
  • 网络compliance cost
  1. 欧盟委员会(europeancommission)对新规定表示欢迎,它表示,这将“大幅降低”欧洲金融机构的合规成本和法律困难。

    The European Commission welcomed the new approach , which it said would " greatly reduce " compliance costs and legal difficulties for European financial institutions .

  2. 安永英国的银行和资本市场负责人奥马尔阿里(OmarAli)说:金融危机爆发以来,监管更加严厉,合规成本也随之上涨,直接后果就是必须应对传统提供商的成本基础。

    The costs of complying with tougher regulation have gone up since the crisis , and the direct consequence is that the cost bases of traditional providers have to be addressed , says Omar Ali , UK head of banking and capital markets at EY .

  3. 此外,人力成本和合规成本也构成了一项挑战。

    Moreover , staff and compliance costs are a challenge .

  4. 这类补贴机制通常极其复杂,甚至会扭曲商业决策过程,并提高税务合规成本。

    Many of theseallowances are fiendishly complicated ; they distort business decisions andraise the cost of tax compliance .

  5. 并且由投资者最终承担的因重复做账而形成的合规成本也会消失。

    And the compliance costs of duplicate accounting , the bulk of which investors ultimately bear , will disappear .

  6. 注册为券商后将出现很高的合规成本,由此带来的深度监管也会让私募基金公司很不自在。

    Complying with broker-dealer registration is costly , and opens up a depth of regulatory scrutiny to which private equity is unaccustomed .

  7. 简而言之,缺乏信任导致合规成本增加,因为更多的商业行为面临更多的立法和诉讼约束。

    In short , a lack of trust leads to higher compliance costs as more business behaviour is subject to increased legislation and litigation .

  8. 通过终结这样的条例,我们能为美国的企业和员工,在就业合规成本上节省数百万美元。

    By stopping this regulation , we are able to save American companies and workers millions and millions of dollars in job-killing compliance costs .

  9. 它们辩称,该法案将会给它们造成数十亿美元的合规成本,并使它们面临藐视国内数据保护法的风险。

    They argue that the legislation will cost them billions of dollars in compliance costs and expose them to the risk of flouting domestic laws on data protection .

  10. 一方面,循环经济最终要落实到各个企业;另一方面,环保法规加重生产企业合规成本。

    On one hand , circular economy should best be performed by enterprises ; on the other hand , various environmental laws and regulations add to the producers ' cost of compliance .

  11. 减少的合规性成本甚至可能会超过WebSphereMQAdvancedMessageSecurity许可成本,这将转化为非常快速(如果不是立即)的ROI。

    The reduced cost of compliance might even more than offset the cost of a WebSphere MQ Advanced Message Security license , which translates to very fast ( if not instant ) ROI .