吉利汽车(GeelyMotors)收购后,正在重新构建产品线。

    After years of drift , VolvCars is trying trebuild its product line under its Chinese owners Geely Motors .

  6. 据市场研究公司FactSetResearchSystems估算,2.5亿美元的投资额约占吉利汽车超过16亿美元市值的15%。

    An investment of $ 250 million represents around 15 % of the listed arm 's market capitalization of over $ 1.6 billion , according to FactSet Research Systems Inc. , a research firm .

  7. 举例来讲,正如吉利汽车控股有限公司有兴趣收购福特汽车(FordMotor)旗下的沃尔沃(Volvo)品牌所表明的,很多中国汽车厂商的领导都有着类似的全球雄心。

    For example , as Geely 's interest in Ford Motor 's Volvo unit shows , many of China 's auto makers are run by corporate chieftains with similar global ambitions .

  8. 中国汽车制造商吉利汽车控股有限公司(GeelyAutomobileHoldingsLtd.,简称:吉利汽车)表示,如果乌克兰的政治局势恶化,将考虑减少对乌克兰的待装汽车出口量。

    Chinese auto maker Geely Automobile Holdings GELYY - 2.92 % said it would consider reducing the number of cars it exports to Ukraine for assembly should the political situation there deteriorate .

  9. 不过,由于海外汽车制造商正在美国等其他市场进行类似改进,他们对引入新技术准备比较充分。这样一来,本土车企如长城汽车(GreatWall)、吉利汽车(Geely)反而有最多工作要做。

    Still , foreign makers are well positioned to inject new technology , since they 're making similar improvements in other markets like the U.S. That leaves locals such as Great Wall and Geely with the most work to do .

  10. 2006年,吉利汽车收购了伦敦黑色出租车制造商(目前名为伦敦出租车有限公司(LondonTaxiCo.))超过20%的股权,并成立了上海英伦帝华在中国制造这种出租车,以便降低成本。

    In 2006 , Geely took over a 20 % stake in the maker of London black cabs , which is now known as London Taxi Co , and set up Shanghai LTI to manufacture the cabs in China to pare costs .

  11. 总部位于杭州的吉利汽车(GeelyAuto)也是沃尔沃母公司旗下的公司。吉利汽车正在与沃尔沃共同研发各种车型——掀背车、轿车和小型SUV——的中级车。

    Geely Auto , the Hangzhou-based volume carmaker also owned by Volvo 's parent , is working with Volvo to create midsize cars in a variety of shapes - hatchbacks , sedans and small SUVs .

  12. 吉利汽车控股有限公司(GeelyAutomobileHoldingsLtd.,简称:吉利汽车)一位管理人士表示,预计公司周一将宣布GoldmanSachsCapitalPartners的投资计划。

    Geely Automobile Holdings Ltd. is expected to announce the investment by Goldman Sachs Capital Partners on Monday , a Geely executive said . The Hong Hong-listed Geely arm plans to use the money to fund its working capital as it expands .

  13. 吉利汽车还应重视文化差异方面其他因素。

    Geely should also value other factor such as cultural difference .

  14. 陈鹏说,吉利汽车正在与乌克兰的经销商密切接触。

    Mr. Chen said Geely is in close contact with its dealers in Ukraine .

  15. 他将乌克兰称为是吉利汽车的前三大出口市场之一。

    He described the country as a ' top three ' export market for Geely .

  16. 他补充说,这同时也是吉利汽车走向全球战略的一部分。

    He added that this was also part of Geely 's strategy of going global .

  17. 去年吉利汽车的全球销量为549518辆,较上年增长14%。

    Geely sold 549518 cars last year world-wide , up 14 % on the year-earlier period .

  18. 中国品牌吉利汽车也将俄罗斯市场作为其全球战略市场的重要组成部分。

    Another Chinese carmaker Geely also sees the Russian market as an integral part in its global strategy .

  19. 吉利汽车投资3.3亿美元在白俄罗斯建设工厂,已于去年竣工投产,工厂年产6万台汽车。

    Geely 's 300-million-dollar plant in Belarus was opened last year and could produce 60000 cars a year .

  20. 他表示,俄罗斯是吉利汽车最大的出口市场,去年销量为3万辆左右。

    Russia Geely 's top export market , with around 30,000 vehicle retail sales last year , he said .

  21. 本月早些时候,吉利汽车证实其母公司正携手一家未具名国有投资公司竞标收购沃尔沃。

    Geely Auto confirmed earlier this month that its parent was bidding for Volvo with an unnamed state-owned investment company .

  22. 如今,在中国百家大企业排行榜上,台州的钱江摩托、吉利汽车、苏泊尔电器、飞跃缝纫机赫赫有名。

    Now , the Taizhou-based Qianjiang Motor , Geely Automobile , Feiyue Sewing Machine are ranked amongst the top100 of China .

  23. 具体的持股规模将取决于吉利汽车能否达到某些目标以及高盛是否决定执行权证。

    The exact size of the stake will vary depending on whether the company hits certain targets and Goldman decides to exercise the warrants .

  24. 今年3月,福特以16亿美元将沃尔沃卖给中国吉利汽车,从此退出豪华汽车市场。

    In March , Ford completed its exit from the luxury car market by selling Volvo to China 's Geely Automobile for . 6 billion .

  25. 白手起家的汽车巨子李书福拥有吉利汽车控股权,而沃尔沃是他通过自己的个人控股公司持有的。

    Li Shufu , a self-made automotive tycoon , owns a controlling stake in Geely Auto and separately owns Volvo through his personal holding company .

  26. 外国汽车制造商在其发展初期就欲在中国扩大其销售量,但雄心勃勃的本土汽车品牌,如沃尔沃买主吉利汽车公司也想提升其品牌形象。

    Foreign automakers are pushing to expand sales in China while young but ambitious local brands such as Volvo buyer Geely want to raise their profile .

  27. 去年沃尔沃汽车被中国的吉利汽车收购时,瑞典人都在担扰这此的交易对瑞典的汽车行业将会造成什么样的影响。

    When Volvo Cars was acquired by Geely of China last year , there was nervousness about what the deal would mean for the Swedish car industry .

  28. 他表示,吉利汽车还寻求向巴西等其他市场拓展业务,今年早些时候该公司将吉利帝豪(Emgrand)EC7引入巴西。

    He said Geely is also looking to diversify into other markets such as Brazil , where the company introduced its sedan Emgrand EC7 earlier this year .

  29. 吉利汽车首席执行官桂生悦表示,沃尔沃应该能在今年第四季度实现盈亏平衡。

    GUI Shengyue , chief executive of the Hong Kong operation , said Volvo should be able to break even in the fourth quarter of this year .

  30. 他说,吉利汽车去年在乌克兰的汽车销量为1.5万辆左右,较上年增长32%。

    He said Geely sold more than 15000 cars in Ukraine on a retail basis last year , up 32 % from the same period a year earlier .